Mary Quayle Innis, Personal Diary. [1949-1953].



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[p. 361] December 14 1949 Wed. To bank and shopped. Very cold. Anne writing Latin exam. Knitting socks.

1950 Thu. Shopped and to library with Mary in car. Letter from Harold. Sewed on Anne's dress. Mary had girl here in evening.

1951 Fri. Shopped and to library. Typed and wrote letters. Snowing. Heard pop concert on radio.

1952 Sun Typed on book. Radio. Alex Brady here for tea. Wrote letters. Colder and snow.

1953 To University press at 10 to work on " Cod Fisheries", to University library. Snowing hard all day.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Innis
Untitled Page 362

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[p.362] December 15 1949 Thu. Finished typing novel. Hugh started exams. Very cold.

1950 Shopped with Mary. She and I to see " Trio" and had chocolate afterward. Cold.

1951 Sat. Baked and cleaned house. To Heliconian Xmas dinner. Dickens - Dingley Dell

1952 Washed, worked on textbook. To village to shop and to clean. Snow melting. Anne home from supper. Hugh started work at post office.

1953 Tues. Hugh started work at Brewer warehouse. Very cold. Shopped downtown and worked at Reference library

Last edit over 3 years ago by Innis
Untitled Page 363

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[p. 363] December 16 1949 Fri. To Yonge street to shop. Worked on radio script, letter from Donald.

1950 Sat. Baked cookies. Finished Anne's formal. Harold came home from Ottawa and Hugh. I to Heliconian Xmas party - "Pirates of Penzance". Splendid

1951 Sun. 8 or 10 from our department here fro tea. Very cold. Anne out.

1952 Tues. To bank, post office and shopped. Very mild and sunny. Anne and Hugh both working at post office. Helen Ignatieff came to see me. Roses from G. Jackson.

1953 Wed. To bank, shopped and to University library. Ted here for dinner, he and Anne made tarts and cookies for her party.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Innis
Untitled Page 364

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[p.364] December 17 1949 Baked mince pie. Knitted. To Heliconian Xmas party - Paris 1900 -14. Lovely costumes. Harold came from Ottawa, late.

1950 Sun. Harold and I to Nativity play. Anne a king. Mary out. Cold.

1951 Mon. With Anne to get slippers and red silk for dress. Washed. Cold.

1952 Wed. To shop. Mild and bright. Ironed and typed on book. Children at post office. Heard radio, knitted and mended.

1953 Thu. Shopping, did errands, worked at University library. cold. Hugh working nights.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Innis
Untitled Page 365

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[p. 365] December 18 1949 Sun. Raining and dark. Harold resting. Heard symphony and reading " The classical Tradition". Anne sang at nativity play.

1950 Mon. Washed. Harold at University all day. To University library to return books. Anne finished exams.

1951 Very heavy snow al day. 10 in. fell. Anne started working at post office. To [Helleiners] to hear records - Mozart's " Seraglio"

1952 Thu. To C.A.A.E. to talk about " Food for Thought", to lunch at granite club with Irene Clarke, [Vi] and Clare Pratt. Prin. Jeannert asked me to be Dean of women.

1953 Fri. Silka cleaned. I to shop and library. Anne's square dance - Very successful, went on till 3. Hugh working.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Innis
Displaying pages 361 - 365 of 384 in total