folder 28: Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, Medical Journal; 1858–1863




3 Elixir Opium used pretty freely; and enemata of same at times Bladder much paralyzed great difficulty in getting flow of urine started Fever & coated tongue at first; but fever left & tongue improved after the medicine acted Free bilious stools Opened the abscess on Oct 29 It discharged abundantly clear, healthy pus; ran all night disch blood for some 48 hours after & then healed right up Opening on right side of raphe 3/4th inch from it midway bet. anus & scrotum Shd suppose from [ZIV] to [ZV] of pus disch in all.

Wednesday Nov 3 Bright clear glorious cool in morning Thermom 64 o at noon Mr Wilson doing well Gums were slightly touched as he has been for many months past laboring under symptoms of hepatic derangement portal sluggishness & haemorrhoidal [piliuss] (had a threatened attack of perineal abscess last Aug averted by course of treatment above related) I put him on an alterative & time course to be followed for some time as follows

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

4 Re Pulv Rhei Quinine Soap [aa] 24 grs Pil Hydrarg 4 grs make 24 pills one ter die Bowels regulated with Seidlitz after taking the above, put him on the internal use of nitro muriatic acid Visit Fanny Towers this evening; fever with Sore throat been sick two days Delicate age of puberty; has been always dreadfully af fected with vomiting after taking calomel; & quin. also Gave her 2 doses; (2 hours apart) of p. rhii Sulph potass. & hydrarg c. creta; with Boneset tea Got a loon from Gee's boy to dissect Thursday Nov 4th Cold this morning & bright Thermom 53 o in office before breakfast clouded early in forenoon preparing for rain drizzling now (11 P.M.) Th 61 o with fire in office Dissected at Loon today Fannie Towers better had fever all night Gave her a dose of Seidlitz in forenoon in 1/2 doses 2 hours apart; & Boneset with Spts nitre bet. doses Quinine 10 grs in 2 doses in evening

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

5 Friday Nov 5 Cold & cloudy in morning Th 53 o cleared off in forenoon Th 63 o now 10 1/2 o'clock P.M. Extr left upper wisdom tooth for Arch. Smith before breakfast entirely decayed on outside; had to make several [sets] at it; got it at last with turnkey he showed indomitable pluck, & determination to have it out Called to see Mr Gass horse drover at Lewis Gregory's 5 miles; fever; tongue coated with dry streak down its centre, bad breath has taken c. c. pills & oil, wh have operated; head considerably excited Man of strong frame & hearty look, but is sidkly Had a winter of typhoid fever in Iowa some 10 years ago Lives in E. Tennessee now Re Hydrarg chl nit griii Potass sulph grxv Pulv Ipecac Comp grii Pulv Ipecac gri Take every 2 hours till 3 Doses are taken drink Boneset tea each time; & take [Zi] of Splts nitri [????], in Boneset, betn each powder Quinine as soon as apyrexia occurs; grxx in pil vi div; 2 every 2 hours Put up the Loon's Skeleton tonight

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

6 Saturday Nov 6 Clear & cold this morning Th. about 50 o I reckon; didnt look; 60 o now, with good fire in office (10 P.M.) Mr Gass doing well this morning no fever tongue moist & good; took 20 grs quinine this forenoon Continue Boneset, & take some quin. tomorrow morn Case of ulcer on left cornea Negro Betty be long to Hargrove cupped temple; used sol. nitr. argent. grx to [Zi] with camel hair pencil Blister behind ear; light [dict] salts every morning & shade over eye Suffers much pain in eye; but little redness Bled negro Sophy of Mrs Edwards; she has been much relieved of chronic rheumatism in glenoid cavity by [mist.] of Guaiac. nitre opii & ipecac. Andrew son of Buchanan shoe maker aet. 6 an dysenteric irritation about bowels small, bloody, mucous stools; frequent with straining no tenderness nor fever tongue very clean has had worms lately Belly full Re quinine grv; rhei grix; hydr c. creta [Zi]; pulv aromat [(???)] make 18 doses Take one 3 times daily with Pink root tea

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

7 chronic, very obstinate case of bad tetter on hands of negro Maria, belong. to Mr J. N. Wilson Put up following Re Hydrarg oxid. [rubr] [Zi] Venice turpentine [Zss] Fresh Butter [Ziii] M. well & all paulatina [Zii][Zii] of cold water, beating in well To be rubbed on well morn. & night Nov 7th Sunday Obstet call at midnight, last night at Gen DuPont's plantation 2 1/2 miles from town Negress Lottie; has had many children Taken suddenly in labor last night; had been up all day with one of her own daughters who was confined Wasnt looking for her own con finement till Christmas Found left leg of child hanging from vulva; free of child to the front; right leg lying to the right iliac fossa of mother, brot down with difficulty arms run up above the head; brot down one after the other with difficulty; got the face round to the right sacro iliac symphisis, & with some considerable tardiness on part of nature, delivered her Fine, very large female child; asphyxiated Placenta came with it I inflated its lungs, but

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445
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