I have neglected my Diary Variations
of weather have been unnoted; and many
intersting cases of disease have passed under
my observation, without the notes which would
have been valuable to recur to hereafter
There has been much rainy weather
during most of December; & mos of
January no extreme cold until about
the 20th of Jan; Weather cleared off with
a hard freeze Sunday, Jan 23 was an
excessively cold day clear & bright; rather
breezy Ther 32 o all day in my office
so for about 3 days
I have on hand now
Jan 29th Saturday
Five cases of continued
fever which
Johnny Burghard aet 7 or 8; fever
for two weeks; great emaciation & prostration
obstruction of Bowels died
Rebecca Wilson aet 10 sick
some time great weakness pulse 120 +
gave veratrum with good effect; recovered
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