p. 21
to Bologna (Fanno)
viz. In the Church of Fillipini - 3 fine Pieces by [[Guido]] -
1st. The Annunciation
2. Joseph & Mary with the Child Jesus going into Egypt, an Angel showing the Way -
3rd. An Angel appearing unto Joseph in a Dream -
At the grand Altar - A Picture most excellent of St. Christ delivering the Keys of Heaven to St. Peter -
St. Peter curing a lame man -
In the Church & Chappel of Augustines -
A fine Magdalen w'ch [which] I take to be by [[Guerchino]] -
A Guardian Angel (for certain by [[Guardino]]) supporting a Child who is placed on a Pedestal -
In the Cathedral of St. Paterniano is the Marriage of Joseph & Mary - by [[Guarchino]]
these two last are most admirable - In the Dominican Church is a fine Crucifixion large & well done - by a Bolognese Painter -
p. 22
Pesarro [[Pesaro]] (From [[Rome]])
In the Church w'ch [which] is called the Dome are the 15 Mysteries by [[Dominecena]] - In one Chappel -
In another are two excellent Pictures one of the last Supper the other of the gathering of Manna in ye [the] wilderness - } I believe them to be [[Dominichina]] -
There are also three good Heads - w'ch [which] are Portraits
Left [[Fanno]] at 11 OClock, proceed to Pefarro [[Pefaro]] seven miles on where we dined - I visited some of the Churches, in wh'ch [which] we saw no Paintings particularly deserving Notice - unless - one of the Madonna enthroned on Clouds with a little Jesus, & below St. Thomas & Jerome worshipping - this was in the Cathedral by Guido [There is] There is also a good Altar Piece in the Church of St. Andrew by Paul Veronese - & in several of the Churches, some indifferent good Pieces by Barrochi
We left Pefarro [[Pefaro]] ab't [about] 5 or 6 OClock in the Evening, & at 11 OClock came to [[Rimini]] where we slept - distant from Rome abt [about] Miles
p. 23
To Bolognia [[Bologna]]) [[Rivini]]
Saturday July 13th 1764
[[Rivini]] is a pretty large Town has a number of handsome Buildings in the modern stile. There is here a very handsome triumphal Arch dedicated to Augustus Caesar, w'ch [which] now serves as one of the Gates to the City -
It is not improper to observe here that for the two or three last stages the Inns begin to change much for the better The one we put up, near ye [the] gate going out of the Town for Bolognia [[Bologna]] is very tolerable -
Left [[Rivini]] after 4 OClock this morning, passed thro' [through] several Villages & dined at [[Cesena]], ab't [about] 20 miles distant from [[Ricini]] - This is a pretty large Market Town & seems very populous -
At 4 OClock PM - We proceeded to [[Faena]] about 23 Miles further on toward [[Bologna]]. In w'ch [which] After Sunday having travelled 10 or 12 Miles we came to a most beautifull level & rich Country well cultivated, & agreeably ornamented with an Intermixture of Fields Vineyards, & large Trees - staid all night at [[Faena]] -
p. 24
Sunday July 14. 1764 -
Set out on our Journey this morning from [[Faena]] ab't [about]7 OClock, and proceeded thro [through] a pleasant Country to a Village about 16 Miles or 18 Miles nearer [[Bologna]] & distant from [[Bologna]] 14 Miles - the Servant of the House called the Village [[Borgeau]] - but others called it [[Castel St Pietro]] - probably that is the name of the Castle on the back part of the Town
After Dinner we remained here on Acct [Account] of the great Hill Heat till five OClock & then proceeded to [[Bologna]] w'ch [which] we entered ab't [about] 9 OClock & put up at the Pellegrino - one of the best Inns in Town -
All the Way from Ricini [[Rimini]] to [[Bologna]], we observe that most commonly there are Piazzas before the Doors of all the Houses that are better than common, resembling the Piazzas of Covent Garden, & serving to shelter foot Passengers from the excessive Heat of the Sun -
p. 25
Monday July 15th Bologna
This Morning went to see the Church of St. Peters in w'ch [which] there are a Number of pretty good paintings by [[Gratian]].
This Afternoon - went with [[Paulino]] as our Valet & [[Cicerone]] to see the [[Church of St. Salvador]] - w'ch [which] seems to have good architecture within & a great Number of fine paintings by different Masters - ye [the] finest a St. Sebastian by [[Guido]].
The [[Palace of Monte]] is indeed very grand, enrich'd [enriched] with many fine paintings of great Masters; but the most capital of all is a large and grand Painting of Liberality & Modesty by [[Guido Rheni]] - [[Mr. Strange]] has an engraving of this in england very Small, & I think somewhat different -
The [[Church of St. Paul]] has is very handsome with a fine Dome Cieling & Chappels with good & rich paintings. The 4 large ones in ye [the] 4 Cornes [Corners?] below the Dome of Europe Asia Africa & America are very superb -
The Boy who looks after ye [the] Church showd us a natural Portrait of an Old Man in the