folder 28: Medical and Agricultural Records of Charles A. Hentz, Medical Journal; 1858–1863




38 Oct 9th Negro Delphy belonging to Rev S.P .Richardson I saw her ten days ago She had had headache for a month or six weeks every thing looked red & misty pulse full & bounding face bloated stomach bloated extremities puffed She also had a bad rising on one of her fingers; whole hand swelled I bled her & put her on 5 grs Iodid potash 3 times a day & a pil of blue mass & aloes at night Her menses stopped for months aet about 16

Now on Oct 9th she is very sick pulse 104 Bowels been running off dreadfully bloody passaages The Iod Potass &c acted well her headache relieved directly swelling subsided most offensive dark passages ran off & left her in this fix I shd have seen her some days ago, but was at New Port to see Dr Mc[Bu??]

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

39 a Blister already drawn on abdomen Put her on Re Hydr chl. [mist] grvi Pil Hydr (pulv) grx P. Ipecac co 3ss Exttr Hyascyam grvi P. Cretae Comp 3i Make 12 doses one every 4 hours; If salivation occurs, give the same without the mercury a teaspoonful of nitre in a small wineglassful infus Boneset & Serpentaria, alternately with the above

Oct 10 More fever bowels quiet Re P. Digitalis gr vi Potass sulph gr xxxvi P. Ipecac gr vi Hydrarg c. creta 3ii Make 12 doses one every 4 hours If salivation occurs, substitute the following Re Digitalis (p.) gr vi Potass. sulph gr xxxvi P. Ipecac gr vi P. Rhei gr vi Boneset tea & nitre alternately had to use the catheter to empty the Bladder Urine clear [straw colored] 1 quart

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

40 Oct 11 Pulse 134 Soft full & com pressuble jerky Jerky of muscles except when at rest Breathing tremulous drowsy Bowels been moved bilious actions too free Elix opium had been used to check it Re Hydr. chl. [mi?t] gr vi P Hydrarg. (pulv.) gr xii Pulv. cretae co. 3i P. Ipecac gr vi one every 3 hours and 3i Spts nitre, in Boneset; as often If ptyalized use the [nitre] & Boneset alone, dropping the powders Shaved occiput & applied a Blister to musha Had to use catheter again

Found Stomach tympanitic stupor & lethargy increased used turpentine in emulsion freely but to no use She died on the night of the 14th

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

41 Malignant Disease of lower end of tibia & fibula

Negro Sam belonging to Wm D. Edgerton Went first to see him on May 29th Right leg enor mously enlarged about the ancle lower 2/3rds of limb constituting a large tumor some 8 or 10 inches in diameter Soft, elastic an obscure feeling of fluctuation every where no pointing tho' there were 2 or 3 more elevated parts where it seemed probable pointing was intended I thrust a lancet deeply into one of these places anterior & outer aspect of tibia; near the ancle a bloody scrum spouted out freely; & about 8 ounces of thin blood ran out in a rill, which gradually stopped Pulse about 120 or 30 constant pain in the limb; patient keeping it stuck up as high as possible Considerable emaciation tongue lightly

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445

42 furred functions of body pretty much undisturbed beyond this I put him on the use of Iodide of Potass 5 grs [+]3 times a day Blue pill at night occasionally & a dose of Elixir of Opium every night I used for a while opodeldoc & Tr Iodine to the limb; but stopped that Let him use cold water to it as much as possible Had him brot up to Mr A. Love's near town Where I cd attend to him well Found out on manipulating more, that the tibia was enlarged, & apparently having combed at the upper part of the tumor, where it cd be felt His constitutional condition improved materially under the above treatment; but the leg grew no better Steadily increased in size I put the lancet in several times, always with the same result as above

Last edit over 4 years ago by 29445
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 115 in total