p. 26
the back of one of the Seats by the great Altar formed by the lines or Veins of that wood most admirable - He call'd it a punchinello as it is a Head in Carracatura - with Eyes & Ear form'd [formed] by two knots in ye [the] wood The lines from the Top of the Cap to the Should'r [Shoulder] & down the garment seem to compose fine drapery & good shading - It is on the whole a Curiosity, & as such mentioned in ye [the] books of travellers -
p. 27
Tuesday July 16. 1764
AM. [[Palace of Santo Petro]] -
In this is a considerable Collection of Paintings by several great Masters -
[as?] by [[Guido]] - [[Augustin]], [[Annibal & Ludovic Caviachi]] - some pretty ones by [[Albani]] & [[Francescini]] - but the most striking ones appear to me to be, the Story of Abraham sending off Hagar & Ismael mourning weeping while Sarah looks on them as interested therein by [[Guerchino]]
A most glorious St. Peter & St. Paul by [[Guido]] -
This is copy`d [copied] by [[Strange]] would feign have copy'd but was not permitted - [[Mr. West]] by coming in frequently & then retiring into a neighb'g [neighboring] street & taking it down by parts returning often to correct & compare it, took a copy of it -
This [[Paulino]] shewd us last, as he says pour fane la douce bouche -
p. 28
[[Bologna]] -
[[Church of St Johannis Monte]] - Picture of St. Francis by in [[Guido]]'s Stile, by [[Guerchino]]
St. Joseph & St. Jerosylem - by Do. [Ditto] -
The Angel delivering St. Peter from Prison - most beautifully designed, but the colouring not equal - is a modern Picture By [[Guiseppe Massone]]
Madonna del Rosario or Chappelet a most noble Composition, with Invention & fine execution by [[Dominichina]]
In the above are a number of beautifull Children, two of w'ch [which] are copy'd [copied] by almost every painter who comes to study at [[Bologna]] -
A most charming Piece of St. Cecilia NB - copied & en by [[Raphael]] - copied & engraved by [[Mr Strange]] - it contains five whole whole lengthy pieces - St. Paul, St. John Evangelist, St. Augustin, St. Mary Magdalen, & St. Cecilia - This is called Quadrean obligato, [[Raphael]] being obliged to follow ye [the] will of others - hence ye [the] anachronism -
p. 29
[[Palace of Buovi Silvestre]]
An assumption of the blessed Virgin - a Copy from [[Guido]] by Eliz'th [[Elizabeth Sarani]], so well done as very easily to pass for [[Guido]]'s, of whom she was a scholar -
The fleeing of St. Bartholomew a very large & grand Tableau - by - [[Guerchino]]
Three great Paintings by [[Bonese]] viz - The Death of Hercules Hercules & Omphiale Sampson & Deililah Dalilah
Some good Pieces by [[Bassan]] - A Popes Portrait by [[Titian]] Jupiter & Leda - pour bonne bouche with Castor & Pollux breaking from ye [the] egg shells too luscious - (more so if possible than Mich'l [[Michael Angelo]]'s a copy of w'ch [which] [[Mr. Hatfield]] has at [[Florence]]) done by [[Julio Romano]]
it has a false cover of Cupid scourging a Satyr, & a Book with these words- Brutalia castigat virtutis amor -
p. 30
Whilst we were employed in this Palace, looking at the different paintings & furniture - the Master of the House who is a noble Senator came in, & would feign pass for a Stranger - that we might ex= =amine everything with more freedom.
He showed us several particular Curiosities himself - ordered in a great quantity of english Plate pri= -vately & some Chocolate to be brought in - We at length discovered who he was, but still continued to discourse with him in the most free manner, & at length thanking him in polite terms we return'd [returned] highly satisfied -
In our way home to Dinner examin'd [examined] the fountain before ye [the] [[Mason de la Ville]] - with a fine bronze Neptune & trident in a noble attitude & many other figures in Bronze finely executed by the celebrated
[[John of Bologna]]