chronic, very obstinate case of bad tetter on
hands of negro Maria, belong. to Mr J. N. Wilson
Put up following Re Hydrarg oxid. [rubr] [Zi]
Venice turpentine [Zss]
Fresh Butter [Ziii]
M. well & all paulatina [Zii][Zii] of cold water,
beating in well To be rubbed on well morn. & night
Nov 7th Sunday
Obstet call at midnight, last
night at Gen DuPont's plantation 2 1/2 miles
from town Negress Lottie; has had many
children Taken suddenly in labor last night; had
been up all day with one of her own daughters
who was confined Wasnt looking for her own con
finement till Christmas
Found left leg of child hanging from vulva; free
of child to the front; right leg lying to the right
iliac fossa of mother, brot down with difficulty
arms run up above the head; brot down one after
the other with difficulty; got the face round
to the right sacro iliac symphisis, & with some
considerable tardiness on part of nature, delivered
her Fine, very large female child; asphyxiated
Placenta came with it I inflated its lungs, but
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