Journal of Dr. John Morgan of the city of Philadelphia, from the city of Rome to the city of London, 1764.


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 1637
  • Record of a trip with fellow Philadelphian Samuel Powel, from Rome northward through Bologna, Padua, Venice, Milan, and Turin, over the Alps to Geneva, and through Lyons and Paris to Calais, by boat to Dover, and from there to London. The entries include many details on landscape, architecture, art, and inscriptions. Morgan also describes meetings with prominent individuals such as Giambattista Morgagni, professor of anatomy at the Università di Padova, and the philosopher Voltaire. On leaves at the end of the volume (f. 138v-140r) are lists of books, natural and artificial curiosities, plates (prints) and drawings, and paintings shipped home to Philadelphia by Morgan. The books include works of Morgagni published in Venice, "novels" of Boccaccio in Italian published in Amsterdam, Voltaire's Tancrède published in Geneva, and Benjamin Franklin on electricity in 3 parts published in London. There are additional notes by Morgan about expenses at the beginning (under the flap, inside upper cover) and miscellaneous notes at the end (f. 141v; inside lower cover).


    p. 31
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    PM In ye [the] [[Church of St. Petronio]]

    Is a fine Painting of St. Roch as large as life by [[Parmegginino]].

    St. Mich`l [Michael] & the Dragon, by the first Master of [[Guido]] - [[Joannesi Calvesti]] a flemmish painter, before Guido stud'd [studied] in the School of [[Carrachi]] -

    The famous Picture of [[Guido]] in the [[Church of the Cappuchins]] at [[Rome]] on the same subject, w'ch [which] is executed in Mosaic at [[St. Peters]] is plainly borrowed entirely from this, tho' executed in a more elegant finished stile -

    [[Church of St. Rimondo Domenico]] -

    The slaughter of the Innocents - something borrow'd [borrowed] from [[Raphael]] - by [[Guido]]

    St. Raimondo - by [[Ludovic Carrachi]] Heretic Books burnt by St. Dominico - a fine excellent & large Painting with many figures g'r [greater] than Life - by [[Leonel del Spada]]

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    p. 32
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    p. 32


    A fine Cieling over the one of the great altars representing the assumption of St. Dominico - in fresco - by [[Guido]]

    [[Thomas Aquinas]] writing on the Sacraments - a magnificent altar Piece by Guarchino [[Guerchino]]

    Another on the same subject very fine in the great elegant Library - by of the adjoining Convent by [[Franciscena]] -

    In this Church is the Scripture History most laboriously & ingeniously inlaid in Wood so as to represent painting & several fine heads by a monk in this Convent

    This Convent is one of the largest, most grand & elegant I ever saw in any Country hitherto - the Library large & elegant - The Apartments like a mere Palace with pleasant gardens adjoining -

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    p. 33
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    [[Church of St. Catherine]]

    The Cieling finely painted by [[Franchescini]] & two of his Companions_

    In this Church are many several excellent Paintings by the same [[Lud. Carrachi]] [[Francescini]] & several great Masters, an acct: [account] of w/ch [which] see in the Book giving a Relation of the Paintings at [[Bologna]] This is a beautifull Church for uniformity architecture, Paintings & other ornaments of Marble &c. [et cetera]_ & contains the Body of [[St. [Saint] Catherine]] preserved free from Corruption_ as they tell you but do not admit you near eno' [enough] to distingsh. [distinguish] plainly

    What I noted as curious eno' [enough] in this Church is that tho' [though] there are a great Number of Paintings by diffe= rent Masters, there is not one but what is very good

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    p. 34
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    p. 34

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    [[Church of St Margaret]]

    on y/e [the] confessl [confessional] Chair is this Pun (Paenitentis Lachryma Paradisi est Margarita) Paintings_ [[Christ]] in the garden, praying y/e [the] Cup may pass from him_ in a strong manner_ by [[Guerchino]]_

    [[St: [Saint] Mary Magdalen]] praying in the Desert_ extremely well done by a Delectante & Disciple of [[Guido]] who might well pass for a Master_ his Name [[Sebastiano Brunetti]]

    [[St. [Saint] Margaret]] & the Dragon with blessed Virgin, our Savr. [Saviour] & Saints above_ The [[St. [Saint] Margaret]] is in a fine attitude holdg. [holding] out the Cross & looking up to heaven with one foot on the Dragon, who turns his Head & gapes as if he would swallow her up but cannot [[Samacchini]]_

    [[St. [Saint] Benedict]]_ & his Sepulcre before Death by [[Canuti]] The Blessed Virgin, Infant [[Jesus]], [[St. [Saint] Marguarita]] [[St. [Saint] Jerome]]_ [[St. [Saint] Petronius]] & Angel_ a most exquisite piece_ by [[Parmegianino]]

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    p. 35
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    p. 35

    Bolognia [[Bologna]]

    am Wednesday_ July 17. } Convent of St. [Saint] Agnes

    In the Church_ as the grand altar is The Martyrdom of [[St. [Saint] Agnes]] with many exquisite figures some martyr'd [martyred] before her Eyes to frighten her but in Vain_ one of the very excellent pieces of by [[Dominichina]]

    The Woman taken in Adultery is brought before [[Christ]], who seems to be intent writing on the floor, a little boy is brought in as very attentive to this, the woman looks well who is [hauled] dragged in by her accusers_ the Colouring, drapery & Compositn. [Composition] all good by [[Salmatina]]

    Opposite is the offerings of the 3 Kings well done by a cotemporary of [[Raphael]]_ [[Franciscus Francia]]

    Last edit over 4 years ago by lrile
    Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 265 in total