folder 28: Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, Medical Journal; 1858–1863




13 Nov 16th Tuesday; Cold & raw; cloudy & drizzly Buried our infant, Josie who died at New Port on the 14th Nov 17th Wednesday Bright, clear, bracingly cold Nov 18th Thursday Cloudy & cold Saturday Nov 20 Called to see Sam Gee; Dr Jno & Ch. A. Gee his brothers attending Has had chills last Sunday, Tuesday on Wednesday fever returned & has continued since Exposed himself carelessly prior to that time Has been sleepless Has been well physicked cathartics quinine, calomel &c In a state tonight, apparently, of excessive quininism (Tongue been utterly dry all day & red) Will not speak nor do anything asked spits everything put in mouth pulse 112 wiry sharp edge to it Tongue parched Large Blister [?????] over Epigasttrium This state passed gradually off in 5 or 6 hours Put him on Calomel 2 or 3 grs every 3 or 4 hours; with or without 1 or 2 grs Pulv Doveri; blister to mucha & over liver

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

14 Poor Gee got worse, & died under all our care on the 24th at 4 oclock P.M. much subsultus Dijections & urine passed in bed; [for??r] fluid & gelatinous mucus dark green Tongue constantly dry utterly so pulse up to 132 & more Mind wan dering coherent when addressed Tuesday Nov 23 William Campbell; just returned from trip to Iowa, been exposed to raw, wet, sleety weather there; has slept in a close room too, with head near a hot, coal stove, till it affected him seriously Hasn't felt right for 3 weeks Stomach was long time sour & digestion bad; has had diarroea for 6 or 8 days or so; Kept it in check with laudanum &c till he got home actions pale & clay colored pasty, in odorous filled with small bubbles, size of a [????] shot No pain anywhere considerable fever yesterday Pulse slow, full hard Re Pil Hydrarg 6 grs; Calomel 24 grs, Pulv opium 3 grs, P. Ipecac 3 grs; p. arom q. s. make 12 pills one every 3 hours and a teaspoonful

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

15 of Parrish's camphor mixt occasionally Wednesday Nov 24 Mr Campbell took all the pills but two 20 grs calomel in all Slight symptoms of ptyalism stools unchanged tongue somewhat cleaner & moister Gave him 2 grs co. extr. colocynth every 3 hours & 10 grs Dover's powder at bed time with hot pediluvium Vomited an hour after Dov powder; freely green acid matter; had a large & somewhat looser stool of precisely same character Gave him Re soda supercarb; Potass sulph aa grv; morph. sulph gr 1/6 & placed blister of Brown's cantharidine about 5 x 8 inches over right hypochondrium Thursday Nov 25 Campbell rested well; feels better; gave him quinine pills, with little capsicum, in forenoon also Re Soda super carb.; Potass. sulph. aa )ii Pulv Doveri Hydr. c. creta aa )ss Strychnine gr 1/4; P. around q.s. make 12 doses one every 3 hours Clear, bright day

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

16 Saturday Nov 27 Campbell doing very well today tongue cleaned off 1 stool consistent last night but still clay colored; A large one today with bile in it consistent & stinking rich bile in it good quinine & capsic yesterday & today; the powders (on foot of last page) yesterday evening allowed him to begin use of Hufeland's German Bitters today seems to have reg Bitters & alkali in it Mrs Sams confined today male child easy labor Sunday Nov 28 Campbell had a little fever in the night; ate little chicken yesterday seems doing pretty well however no diarrhoea Stop the Bitters; put him on the nitro muriat acid (gttvi to x} ter die quin. & capsic. pills freely this forenoon The little negro boy Tom, so long sick with symptoms of inflamm. & effus. in medulla oblong. died this morning; has been dying by inches most remarkably slowly no pulse at all for several days past

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

17 nitro muriatic acid did finely with Campbell got to gttxv ter die convalesced Thursday Dec 2 Visited Jesse Gregory in company with Dr Gee For 2 years has had dropsy upper extremities & chest [thin] ascites large anasarca of legs; eruption on legs; very painful at night Gee has been treating him for two years hydragogue cathartics diuretics chalybeats &c I recommended, with the diuretc treatment, the use of iodine with the iron as follows Re Cremor tartar [Ziii]; Sulphate Potass. [Ziss]; pulv Squibbs [Ziv]; antim et potass. tart. gr iv a teaspoonful 4 or 5 times daily also Re Potass. Iodid. [Zii]; Ferri. iodid [Zi]; Iodine gr vi; Extr Cicuta [Zi]; P. Gentian q.s. ft pil 60; one 3 times daily; immed. after each [????l] [Touch] liqs with 5 gr sol. nitr. silver &c &c Miscarriage Mrs I. C. Jeffreys; 4 mos gone; has miscarried frequently; [misc] & born at full term 12 times prior to this aet 40 years Has had flying pains since Monday Was taken suddenly after supper; I found her on the floor; foetus out, hanging by the

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445
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