{Left-hand page} Mrs. L. R. Slaton Route 5 Madisonville, Kentucky
This book belongs to Mary Ruth McGuyer Madisonville, Ky. Route 1.
Mrs. Rex Slaton Route 5 Madisonville, Kentucky
{Right-hand page} Mary Ruth McGuyer 551 South Seminary Madisonville, Kentucky
Mary Ruth Slaton Route 5 Madisonville, Kentucky
{Left Hand Page} EACH DAY - A LIFE. Let every dawn of morning be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close ; then let every one of these short lives leave its sure record of some kindly thing done for others. some goodly strength or knowledge gained for yourselves. - John Ruskin.
{Right Hand Page} Jan. 1
1931. Miss. Nannie & myself wen't to Larene's Rook Party Dec. 31st. Spent the night with her. Larene spent new year day with me.
1932. studied some today for my Physics final. Doitha Kirkwood came a little while this afternoon. Mr. Hartman came a little while tonight.
1933. Stayed at home all day. Doitha Kirkwood and Joe Maxwell came this afternoon. Rex didn't come today, it was too muddy for a car.
1934. Nora Lee and Evelyn went home this morning. Sis, Dock and I washed today. Sis ironed some this afternoon. Jim came a while this afternoon.
1935. I got breakfast, dinner & helped clean up the house. Sis went to town a little while this morning & Nora Lee went with her. Kate washed today. Nora Lee, Jim, & Basil came a little while today. Amelia came this afternoon & helped Sis & I [tack] a comfort. We put the comfort in & got it done today. Joe came tonight. Joe, Rex, Dock & I played Rook.
Jan. 2
1931. Lorene goes home. Got a letter from Cosby. and a card from Mr. & Mrs. Ed Graham.
1932. studied for my Physics final some today. Mr. Conley & also Mr. Hartman came over a little while tonight.
1933. Mother & I washed this morning and we went to see Mrs. Utley this afternoon, she is some better. We went by Mrs. Melton's and she went with us to see Mrs. Utley.
1934. I cleaned up the house, got dinner and ironed some today. John Marion came tonight. John Marion, Dock, Rex and I played rook tonight.
1935. I ironed some, churned, got dinner & supper. Rex went to town today to the tobacco sale. I have been nearly sick today with a cold. John Marion came tonight. Dock, John Marion, Rex & I played rook. I got a letter from Christian [?].
Jan. 3
1931. Mother & myself went to see Miss. Emma. Ruby Allen & myself went to see Lorene & Mrs. Johnson a little while.
1932. Stayed at home all day. Mrs. Conley came a little while this morning. Cosby came this afternoon.
1933. Mr. & Mrs. Gene Melton spent the day with us and we killed hogs. I ironed some today and we ground sausage tonight.
1934. I cleaned up the house, got dinner and ironed some this morning. I have been mending some this afternoon. Loyd came this afternoon. Rex and I played Rummy tonight.
1935. I finished ironing, got dinner & supper and patched some. I wrote a letter to Mother today. My cold is some better.