



Status: Complete

Nov 27 Campbell doing very well today
tongue cleaned off 1 stool consistent
last night but still clay colored; A large
one today with bile in it consistent &
stinking rich bile in it good
quinine & capsic yesterday & today; the
powders (on foot of last page) yesterday evening
allowed him to begin use of Hufeland's
German Bitters today seems to have reg Bitters
& alkali in it
Mrs Sams confined today male child
easy labor
Nov 28 Campbell had a little fever
in the night; ate little chicken
yesterday seems doing pretty well however
no diarrhoea
Stop the Bitters; put him on the
nitro muriat acid (gttvi to x} ter die
quin. & capsic. pills freely this forenoon
The little negro boy Tom, so long sick
with symptoms of inflamm. & effus. in medulla
oblong. died this morning; has been dying
by inches most remarkably slowly no pulse at
all for several days past

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