106 Scirrhus Jan 8 1862 Lewis B. Gregory sent me a negro woman Hannah Aet about 40 I suppose a scirrhus tumor under right arm larger than a hen's egg; Been coming 5 or 6 months [Boils] first came Very hard & unyielding no pain in handling a deep fissure across the tumor, direction from before back exuding thin purulent stuff The mammary gland on that side enlarged & very hard; a point on the upper portion with thin cutis over it needed opening I introduced lancet, & it ran plentifully of pus, apparently of a laudable character Gave her strong Lugol's sol to take 10 tp 20 gtt ter die; & ungt Iod comp. to rub about the parts
107 Occlusion of Vagina Jan 12 1862 Mrs Jos. F. Jeter; mother of 3 children youngest aet about 2 years had a very hard labor then, Ignorant midwife hard time afterwards I have treated her for menorrhagia from time to time for a year past very obstinate violent attacks Just getting over a severe one went out today for purpose of making vag. exam. Found the vagina occluded slmost entirely Walled up about 3 inches in The finger entered about that far, & cd find no uterus; a smooth surface [reaching] from the meatus urinarius to the fourchette feeling laterally found a cul-de-sac of some depth to the right, & am not so deep apparently on the left With the Sound (Simpson's) I endeavored to find some opening up on the right, but after faithful trying failed On the left, after great care, I passed the Sound in, & it went up for several inches The opening apparently, [just] admitting it Put her on use of Pil Iodid Ferri U. S.
108 Cancer of the Penis John McRae aged 45 or 50; father of nine children presented himself to me on Aug 12th 1863 with a disease of the head of the penis In fine health Sanguino nervous temperament Has been suffering with something wrong about the parts for 10 or 12 years has not retracted the prepuce in that time; 7 years ago hurt the penis by a fall astraddle of a beam from a gin house Prepuce firm & unretractable Can only urinate by pulling it to one side so as to secure apposition between the meatus & the opening in prepuce; There is a tumor under the prepuce on the left side can see the edge of it Put him on use of Iodid. Potass & Sarsaparilla On Sept 2 performed operation of circumcision Gave chloroform; he had extracted a promise that the glans shd not be cut off Found an extensive scirrhous growth part on prepuce larger part on left side of glans involving about half the part
109 On Sept 30th, the cancer having grown considerably I amputated the penis 1/2 inch back of the corona
Consumption by prussic acid & opium & quinine p 64
Prussic acid modus operandi of p 66
Consumption by arsenic & silver Subcarbonate of potass Stramonium & Belladonna p 67
Joint disease by Calomel, Quinine & Rhubarb p 73 73