Journal of Dr. John Morgan of the city of Philadelphia, from the city of Rome to the city of London, 1764.


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 1637
  • Record of a trip with fellow Philadelphian Samuel Powel, from Rome northward through Bologna, Padua, Venice, Milan, and Turin, over the Alps to Geneva, and through Lyons and Paris to Calais, by boat to Dover, and from there to London. The entries include many details on landscape, architecture, art, and inscriptions. Morgan also describes meetings with prominent individuals such as Giambattista Morgagni, professor of anatomy at the Università di Padova, and the philosopher Voltaire. On leaves at the end of the volume (f. 138v-140r) are lists of books, natural and artificial curiosities, plates (prints) and drawings, and paintings shipped home to Philadelphia by Morgan. The books include works of Morgagni published in Venice, "novels" of Boccaccio in Italian published in Amsterdam, Voltaire's Tancrède published in Geneva, and Benjamin Franklin on electricity in 3 parts published in London. There are additional notes by Morgan about expenses at the beginning (under the flap, inside upper cover) and miscellaneous notes at the end (f. 141v; inside lower cover).


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    Macerata & Loretto

    arrived about 9 OClock in the evening at [[Macerata]], a pretty little town situated 150 Miles from [[Rome]] on a pleasant rising ground or hill with a pretty Country about it_ Here for the first time since we left [[Rome]], we met with a tolerable Inn and accomodations & no bad attendance_ a thing not very common in the Inns of [[Italy]].

    Tuesday July 10th_ Sat out at three OClock this Morning travelled thro' [through] a fine Country well cultivated & diversified with Hill & Dale_ the Road pretty good we saw on either hand several pleasant Towns, situated for the most part on the Brows of Hills_ abt. [about] 11 OClock passed thro [through] [[Racanati]], w/ch [which] extends some length on the ridge of a Mountain or Hill, from w/ch [which] you have a delightfull View of the Sea at some Miles distance of [from] [[Loretto]], & a fertile Country on the Sea Shore, distant 167 Miles from [[Rome]]_ We proceeded then to [[Loretto]] 172 Miles from [[Rome]], where we went to view the following Curiosities_

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    The Casa Sancta or Holy home in w'ch [which] the Virgin Mary is said to have been born; in w'ch [which] too she was saluted by the angel; & in w'ch [which] it is also said she brought up our Saviour till 12 years of age -

    It is a brick House consisting only of one Room, w'ch [which] is now converted into a Chappel the richest in the World - It is of brick, but cased in with Marble w'ch [which] is ornamented with most magnificant Sculp're [Sculpture] Statues & Pillars of the Corinthian Order - on the upper story are at the Corners of each five Statues of Sibyls & below of the ancient Prophets - The comparments are bas Relievo containing the History of the blessed virgins Life - & an inscription w'ch [which] gives the history of the Travels of this House from the holy land, & of the fixing its residence here -

    The The Altar at the east End contains an Image of the blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus in her arms said to be the work of St. Luke - if so, he was but a clumsy artist, but nothing can surpass the riches of the dress - besides a tripple Crown of immense Value

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    Value of the most splendid large & rich Jewels placed over the Head of the Medonna, the a Present from Louis ye [the] 13 of [[France]] there is another very rich one over the head of our Saviour - But the garments of the Medonna are enriched from the Shoulder to the foot with Jewels of prodig'l [prodigal] size rarity & richness set in girdles, & cross ses - in a very resplendent manner - The Nich in which it is placed is of gold studied with precious stones, ^ so as to form rainbows - of w'ch [which] there are some offerings of an incredible Value placed before the image of the Vir Medonna one at present there is a flaming Heart of Diamond & precious Stones presented by [[Maria Clementina]] late wife of the Chevalier [[James Stewart]] - Pretender to the Crown of [[England]] - Lamps are continually burning here, w'ch [which] occasions an immed an exceeding glare of light to be reflected from the precious stones - Between this & the rails are 12 lamps of Massy gold & many small Statues & lamps of silver throughout the Chappel - The

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    The Altar is of Massy Silver_ & the Table & Stool, w/ch [which] belong'd to the blessed Virgin is covered with Silver, as well as the window opposite to the Altar at the west end thro' [through] w/ch [which] the Angel is said to have come to salute the Virgin_

    [[Nugent]] says The Roof has been taken off [&] but there is now a sort of small Dome over the Middle of the Chappel, [illegible?] or holy House, [illegible?]

    [On one] There are two Doors [mad?] to enter the Chappel & one to enter the altar from without_ The two first are near [at] the bottom or west End_ at y/e [the] sides, so as to answer each other; originally there was but one_ The other has been since made for the greater Conveniency of passing in & out_

    On the left hand of the Image of the blessed Virgin is a Bason within a grate_ into this the Roseaaries Beads & other Relicts of Pilgrims are put to be blessed w/ch [which] requires no other Ceremony than for a Priest to put them in & take out again & below is a Box for containing the Gifts of y/e [the] religious & charitable, not a small one_ Over this holy House w/ch [which] is not very large, perhaps between 30 & 40 feet long & abt [about] half as wide, from outside to outside [a?]

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    a very magnificent Church is built_ in form of a latin Cross, so that the holy House stands under the Dome_

    The Paintings of this Church are not remarkable, tho' [though] there is a piece of the [assumption] Salutation of the Virgin by Barrachi_ there is also a fine bronze Baptistery by Bernini_ The Doors of the Church are brass with Scripture History, the face of our Savr. [Saviour] bearing the Cross is almost effaced by continual kissing.

    The Treasury_ is on one side of this Church_ Before the Altar are two Images of Massy Silver_ one of a Queen, the other of some Hero at the holy land as large as Life_ & of excellent workmanship_ our guide told us the Queen had been made or obliged by the Madonna to present her with this Statue or Portrait of herself_ The other a voluntary offer of the Chevalier of the Chevalier on some extraordinary_

    The Jewels [illegible?] of this Treasury are beyond Number, & of the most extraord =inary Size & Value, in so much as greatly to surpass the riches of the holy house being Presents from a succession of Emperors Kings Princes & Nobility thro' [through] ages deposited in this place

    There are abundance of Gold & Silr [silver] Utensils very large as Candlesticks Vases &c [et cetera]_

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