p. 256
[[Venice]] Aug'st [August]
Shipp'd in a Box for [[England]] directed to [[Mess'rs Barclay & Jon]], marked [[Mr. Powel]] & [Ergo?] for [[Mr. Morgan]] J.M. - the following Articles - in ye [the] [[Venice]] frigate Capt. [[Captain George Davidson]] -
[[Joan. Baptiste Morgagni]] de sedib. et causis Morbor. binding cont 2 Vol. Fol - Veneteis [[Venice]] 17616 Pauls
[[J.B. Morgagni]]. Epistol. anatom. dua - Fol; Venet [[Venice]]: 1762, 14 Pauls. - - - - - Opuscul. miscellanea Do [Ditto]. Do [Ditto].
H. Morgante Maggiore di Mess'r [[Luig Pulci]], 2 Vol 12mo Torino [[Turin]] 1754.
Le Pitture di [[Bologna]] - 12mo [[Bologna]] 1755.
[[Cornel]]'s Nepos - Lat. et Ital. 12mo Venezia [[Venice]] 1755
[[Vignola]]'s Architect'l [Architectural] Grammar 8vo Roma [[Rome]]
[[Boccacio]] Novels in Italian 2 Vol. 8vo Amsted'm [[Amsterdam]] 1761
Dell' origine e de Progressi delle Scienzi di [[Bologna]] } 8vo [[Bologna]] - 1763
[[Franklin]] on Electricity 3 parts to 4 [[London]] 1760 -
Le Caffe ou L'Ecossais Comedie par [[Mr. Hume]] traduite en francois } 8vo [[Avignon]] 1763
Tancrede, Tragedie par [[Mr. Voltaire]] 8vo a Geneve [[Geneva]] 1761
a MSS - on ye [the] Pictures at [[Cento]] &c Ital. 12mo (in [[Bologna]]) Paulino
Indice delle [[Stampe]] intagliate in Rame [[Rome?]] &c - } 12mo [[Rome]] 1763.
Pastor Fido [[Guarini]] - - 12mo - Venet. [[Venice]] 1741
[[Ariosto]] 3 Vol - - - - - - 12 Venet [[Venice]] 1755
[[Tasso]]'s Aminta - - 8vo Do. [Ditto] 1741
Antidotar'm [Antidotarium] bononiense- - - 4to Bolog. [[Bologna]] 1750
p. 257
Natur'l [Natural] & Artific'l [Artificial] Curiosit's [Curiosities]
Beads bought at [[Loretto]] (blest) cost - 12 Pauls -
Diff't [Different] Specim'ns [Specimens] of Margar'te got at [[Bologna]] - }
Petrifact'n [Petrifaction] of Reeds at [[Terni]]
Specimens of Hard Stones Marbles &c Price 1 Seq & 1/2
2 Spec'ns [Specimens] of Antidiluv'n [Antediluvian] petrif'd [petrified] Shells (with ossefied &c) got on Tops of Mount'ns [Mountains] near [[Bologna]]
Nat'l [Natural] White rock in Chrystal - a Specimen
A Hair Ball form'd [formed] in ye [the] Stom'ch [Stomach] of a Cow - [[Bologna]]
A Petrifact'n [Petrifaction] found in the Stom'ch [Stomach] of a Pidgeon with an Impress'n [Impression] of the intern'l [internal] Memb'ne [Membrane] it fill'd the Stom'ch [Stomach & killed the Pidgeon
Bologn. [[Bologna]]: Pyrites from w'ch [which] bologn. phosphorous made a Specim'n [Specimen]
A Tatar Concret - formed in Aqued'cts [Aqueducts] at [[Bologna]]
A petrif'd [petrified] Bone - got a Do. [Ditto] -
Dentalia - having a Petrif'n [Petrification] within of the Nat're [Nature] of Agate
Bologn. phosphorous -
Shells with Petrif'n [Petrfication] within of ye [the] Nat're [Nature] of Agate
a petrifact'n [petrifcation] of one Stone ab't [about] anoth'r [another] resemb'd [resembled] ye [the] hum'n [human] Ear
p. 258
A Plan of a Ho Country House
A fine Corinth - Pillar 2 Pauls
Angels - raw [181?] - a Sect'n [Section] of a Church 2 Pauls Y. - Hercules & Iole
Martyrd'm [Martyrdom] of St. Agnes - Copy of a Paint'g [Painting] done by Dominiceni in Church of the Convent of St. Agnes at Bolog. [[Bologna]] - Price 10 Pauls
2 Angels. 3 Pauls - Do. [Ditto] 1 Paul - ie 3 Pauls
Hercules & Iole. 3 Pauls. Prints - 2 old H'ds [Heads]. 3 Do. [Ditto] - ie 6 -
3 old H'ds [Heads] - 1 Paul - Cupid & Dolfin by Serrani 1/2
A rare Vandyke 6 Pauls
Christ eat'g [eating] with Publicans &c Paul Veronese 2 Do. [Ditto]
A Magdalen Passinelli 1/2
La fausse Liberte Child's Head - } 1
St. Pet'r [Peter] Weeping 1/2
St. Jerome 1/2
Castigat Brutalia castigat amor by [[Carrachi]] 1/2
Europa & Bull by [[Titian]] 1 1/2
Death of St. Joseph by [[Dominiceni]] 1-
4 Seasons - by [[Natoire]] - 8
an odd piece of M St. Mich'l [Michael] A & Dragon St. Mary Ch'd - weighing Souls - St. Jos. - St. John } [[Sabatini]] eng'd by [[Carrachi]] } 1 Paul
2 St. Cecilia's of [[Ralph]] 2 Pauls
A Crucifixion of [[Le Brun]] - 1 Do [Ditto]
Apollo & Hercules by [[Simon de Pessori]] 1 Do. [Ditto]
Phais & Alexander 1 Do - [Ditto]
By Copy of Domeniceno - St Jerom at death 6 Do
Death of Germanicus - by N Poussine 2 Do
Prospect've [Prospective] of [[Trevi]] - - - - - - - 3 Do of Camp Vaccin - 2
2 rural Scenes - 4
A sm'l [small] Holy Family - 1-
p. 259
A Death of St. Nicholas 1 Paul
A Frontisp'ce [Frontispiece] of a Temple design of [[Mansart]] 2 Do [Ditto]
Medonna Sav'r [Savior] & St. John of Raph'l [Raphael] - 3 Do [Ditto]
Day of Judgment of Mich'l Angelo [[Michaelangelo]] - 1 Do [Ditto]
St. Peter healing the Lame - 1 Do [Ditto]
Slaught'r [Slaughter] of Innocents of [[Guido]]
Paintings - Left to be sent by [[Mr. Clifford]]
Seq'ns [Sequins]
a Venus Cup'd [Cupid] & Nymph a Venus & Cup'd a plate of Do [Ditto] } Compan'ns [Companions] - - - - - - 2 1/2 - - 2 1/2
A piping Boy. a venetian fem'le [female] Mask } Companions 3
4 pieces Compan'ns [Companions] viz Judith with ye [the] Head of Olafernes Daivd - with ye [the] Head of Goliath } Comp'ns [Companions] 6
Ahaseureus & Esther Solom'n [Soloman] & Queen of Sheba } Compan'ns [Companions] 6
Bacchus & Ariadne Bacch's [Bacchus] Cupids by - Albani } Compan'ns [Companions] 5 4
A Drawing of several figures - - - - - - 1 Sequin