Journal of Dr. John Morgan of the city of Philadelphia, from the city of Rome to the city of London, 1764.


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 1637
  • Record of a trip with fellow Philadelphian Samuel Powel, from Rome northward through Bologna, Padua, Venice, Milan, and Turin, over the Alps to Geneva, and through Lyons and Paris to Calais, by boat to Dover, and from there to London. The entries include many details on landscape, architecture, art, and inscriptions. Morgan also describes meetings with prominent individuals such as Giambattista Morgagni, professor of anatomy at the Università di Padova, and the philosopher Voltaire. On leaves at the end of the volume (f. 138v-140r) are lists of books, natural and artificial curiosities, plates (prints) and drawings, and paintings shipped home to Philadelphia by Morgan. The books include works of Morgagni published in Venice, "novels" of Boccaccio in Italian published in Amsterdam, Voltaire's Tancrède published in Geneva, and Benjamin Franklin on electricity in 3 parts published in London. There are additional notes by Morgan about expenses at the beginning (under the flap, inside upper cover) and miscellaneous notes at the end (f. 141v; inside lower cover).


    p. 41
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    p. 41

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    Susanah & ye [the] Elders - [[Paul Veronese]]

    St. John in ye [the] Wilderness - { by [[Flaminio Torri]] Scholar of [[Guido]]

    A Fine St. Francis - by [[Guido]]

    Martyrdom of St. Ursula & her matrons - a fine piece } by [[Passinelli]]

    A Small Piece - The Madonna & Child St. Francis St. Augustin St. Clare & St. Mary Magdalen } a true [[Corregio]]

    St. Moses breaking ye [the] Tables of the Law Jacob's Ladder & Dream Abr'm [Abraham] entertains 3 angels } [[Ludovic Carrachi]]

    St. Fra Jerome - by [[Mucian]]

    An Ariadne - by [[Guido]] & a Bacchus - in ye [the] same piece } by [[Jesse]] a scholar of Do. [Ditto] most excellent

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 42
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    p. 42

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    A Holy family - a pretty little piece much in Stile of [[Corregio]] } by [[Schedoni]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Corregio]]

    Do. [Ditto] in oil Colors } Do. [Ditto] by [[Terreni]]

    Do. [Ditto] on Copper } - by Lud. [[Ludovic Carrachi]]

    Do. [Ditto] - large on Wood - a most valuable Piece well coupled - viz. Virgin & Jesus St. Anne & St. John - St. Anth'ny [Anthony] & St. Cartherine - } by [[Titian]]

    St. Mattheo in the Taste of [[Guido]] an excellent piece } [[Guarchino]]

    A very small Medonna & Child with St. Francis & St. Jerome, cost 9,00 Crowns } by [[Albani]]

    St. Francis a fine Head } [[Dominichina]]

    opposite to it a fine Head of Do. [Ditto] - in embroid'ry [embroidery] looks like paint - } [[Phatis]]

    St. Paul ye [the] first Erimite & St Athony well Done } by Caval'r [[Cavalier d'Alpinio]]

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 43
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    p. 43

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    The Passage of John approaching Jordan } by Lud'c [[Ludovic Carrachi]]

    A sleeping Magdalen - by [[Albani]]

    The Venus - rising from the Sea } by Do. [Ditto]

    a fine roman Charity much in ye [the] Stile of [[Guido]] } by [[Sementi]] a Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]]

    2 H'd [Heads] of St. Pet'r [Peter] & Paul - noble } Caval'r [Cavalier] - Per [[Ursini]]

    A Holy Family - [[Paul Veronese]]

    Lords Supper - Jesse Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]] -

    4 great Heads fine Sketches of those in ye [the] Cupola at [[Parma]] } by [[Corregio]]

    4 2 bold Landscapes by Salvat'r [[Salvator Rosa]]

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 44
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    p. 44

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    Judgment of Paris [[Nicolo del Abate]]

    St. Pet'r [Peter] deny'g [denying] Christ - by [[Lenoel de Spada]]

    A Descent from ye [the] Cross in a fine taste } by [[Paul Veronese]]

    St. John in Oil - by Aug. [[Agostino Carrachi]]

    An Admirable Profile quite different from his ordinary Stile, smooth & eleg't [elegant] } by [[Spagniolet]] of [[Naples]]

    Hercules & Iole } by [[Jesse]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]]

    Ceres Bacchus & a beautif'll [beautiful] Ariadne } by [[Francisco Allan Compani]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Albani]]

    A most beautifull Magdalen kneeling before ye [the] Cross in his best manner } by [[Guerchino]]

    The 3 kings Do. [Ditto] may be said } by [[Paul Veronese]]

    It beginning now to be obscure we deferred seeing ye [the] rest till tomorrow.

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 45
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    p. 45

    Thursday July 18 - Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    AM - Mason de la Ville


    Samson drinking out of ye [the] Jaw bone of an ass in his finest manner } by [[Guido]]

    A great Piece with ye [the] Virgin [&] Child & the patron Saints of the City } by Do [Ditto]

    A St. John in ye [the] Wilderness - by [[Raphael]]

    St. Jerome - [[Simon de Paesereso]] very fine

    St. Augustin - by Aug. [[Agostino Carrachi]]

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 265 in total