Council Proceedings: February 3 and February 17, 1905: Part 2 of 2





At this time Alderman Dycus stated that he had been informed that parties in filling in lots on 6th Avenue, had caused the water to overflow the street at 6th Avenue and Rosedale, and he understood that the same condition existed in some places in the 7th ward, and also the 4th ward, and moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer, if if sufficient cause existed that the City Attorney proceed in proper manner to stop any damage occuring, The motion was carried and matter referred, and City Attorney so instructed.

A true Copy.

Attes: Jno T. Montgomery City Secretary.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver



FILED 2/20 1903 Jno T. Montgomery City Sec'y

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver
Needs Review


To the Honorable city Council of the city of F ort Worth:


We, the undersigned citizens residing on Kane Street and in the 8th Ward of the City of Fort Worth, do most earnestly pray that your Honorable body make procision at an early date to gravel said Kane street.

We most respectfully show that it will now soon be cold weather and with this comes the rainey season, and with the conditions existing on Kane street at this time we could manage to go through another winter with the very greatest of annoyance and inconvenience. This street is, indeed, a bad one to travel during wet weather. We notice, with much pleasure, that through the efforts of your honorable body, a great many streets are now being graded and graveled in the city. Some of them are not traveled or used by the public as much as is Kane street. Some of the signers hereto have resided in the 8th Ward and on said street for a great many years; they have borne their proportionate share of taxes, etc. for the support of the city government during all these years, and yet this ward is in many placed without, not only passable streets in wet weather, but without sufficient fire protection and without sewerage. We are only asking now for your support and efforts to put Kane street in a good condition with proper grade and gravel, and to this end the subscribers hereto will pay the amount set opposite their respective names for the purpose of assisting in defraying the expenses of gradng and graveling said street. It is understood that each party signing this shall be laiable only for the amount subscribed by him individually.

We pray that your honorable body grant this request and make your order to have said street graded and graveled at an early date so that the same be put in condition before the winter rains begin.

Respectfully submitted.

W.C. STrong $10.00 Joe Lollar $20.00
A.W. Flynt 10.00 T.W. Paulsen $10.00
J.R. [?] 10.00 Matt Lilquist 20.00
G.W. Ratliff 20.00 R.Y. Erisman $10.00
RM Logan 10.00 A.N. Jack 20.00
Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver


BD Kennedy $10.00 J.C. Smith $10.00 Lee Garrett $10.00 A.L. Matlock 10.00

We your committee on street and alleys recommend that the forgoing petition be granted and work ordered done at once under supervision of City Engr.

BL Waggoman chm Jake F. Zurn WH. Ward

FILED JAN 6 1905 Jno T. Montgomery City Sec'y

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