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Macerata & Loretto
arrived about 9 OClock in the evening at [[Macerata]], a pretty little town situated 150 Miles from [[Rome]] on a pleasant rising ground or hill with a pretty Country about it_ Here for the first time since we left [[Rome]], we met with a tolerable Inn and accomodations & no bad attendance_ a thing not very common in the Inns of [[Italy]].
Tuesday July 10th_ Sat out at three OClock this Morning travelled thro' [through] a fine Country well cultivated & diversified with Hill & Dale_ the Road pretty good we saw on either hand several pleasant Towns, situated for the most part on the Brows of Hills_ abt. [about] 11 OClock passed thro [through] [[Racanati]], w/ch [which] extends some length on the ridge of a Mountain or Hill, from w/ch [which] you have a delightfull View of the Sea at some Miles distance of [from] [[Loretto]], & a fertile Country on the Sea Shore, distant 167 Miles from [[Rome]]_ We proceeded then to [[Loretto]] 172 Miles from [[Rome]], where we went to view the following Curiosities_
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The Casa Sancta or Holy home in w'ch [which] the Virgin Mary is said to have been born; in w'ch [which] too she was saluted by the angel; & in w'ch [which] it is also said she brought up our Saviour till 12 years of age -
It is a brick House consisting only of one Room, w'ch [which] is now converted into a Chappel the richest in the World - It is of brick, but cased in with Marble w'ch [which] is ornamented with most magnificant Sculp're [Sculpture] Statues & Pillars of the Corinthian Order - on the upper story are at the Corners of each five Statues of Sibyls & below of the ancient Prophets - The comparments are bas Relievo containing the History of the blessed virgins Life - & an inscription w'ch [which] gives the history of the Travels of this House from the holy land, & of the fixing its residence here -
The The Altar at the east End contains an Image of the blessed Virgin with the Child Jesus in her arms said to be the work of St. Luke - if so, he was but a clumsy artist, but nothing can surpass the riches of the dress - besides a tripple Crown of immense Value
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Value of the most splendid large & rich Jewels placed over the Head of the Medonna, the a Present from Louis ye [the] 13 of [[France]] there is another very rich one over the head of our Saviour - But the garments of the Medonna are enriched from the Shoulder to the foot with Jewels of prodig'l [prodigal] size rarity & richness set in girdles, & cross ses - in a very resplendent manner - The Nich in which it is placed is of gold studied with precious stones, ^ so as to form rainbows - of w'ch [which] there are some offerings of an incredible Value placed before the image of the Vir Medonna one at present there is a flaming Heart of Diamond & precious Stones presented by [[Maria Clementina]] late wife of the Chevalier [[James Stewart]] - Pretender to the Crown of [[England]] - Lamps are continually burning here, w'ch [which] occasions an immed an exceeding glare of light to be reflected from the precious stones - Between this & the rails are 12 lamps of Massy gold & many small Statues & lamps of silver throughout the Chappel - The
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The Altar is of Massy Silver_ & the Table & Stool, w/ch [which] belong'd to the blessed Virgin is covered with Silver, as well as the window opposite to the Altar at the west end thro' [through] w/ch [which] the Angel is said to have come to salute the Virgin_
[[Nugent]] says The Roof has been taken off [&] but there is now a sort of small Dome over the Middle of the Chappel, [illegible?] or holy House, [illegible?]
[On one] There are two Doors [mad?] to enter the Chappel & one to enter the altar from without_ The two first are near [at] the bottom or west End_ at y/e [the] sides, so as to answer each other; originally there was but one_ The other has been since made for the greater Conveniency of passing in & out_
On the left hand of the Image of the blessed Virgin is a Bason within a grate_ into this the Roseaaries Beads & other Relicts of Pilgrims are put to be blessed w/ch [which] requires no other Ceremony than for a Priest to put them in & take out again & below is a Box for containing the Gifts of y/e [the] religious & charitable, not a small one_ Over this holy House w/ch [which] is not very large, perhaps between 30 & 40 feet long & abt [about] half as wide, from outside to outside [a?]
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a very magnificent Church is built_ in form of a latin Cross, so that the holy House stands under the Dome_
The Paintings of this Church are not remarkable, tho' [though] there is a piece of the [assumption] Salutation of the Virgin by Barrachi_ there is also a fine bronze Baptistery by Bernini_ The Doors of the Church are brass with Scripture History, the face of our Savr. [Saviour] bearing the Cross is almost effaced by continual kissing.
The Treasury_ is on one side of this Church_ Before the Altar are two Images of Massy Silver_ one of a Queen, the other of some Hero at the holy land as large as Life_ & of excellent workmanship_ our guide told us the Queen had been made or obliged by the Madonna to present her with this Statue or Portrait of herself_ The other a voluntary offer of the Chevalier of the Chevalier on some extraordinary_
The Jewels [illegible?] of this Treasury are beyond Number, & of the most extraord =inary Size & Value, in so much as greatly to surpass the riches of the holy house being Presents from a succession of Emperors Kings Princes & Nobility thro' [through] ages deposited in this place
There are abundance of Gold & Silr [silver] Utensils very large as Candlesticks Vases &c [et cetera]_