p. 31
PM In ye [the] [[Church of St. Petronio]]
Is a fine Painting of St. Roch as large as life by [[Parmegginino]].
St. Mich`l [Michael] & the Dragon, by the first Master of [[Guido]] - [[Joannesi Calvesti]] a flemmish painter, before Guido stud'd [studied] in the School of [[Carrachi]] -
The famous Picture of [[Guido]] in the [[Church of the Cappuchins]] at [[Rome]] on the same subject, w'ch [which] is executed in Mosaic at [[St. Peters]] is plainly borrowed entirely from this, tho' executed in a more elegant finished stile -
[[Church of St. Rimondo Domenico]] -
The slaughter of the Innocents - something borrow'd [borrowed] from [[Raphael]] - by [[Guido]]
St. Raimondo - by [[Ludovic Carrachi]] Heretic Books burnt by St. Dominico - a fine excellent & large Painting with many figures g'r [greater] than Life - by [[Leonel del Spada]]
p. 32
A fine Cieling over the one of the great altars representing the assumption of St. Dominico - in fresco - by [[Guido]]
[[Thomas Aquinas]] writing on the Sacraments - a magnificent altar Piece by Guarchino [[Guerchino]]
Another on the same subject very fine in the great elegant Library - by of the adjoining Convent by [[Franciscena]] -
In this Church is the Scripture History most laboriously & ingeniously inlaid in Wood so as to represent painting & several fine heads by a monk in this Convent
This Convent is one of the largest, most grand & elegant I ever saw in any Country hitherto - the Library large & elegant - The Apartments like a mere Palace with pleasant gardens adjoining -
p. 33
[[Church of St. Catherine]]
The Cieling finely painted by [[Franchescini]] & two of his Companions_
In this Church are many several excellent Paintings by the same [[Lud. Carrachi]] [[Francescini]] & several great Masters, an acct: [account] of w/ch [which] see in the Book giving a Relation of the Paintings at [[Bologna]] This is a beautifull Church for uniformity architecture, Paintings & other ornaments of Marble &c. [et cetera]_ & contains the Body of [[St. [Saint] Catherine]] preserved free from Corruption_ as they tell you but do not admit you near eno' [enough] to distingsh. [distinguish] plainly
What I noted as curious eno' [enough] in this Church is that tho' [though] there are a great Number of Paintings by diffe= rent Masters, there is not one but what is very good
p. 34
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
[[Church of St Margaret]]
on y/e [the] confessl [confessional] Chair is this Pun (Paenitentis Lachryma Paradisi est Margarita) Paintings_ [[Christ]] in the garden, praying y/e [the] Cup may pass from him_ in a strong manner_ by [[Guerchino]]_
[[St: [Saint] Mary Magdalen]] praying in the Desert_ extremely well done by a Delectante & Disciple of [[Guido]] who might well pass for a Master_ his Name [[Sebastiano Brunetti]]
[[St. [Saint] Margaret]] & the Dragon with blessed Virgin, our Savr. [Saviour] & Saints above_ The [[St. [Saint] Margaret]] is in a fine attitude holdg. [holding] out the Cross & looking up to heaven with one foot on the Dragon, who turns his Head & gapes as if he would swallow her up but cannot [[Samacchini]]_
[[St. [Saint] Benedict]]_ & his Sepulcre before Death by [[Canuti]] The Blessed Virgin, Infant [[Jesus]], [[St. [Saint] Marguarita]] [[St. [Saint] Jerome]]_ [[St. [Saint] Petronius]] & Angel_ a most exquisite piece_ by [[Parmegianino]]
p. 35
Bolognia [[Bologna]]
am Wednesday_ July 17. } Convent of St. [Saint] Agnes
In the Church_ as the grand altar is The Martyrdom of [[St. [Saint] Agnes]] with many exquisite figures some martyr'd [martyred] before her Eyes to frighten her but in Vain_ one of the very excellent pieces of by [[Dominichina]]
The Woman taken in Adultery is brought before [[Christ]], who seems to be intent writing on the floor, a little boy is brought in as very attentive to this, the woman looks well who is [hauled] dragged in by her accusers_ the Colouring, drapery & Compositn. [Composition] all good by [[Salmatina]]
Opposite is the offerings of the 3 Kings well done by a cotemporary of [[Raphael]]_ [[Franciscus Francia]]