Journal of Dr. John Morgan of the city of Philadelphia, from the city of Rome to the city of London, 1764.


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 1637
  • Record of a trip with fellow Philadelphian Samuel Powel, from Rome northward through Bologna, Padua, Venice, Milan, and Turin, over the Alps to Geneva, and through Lyons and Paris to Calais, by boat to Dover, and from there to London. The entries include many details on landscape, architecture, art, and inscriptions. Morgan also describes meetings with prominent individuals such as Giambattista Morgagni, professor of anatomy at the Università di Padova, and the philosopher Voltaire. On leaves at the end of the volume (f. 138v-140r) are lists of books, natural and artificial curiosities, plates (prints) and drawings, and paintings shipped home to Philadelphia by Morgan. The books include works of Morgagni published in Venice, "novels" of Boccaccio in Italian published in Amsterdam, Voltaire's Tancrède published in Geneva, and Benjamin Franklin on electricity in 3 parts published in London. There are additional notes by Morgan about expenses at the beginning (under the flap, inside upper cover) and miscellaneous notes at the end (f. 141v; inside lower cover).


    p. 256
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    [[Venice]] Aug'st [August]

    Shipp'd in a Box for [[England]] directed to [[Mess'rs Barclay & Jon]], marked [[Mr. Powel]] & [Ergo?] for [[Mr. Morgan]] J.M. - the following Articles - in ye [the] [[Venice]] frigate Capt. [[Captain George Davidson]] -


    [[Joan. Baptiste Morgagni]] de sedib. et causis Morbor. binding cont 2 Vol. Fol - Veneteis [[Venice]] 17616 Pauls

    [[J.B. Morgagni]]. Epistol. anatom. dua - Fol; Venet [[Venice]]: 1762, 14 Pauls. - - - - - Opuscul. miscellanea Do [Ditto]. Do [Ditto].

    H. Morgante Maggiore di Mess'r [[Luig Pulci]], 2 Vol 12mo Torino [[Turin]] 1754.

    Le Pitture di [[Bologna]] - 12mo [[Bologna]] 1755.

    [[Cornel]]'s Nepos - Lat. et Ital. 12mo Venezia [[Venice]] 1755

    [[Vignola]]'s Architect'l [Architectural] Grammar 8vo Roma [[Rome]]

    [[Boccacio]] Novels in Italian 2 Vol. 8vo Amsted'm [[Amsterdam]] 1761

    Dell' origine e de Progressi delle Scienzi di [[Bologna]] } 8vo [[Bologna]] - 1763

    [[Franklin]] on Electricity 3 parts to 4 [[London]] 1760 -

    Le Caffe ou L'Ecossais Comedie par [[Mr. Hume]] traduite en francois } 8vo [[Avignon]] 1763

    Tancrede, Tragedie par [[Mr. Voltaire]] 8vo a Geneve [[Geneva]] 1761

    a MSS - on ye [the] Pictures at [[Cento]] &c Ital. 12mo (in [[Bologna]]) Paulino

    Indice delle [[Stampe]] intagliate in Rame [[Rome?]] &c - } 12mo [[Rome]] 1763.

    Pastor Fido [[Guarini]] - - 12mo - Venet. [[Venice]] 1741

    [[Ariosto]] 3 Vol - - - - - - 12 Venet [[Venice]] 1755

    [[Tasso]]'s Aminta - - 8vo Do. [Ditto] 1741

    Antidotar'm [Antidotarium] bononiense- - - 4to Bolog. [[Bologna]] 1750

    Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
    p. 257
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    p. 257

    Natur'l [Natural] & Artific'l [Artificial] Curiosit's [Curiosities]

    Beads bought at [[Loretto]] (blest) cost - 12 Pauls -

    Diff't [Different] Specim'ns [Specimens] of Margar'te got at [[Bologna]] - }

    Petrifact'n [Petrifaction] of Reeds at [[Terni]]

    Specimens of Hard Stones Marbles &c Price 1 Seq & 1/2

    2 Spec'ns [Specimens] of Antidiluv'n [Antediluvian] petrif'd [petrified] Shells (with ossefied &c) got on Tops of Mount'ns [Mountains] near [[Bologna]]

    Nat'l [Natural] White rock in Chrystal - a Specimen

    A Hair Ball form'd [formed] in ye [the] Stom'ch [Stomach] of a Cow - [[Bologna]]

    A Petrifact'n [Petrifaction] found in the Stom'ch [Stomach] of a Pidgeon with an Impress'n [Impression] of the intern'l [internal] Memb'ne [Membrane] it fill'd the Stom'ch [Stomach & killed the Pidgeon

