Nov 6 Clear & cold this morning Th. about
50 o I reckon; didnt look; 60 o now,
with good fire in office (10 P.M.)
Mr Gass doing well this morning no
fever tongue moist & good; took 20 grs
quinine this forenoon Continue Boneset, &
take some quin. tomorrow morn
Case of ulcer on left cornea Negro Betty be
long to Hargrove cupped temple; used
sol. nitr. argent. grx to [Zi] with camel hair
pencil Blister behind ear; light [dict]
salts every morning & shade over eye
Suffers much pain in eye; but little redness
Bled negro Sophy of Mrs Edwards; she has
been much relieved of chronic rheumatism in
glenoid cavity by [mist.] of Guaiac. nitre opii
& ipecac.
Andrew son of Buchanan shoe maker
aet. 6 an dysenteric irritation about bowels
small, bloody, mucous stools; frequent with straining
no tenderness nor fever tongue very clean
has had worms lately Belly full
Re quinine grv; rhei grix; hydr c. creta
[Zi]; pulv aromat [(???)] make 18 doses
Take one 3 times daily with Pink root tea
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