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Journey from [[Rome]] to [[Bolognia]]
Mr. Powel & I left
Left [[Rome]] on friday evening July ye [the] 6, 1764 in Company with [[Mr. Powel]] for Bolognia [[Bologna]] in our Return to [[england]]; got into the Chaise between eight and nine OClock. Travelled slowly all night -
July 7 - abt. [about] 8 OClock this morning we stopped at [[Civita Castellana]] 34 miles from [[Rome]], and laid by during the heat of the day, not being able to travel from this hour till abt 7 OClock in the afternoon - This town is not large; it is build on a rock; its access on all sides steep; & seems to have been chosen for security, perhaps during the civil War in [[Italy]] -
July 8 Having travelled on till midnight we passed the Town of [[Ohicoli]] & had scarcely got two miles when the chaise wheel broke down on the Top of a naked Hill - we were obliged to remain in this situation without any pl House to retire to till morning - it was near seven OClock before we could proceed on our Route - w'ch [which] we did till we came to the town of [[Terni]], abt. [about] 62 Miles from [[Rome]] - where we stopped abt. [about] 12 oclock & waited for Dinner having broke down our Chaise a 2nd time upon entering ye [the] Town =
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Cascade of Tirni
After dinner we rode out on Horse back to view the famous [[Cascade of Tirni]] abt. [about] three of four Miles off, a most astonish= ing & sublime sight_ Tis formed by a great Body of water w/ch [which] has the Name of the [[River Velino]], being at some distance from its fall about 20 feet wide, & above 8 feet deep close to the shore, as I was not able to touch Bottom with a Pole of that Length; tho' [though] in other places it is filled with Rocks, the Tops of w/ch [which] are nearly equal with the Surface of the River_ The Course of it is prodigiously rapid; it narrows somewhat near the fall, & tumbles down a precipice perhaps not less than three hundred feet, in a white foamey Column, +It spreads[ing] as it falls, [&] dashing down agains the rocks beneath with such force & impetuosity as by its concussion to communicate a tremulous motion thro' [through] a Promontory or jetting rock on the opposite part of the Basin quite to the summit w/ch [which] does not appear less than 200 feet high _
+ y/e [the] circling ringlets following each othr. [other] in quick Succession [glance on y/e [the] Eye] like lightning glance on y/e [the] Eye of ye [the] Spectator._
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Cascade of Tirni
The Appearance where it falls is like that of a boiling Caldron of an immense Size; the force of the falling water is such that by dashing against the rocks beneath it forms a thick Vapor w/ch [which] rises as high as the [[Mount Marmores]] from whence through [still] the high[er] hills it directs its Course to the Cascade_
Rolling from hence in [white] boiling foamey surges 30 or 40 Yards it is joined by the smaller & more placid river [[Nera]] w/ch [which] it enlarges two thirds, & directs its Course through abrupt craggy rocks, winding round a Hill, & spreads itself through a rich fruitfull & pleasant Vale. Tis without doubt a noble Object for a perspective or landskip Painter, suggesting the most pleasing & sublime thoughts to a warm imagination_
We left [[Terni]] about seven OClock in the Evening & travelled till Midnight; then stopp'd [stopped] till seven or eight OClock next Morning at [[Spoleto]] abt. [about] 90 Miles from [[Rome]], having passed thro' [through] the Town & lodged at an Inn just beyond the Gate of the Town_
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Journey from [[Rome]] to Bolognia [[Bologna]]
Monday July ye [the] 9 = As it rained this morning we pursued our Journey towards Bolognia [[Bologna]] without going off of the Road to see a large [arch?] of a Bridgeaqueduct not far off taken notice off by Travellers
We stopped to dinner at [[Foligno]] w'ch [which] is just 100 miles from [[Rome]]; after dinner went into the Nuns Church called [[Le Contessa]] where we saw a fine Picture of the Virgin upon clouds hold'g [holding the Child Jesus surrounded with angels - & below St. John & three other Saints in Act of Adoration - very finely painted by the great [[Raphael]] -
After dinner we continued our Rout till Midnight, thro' [through] bad Roads when we came to a small Village distant about 120 miles from [[Rome]] - We staid here about 3 or 4 hours to rest a little & to refresh the Mules w'ch [which] drew us -
Tuesday July ye [the] 10th - Continued our Rout from between 2 & 3 OClock in the morning to the insignificant village of [[Valcimara]] abt 134 miles from [[Rome]] - dined here & set out, after dinner between 3 &4 OClock to pursue our Journey