p. 36
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
College of St. Antonio
For the paintings here see printed Book of paintings at [[Bologna]] for the subjects more particularly -
These are 4 larger & elegant Pieces viz. St. Anthony ye [the] Eremite by [[Ludovic Carrachi]]
Medonna & Ch'd [Child] - with Angels & Sts [Saints] - particularly St. Cecilia } by [[Francino Brizio]] a disciple of Carrach [[Carrachi]]
a fine Pieta or Sepulch'l [Sepulchural] Piece } Terren [[Giuseppe Maria Terreni?]]
Melchisidec & Abraham } by [[Leonello Spada]] Disciple of [[Carrachi ]] School & much in ye [the] Stile of Aug. Carrachi [[Agostino Carracci]] -
p. 37
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
[[Palace of Ranutia]] -
a grand Palace by [[Palladio]] - has a fine stair case, well worth Notice
In a grand Hall above Stairs are two large Pieces in Fresco - viz
Coronation of [[Charles ye [the] 5 of Bologna]] - } by [[Gamberino]]
[[Frederic ye [the] 4 King of Dane- mark]] [[Denmark]], who was 2ce [twice] a guest in this House } by Do. [Ditto]
The cieling odly lighted up with Chandel`rs [Chandeliers] representing the Sun & Constellations -
next Rooms
The Death of Agrippina his Moth'r [Mother] by order of Nero } by [[Leonello Spada]]
Mater dolorosa - [[Albani]]
St. Agate a fine Portrait Rapha said to be by [[Raphael]]
St. Francis & ye [the] Angel playing on a Violin } [[Guerchino]]
p. 38
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
A fine gallery - with beautiful painted Cieling in fresco by Victorio [[Vittorio Bigari]] - who is yet alive.
The finding of Moses - the author of this Piece lived in the time of Raph'l [[Raphael]] & was esteemed one of the first Painters in the world til Raph'l [[Raphael]] came to [[Bologna]] & painted his St. Cecilia - wh'ch [which] this author seeing is said to have dy'd [died] of Envy -
These Heads of Pharoah's Daughter & Maids all in turbans are most lovely heads like that of Rebecca's Maid in the [[Palace of Bolognetta]] at [[Rome]] The Auth'rs [Author's] name [[Francesco Francia]]
Pan playing on his pipes - } by [[Spagnioletta]] of [[Naples]]
2 Portraits - by [[Titian]]
Venus & Adonis - by a Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]]
Woman of Samaria - by [[Tintoret]]
St. Francis - good by [[Flamino Tori]] Schol'r [Scholar] of Guido - }
p. 39
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
a Roman charity - by [[Papinelli]]. a fine Hall with Tapistry from ye [the] Goblins at [[Paris]] -
Next to this is - A grand room - with an exquisite Cieling in Fresco by [[Francesceno]] containing in ye [the] Middle a beautifull fortune - in the appearance of a Venus led on by a blind Cupid, - wh'ch [which] opportunity with hairy foretop, like a Venus, leads on in Chains This is a most beautifull Figure of a woman [naked?] by D- [Ditto]
The Walls are covered with [[brussells]] Tapistery - with beautif'll [beautiful] Designs wh'ch [which] were drawn by - by [[Reubens]] -
The good Samiratan - by [[Spagniolet]]
Story of Renaldo leaving Armida led away by fortune who faints away - taken from [[Tasso]] - } by [[Grassian]]
NB (A most curious cabinet of drawers with 6 pieces of mirror so placed in panels partly facing one another as to multiply the Image of the Specta -tor abt [about] 20 times -
St. Jerome by [[Guido]] - dead painting not finished -
p. 40
Wednesday July 17 PM Bolognia [[Bologna]] Palace of Zambaccari [[Palace of Zambeccari]]
John ye [the] Baptists Head delivered to Herodia } Leonello Spada
Lot & his two Daught'rs [Daughters] - by [[Guerchino]]
Peter denying Christ - a good piece much in the taste of Ludov'c [[Ludovic Carrachi]] } by Alex'r [[Alexandar Terreni]]
Angel ? in Salutation of a Virgin Mary - 2 extreme fine Heads } [[Giovan Giuseppe del Sole]]
The Queen of Sheba with many female attendent large as life - very good } by a Lady - [[Lavinia Fontana]]
Supper of Cana in Gallile, very good } Venet'n School
Judith taking off ye [the] Head of Holofernes - a remarkable droll yet fine - } Mich'l [[Michael Angelo de Carravachi]]
a St. Sebastian by [[Titian]]