Nov 5 Cold & cloudy in morning Th 53 o
cleared off in forenoon Th 63 o now 10 1/2 o'clock P.M.
Extr left upper wisdom tooth for Arch. Smith before
breakfast entirely decayed on outside; had to
make several [sets] at it; got it at last with turnkey
he showed indomitable pluck, & determination to
have it out
Called to see Mr Gass horse drover at
Lewis Gregory's 5 miles; fever; tongue coated
with dry streak down its centre, bad breath
has taken c. c. pills & oil, wh have operated; head
considerably excited
Man of strong frame & hearty look, but is sidkly
Had a winter of typhoid fever in Iowa some 10 years
ago Lives in E. Tennessee now
Re Hydrarg chl nit griii
Potass sulph grxv
Pulv Ipecac Comp grii
Pulv Ipecac gri
Take every 2 hours till 3 Doses are taken
drink Boneset tea each time; & take [Zi] of
Splts nitri [????], in Boneset, betn each powder
Quinine as soon as apyrexia occurs; grxx
in pil vi div; 2 every 2 hours
Put up the Loon's Skeleton tonight
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