18 slender cord Flooding abundantly; had been for an hour or more; had fainted pulse exceeding faint most gone; cold yawning restless os uteri very patulous By pushing down uterus thro' abdominal parietes with one hand, I cd pass the index of the other to fundus uteri, I hook the placenta pull at it with index & thumb; it was finely adherent I removed a good deal of it left some; introduced tampon; used cold applications over hypogastrium & vulva, & gave infus ergot Arrested the flow thus, & she revived
19 I have neglected my Diary Variations of weather have been unnoted; and many intersting cases of disease have passed under my observation, without the notes which would have been valuable to recur to hereafter There has been much rainy weather during most of December; & mos of January no extreme cold until about the 20th of Jan; Weather cleared off with a hard freeze Sunday, Jan 23 was an excessively cold day clear & bright; rather breezy Ther 32 o all day in my office so for about 3 days I have on hand now Jan 29th Saturday Five cases of continued fever which Johnny Burghard aet 7 or 8; fever for two weeks; great emaciation & prostration obstruction of Bowels died Rebecca Wilson aet 10 sick some time great weakness pulse 120 + gave veratrum with good effect; recovered
20 Wednesday Feb 2 Called at night to see negro Frank; bright mulatto, belonging to Miss Cash; well grown was complaining last night but ploughed all day yesterday; woke up late in the night with excruciating pain in right side could not fetch a long breath vomited a good deal soon became insensible found him so Pulse 108 to 112; surfaces moist insensible; sometimes when roused with great difficulty, makes answer to the point Breathing irregular Brochial respiration very distinct over the posterior part of the lower half of right lung I put on 8 cups over said place; drew 8 or 10 ounces of blood thus; followed with a large Blister Presc 2 grs calomel every 2 hours with wineglassful of Boneset tea, & [Zi] of an equal mixt. comp. syr scill. & Spts. nitri dulc Began this at 11 1/2 P.M. at 1 1/2 a.m. I was awakened by the tiding that he would take nothing else; they cd not make him swallow anything no arousing him at all I opened a vein in the
21 right arm, & drew 18 or 20 ounces; a profuse sweat followed this relaxation shaved temples & occiput cupped freely on right temple & mucha Large Blister to mucha Feb 3 Thursday Frank still perfectly insensible would swallow liquids when poured in the mouth applied Blister to each temple, & a large one to the calf of each leg cropped the top of head & rubbed in croton oil Give Norwood's tinct Veratrum every 3 hours, beginning with 5 drops pulse 112 afternoon 5 P.M. Frank somewhat more rational can be roused some Has got to 7 drops Veratrum pulse 76 Blisters well drawn give 1gr calomel with every other dose veratrum; repiratory murmur returning in rt lung Expectoration easy Friday Feb 4th Frank mush better this morning perfectly rational; & quite talkative pulse only 60; respiration easy & tongue very fine papillae large breathing easy expectoration free
22 gave calomel 1 gr every 6 hours [??] Continue Veratrum Saturday Feb 5th Gave Frank the oleaginous emulsion to open his Bowels Decoct. Cohosh wineglassful every 6 hours Veratrum every 3 Pulse 56 to 60 Diminish Veratr a drop or two Blisters very troublesome
Monday Feb 7th Pulse 88 this morning (the Veratr. had been dropped to 4 gtt) tongue cleaning fine Appetite good Stools bilious Blisters very annoying Increase the Veratr. as before Decoct Cohosh & [Sauka] Feb 9th Drop veratrum use tonic pill ter die Saturday Feb 12th Heard from Frank today convalescing seems improving every way; but is bloated all over Presc tinct iron ter die