p. 41
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
Susanah & ye [the] Elders - [[Paul Veronese]]
St. John in ye [the] Wilderness - { by [[Flaminio Torri]] Scholar of [[Guido]]
A Fine St. Francis - by [[Guido]]
Martyrdom of St. Ursula & her matrons - a fine piece } by [[Passinelli]]
A Small Piece - The Madonna & Child St. Francis St. Augustin St. Clare & St. Mary Magdalen } a true [[Corregio]]
St. Moses breaking ye [the] Tables of the Law Jacob's Ladder & Dream Abr'm [Abraham] entertains 3 angels } [[Ludovic Carrachi]]
St. Fra Jerome - by [[Mucian]]
An Ariadne - by [[Guido]] & a Bacchus - in ye [the] same piece } by [[Jesse]] a scholar of Do. [Ditto] most excellent
p. 42
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
A Holy family - a pretty little piece much in Stile of [[Corregio]] } by [[Schedoni]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Corregio]]
Do. [Ditto] in oil Colors } Do. [Ditto] by [[Terreni]]
Do. [Ditto] on Copper } - by Lud. [[Ludovic Carrachi]]
Do. [Ditto] - large on Wood - a most valuable Piece well coupled - viz. Virgin & Jesus St. Anne & St. John - St. Anth'ny [Anthony] & St. Cartherine - } by [[Titian]]
St. Mattheo in the Taste of [[Guido]] an excellent piece } [[Guarchino]]
A very small Medonna & Child with St. Francis & St. Jerome, cost 9,00 Crowns } by [[Albani]]
St. Francis a fine Head } [[Dominichina]]
opposite to it a fine Head of Do. [Ditto] - in embroid'ry [embroidery] looks like paint - } [[Phatis]]
St. Paul ye [the] first Erimite & St Athony well Done } by Caval'r [[Cavalier d'Alpinio]]
p. 43
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
The Passage of John approaching Jordan } by Lud'c [[Ludovic Carrachi]]
A sleeping Magdalen - by [[Albani]]
The Venus - rising from the Sea } by Do. [Ditto]
a fine roman Charity much in ye [the] Stile of [[Guido]] } by [[Sementi]] a Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]]
2 H'd [Heads] of St. Pet'r [Peter] & Paul - noble } Caval'r [Cavalier] - Per [[Ursini]]
A Holy Family - [[Paul Veronese]]
Lords Supper - Jesse Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]] -
4 great Heads fine Sketches of those in ye [the] Cupola at [[Parma]] } by [[Corregio]]
4 2 bold Landscapes by Salvat'r [[Salvator Rosa]]
p. 44
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
Judgment of Paris [[Nicolo del Abate]]
St. Pet'r [Peter] deny'g [denying] Christ - by [[Lenoel de Spada]]
A Descent from ye [the] Cross in a fine taste } by [[Paul Veronese]]
St. John in Oil - by Aug. [[Agostino Carrachi]]
An Admirable Profile quite different from his ordinary Stile, smooth & eleg't [elegant] } by [[Spagniolet]] of [[Naples]]
Hercules & Iole } by [[Jesse]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Guido]]
Ceres Bacchus & a beautif'll [beautiful] Ariadne } by [[Francisco Allan Compani]] Schol'r [Scholar] of [[Albani]]
A most beautifull Magdalen kneeling before ye [the] Cross in his best manner } by [[Guerchino]]
The 3 kings Do. [Ditto] may be said } by [[Paul Veronese]]
It beginning now to be obscure we deferred seeing ye [the] rest till tomorrow.
p. 45
Thursday July 18 - Bolognia [[Bologna]]
AM - Mason de la Ville
Samson drinking out of ye [the] Jaw bone of an ass in his finest manner } by [[Guido]]
A great Piece with ye [the] Virgin [&] Child & the patron Saints of the City } by Do [Ditto]
A St. John in ye [the] Wilderness - by [[Raphael]]
St. Jerome - [[Simon de Paesereso]] very fine
St. Augustin - by Aug. [[Agostino Carrachi]]