Journal of Dr. John Morgan of the city of Philadelphia, from the city of Rome to the city of London, 1764.


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 1637
  • Record of a trip with fellow Philadelphian Samuel Powel, from Rome northward through Bologna, Padua, Venice, Milan, and Turin, over the Alps to Geneva, and through Lyons and Paris to Calais, by boat to Dover, and from there to London. The entries include many details on landscape, architecture, art, and inscriptions. Morgan also describes meetings with prominent individuals such as Giambattista Morgagni, professor of anatomy at the Università di Padova, and the philosopher Voltaire. On leaves at the end of the volume (f. 138v-140r) are lists of books, natural and artificial curiosities, plates (prints) and drawings, and paintings shipped home to Philadelphia by Morgan. The books include works of Morgagni published in Venice, "novels" of Boccaccio in Italian published in Amsterdam, Voltaire's Tancrède published in Geneva, and Benjamin Franklin on electricity in 3 parts published in London. There are additional notes by Morgan about expenses at the beginning (under the flap, inside upper cover) and miscellaneous notes at the end (f. 141v; inside lower cover).


    p. 21
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    p. 21

    to Bologna (Fanno)

    viz. In the Church of Fillipini - 3 fine Pieces by [[Guido]] -

    1st. The Annunciation

    2. Joseph & Mary with the Child Jesus going into Egypt, an Angel showing the Way -

    3rd. An Angel appearing unto Joseph in a Dream -

    At the grand Altar - A Picture most excellent of St. Christ delivering the Keys of Heaven to St. Peter -

    St. Peter curing a lame man -

    In the Church & Chappel of Augustines -

    A fine Magdalen w'ch [which] I take to be by [[Guerchino]] -

    A Guardian Angel (for certain by [[Guardino]]) supporting a Child who is placed on a Pedestal -

    In the Cathedral of St. Paterniano is the Marriage of Joseph & Mary - by [[Guarchino]]

    these two last are most admirable - In the Dominican Church is a fine Crucifixion large & well done - by a Bolognese Painter -

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 22
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    p. 22

    Pesarro [[Pesaro]] (From [[Rome]])

    In the Church w'ch [which] is called the Dome are the 15 Mysteries by [[Dominecena]] - In one Chappel -

    In another are two excellent Pictures one of the last Supper the other of the gathering of Manna in ye [the] wilderness - } I believe them to be [[Dominichina]] -

    There are also three good Heads - w'ch [which] are Portraits

    Left [[Fanno]] at 11 OClock, proceed to Pefarro [[Pefaro]] seven miles on where we dined - I visited some of the Churches, in wh'ch [which] we saw no Paintings particularly deserving Notice - unless - one of the Madonna enthroned on Clouds with a little Jesus, & below St. Thomas & Jerome worshipping - this was in the Cathedral by Guido [There is] There is also a good Altar Piece in the Church of St. Andrew by Paul Veronese - & in several of the Churches, some indifferent good Pieces by Barrochi

    We left Pefarro [[Pefaro]] ab't [about] 5 or 6 OClock in the Evening, & at 11 OClock came to [[Rimini]] where we slept - distant from Rome abt [about] Miles

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    p. 23
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    p. 23

    To Bolognia [[Bologna]]) [[Rivini]]

    Saturday July 13th 1764

    [[Rivini]] is a pretty large Town has a number of handsome Buildings in the modern stile. There is here a very handsome triumphal Arch dedicated to Augustus Caesar, w'ch [which] now serves as one of the Gates to the City -

    It is not improper to observe here that for the two or three last stages the Inns begin to change much for the better The one we put up, near ye [the] gate going out of the Town for Bolognia [[Bologna]] is very tolerable -

    Left [[Rivini]] after 4 OClock this morning, passed thro' [through] several Villages & dined at [[Cesena]], ab't [about] 20 miles distant from [[Ricini]] - This is a pretty large Market Town & seems very populous -

    At 4 OClock PM - We proceeded to [[Faena]] about 23 Miles further on toward [[Bologna]]. In w'ch [which] After Sunday having travelled 10 or 12 Miles we came to a most beautifull level & rich Country well cultivated, & agreeably ornamented with an Intermixture of Fields Vineyards, & large Trees - staid all night at [[Faena]] -

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    p. 24
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    p. 24

    Sunday July 14. 1764 -

    Set out on our Journey this morning from [[Faena]] ab't [about]7 OClock, and proceeded thro [through] a pleasant Country to a Village about 16 Miles or 18 Miles nearer [[Bologna]] & distant from [[Bologna]] 14 Miles - the Servant of the House called the Village [[Borgeau]] - but others called it [[Castel St Pietro]] - probably that is the name of the Castle on the back part of the Town

    After Dinner we remained here on Acct [Account] of the great Hill Heat till five OClock & then proceeded to [[Bologna]] w'ch [which] we entered ab't [about] 9 OClock & put up at the Pellegrino - one of the best Inns in Town -

    All the Way from Ricini [[Rimini]] to [[Bologna]], we observe that most commonly there are Piazzas before the Doors of all the Houses that are better than common, resembling the Piazzas of Covent Garden, & serving to shelter foot Passengers from the excessive Heat of the Sun -

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    p. 25
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    p. 25

    Monday July 15th Bologna

    This Morning went to see the Church of St. Peters in w'ch [which] there are a Number of pretty good paintings by [[Gratian]].

    This Afternoon - went with [[Paulino]] as our Valet & [[Cicerone]] to see the [[Church of St. Salvador]] - w'ch [which] seems to have good architecture within & a great Number of fine paintings by different Masters - ye [the] finest a St. Sebastian by [[Guido]].

    The [[Palace of Monte]] is indeed very grand, enrich'd [enriched] with many fine paintings of great Masters; but the most capital of all is a large and grand Painting of Liberality & Modesty by [[Guido Rheni]] - [[Mr. Strange]] has an engraving of this in england very Small, & I think somewhat different -

    The [[Church of St. Paul]] has is very handsome with a fine Dome Cieling & Chappels with good & rich paintings. The 4 large ones in ye [the] 4 Cornes [Corners?] below the Dome of Europe Asia Africa & America are very superb -

    The Boy who looks after ye [the] Church showd us a natural Portrait of an Old Man in the

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 265 in total