
One of the Sandy Spring Museum’s most cherished holdings in our collection are the complete assemblage of meeting minutes for the community's many social clubs. To celebrate the history of the community’s diverse clubs, for our next Transcribe-A-thon, we will be transcribing meeting minutes from some of the more unique and obscure clubs in our collection. Material includes minutes from groups like the Maryland Woman Suffrage Association, the Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association, and the Dosey-Dos Square Dance Club.
All works are fully transcribed.
Club Minutes: Sandy Spring Pigeon Club, 1910-1913
Metadata: Identifier: smpa_97-05-227 Title: Club Minutes: Sandy Spring Pigeon Club, 1910-1913 Creator: Sandy Spring Pigeon Club Subject: Sandy Spring Pigeon Club (Society)--Archives; Sandy Spring (Md.)--Societies and clubs; Sandy Spring (Md.)--Social life and customs; Clubs-Maryland--Sandy...
100 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Club Minutes: The Dosey-Dos Square Dance Club, 1945-1961
124 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Meeting Minutes: Ladies Auxiliary of the Sandy Spring Volunteer Fire Department, 1948-1953
91 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Meeting minutes: Maryland Woman Suffrage Association, 1889-1903
70 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Meeting minutes: Maryland Woman Suffrage Association, 1898-1910
98 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Meeting Minutes: The Olney-Norbeck Citizens Protective Association, ca 1939-1940
95 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)