    Bologn. [[Bologna]]: Pyrites from w'ch [which] bologn. phosphorous made a Specim'n [Specimen]

    A Tatar Concret - formed in Aqued'cts [Aqueducts] at [[Bologna]]

    A petrif'd [petrified] Bone - got a Do. [Ditto] -

    Dentalia - having a Petrif'n [Petrification] within of the Nat're [Nature] of Agate

    Bologn. phosphorous -

    Shells with Petrif'n [Petrfication] within of ye [the] Nat're [Nature] of Agate

    a petrifact'n [petrifcation] of one Stone ab't [about] anoth'r [another] resemb'd [resembled] ye [the] hum'n [human] Ear

    Last edit over 4 years ago by Mick
    p. 258
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    p. 258

    A Plan of a Ho Country House

    A fine Corinth - Pillar 2 Pauls

    Angels - raw [181?] - a Sect'n [Section] of a Church 2 Pauls Y. - Hercules & Iole

    Martyrd'm [Martyrdom] of St. Agnes - Copy of a Paint'g [Painting] done by Dominiceni in Church of the Convent of St. Agnes at Bolog. [[Bologna]] - Price 10 Pauls

    2 Angels. 3 Pauls - Do. [Ditto] 1 Paul - ie 3 Pauls

    Hercules & Iole. 3 Pauls. Prints - 2 old H'ds [Heads]. 3 Do. [Ditto] - ie 6 -

    3 old H'ds [Heads] - 1 Paul - Cupid & Dolfin by Serrani 1/2

    A rare Vandyke 6 Pauls

    Christ eat'g [eating] with Publicans &c Paul Veronese 2 Do. [Ditto]

    A Magdalen Passinelli 1/2

    La fausse Liberte Child's Head - } 1

    St. Pet'r [Peter] Weeping 1/2

    St. Jerome 1/2

    Castigat Brutalia castigat amor by [[Carrachi]] 1/2

    Europa & Bull by [[Titian]] 1 1/2

    Death of St. Joseph by [[Dominiceni]] 1-

    4 Seasons - by [[Natoire]] - 8

    an odd piece of M St. Mich'l [Michael] A & Dragon St. Mary Ch'd - weighing Souls - St. Jos. - St. John } [[Sabatini]] eng'd by [[Carrachi]] } 1 Paul

    2 St. Cecilia's of [[Ralph]] 2 Pauls

    A Crucifixion of [[Le Brun]] - 1 Do [Ditto]

    Apollo & Hercules by [[Simon de Pessori]] 1 Do. [Ditto]

    Phais & Alexander 1 Do - [Ditto]

    By Copy of Domeniceno - St Jerom at death 6 Do

    Death of Germanicus - by N Poussine 2 Do

    Prospect've [Prospective] of [[Trevi]] - - - - - - - 3 Do of Camp Vaccin - 2

    2 rural Scenes - 4

    A sm'l [small] Holy Family - 1-

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    p. 259
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    p. 259


    A Death of St. Nicholas 1 Paul

    A Frontisp'ce [Frontispiece] of a Temple design of [[Mansart]] 2 Do [Ditto]

    Medonna Sav'r [Savior] & St. John of Raph'l [Raphael] - 3 Do [Ditto]

    Day of Judgment of Mich'l Angelo [[Michaelangelo]] - 1 Do [Ditto]

    St. Peter healing the Lame - 1 Do [Ditto]

    Slaught'r [Slaughter] of Innocents of [[Guido]]


    Paintings - Left to be sent by [[Mr. Clifford]]

    Seq'ns [Sequins]

    a Venus Cup'd [Cupid] & Nymph a Venus & Cup'd a plate of Do [Ditto] } Compan'ns [Companions] - - - - - - 2 1/2 - - 2 1/2

    A piping Boy. a venetian fem'le [female] Mask } Companions 3

    4 pieces Compan'ns [Companions] viz Judith with ye [the] Head of Olafernes Daivd - with ye [the] Head of Goliath } Comp'ns [Companions] 6

    Ahaseureus & Esther Solom'n [Soloman] & Queen of Sheba } Compan'ns [Companions] 6

    Bacchus & Ariadne Bacch's [Bacchus] Cupids by - Albani } Compan'ns [Companions] 5 4

    A Drawing of several figures - - - - - - 1 Sequin

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    p. 260
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    Displaying pages 256 - 260 of 265 in total