Sandy Spring Area Schools Collection


Sandy Spring Area Schools Collection
Spanning as far back as 1844, this collection contains hand written and typed letters, essays, notebooks, and advertisements from various schools and students around Sandy Spring.
Letter: John C. Bentley to Allan Farquhar, August, 1909

Letter: John C. Bentley to Allan Farquhar, August, 1909

6 pages: 66% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 33% needs review)
Notebook: Caleb E. Iddings, 1854

Notebook: Caleb E. Iddings, 1854

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31 pages: 54% complete (10% indexed, 78% transcribed, 23% needs review)
Notebook: Roger B. Farquhar, 1852-1853

Notebook: Roger B. Farquhar, 1852-1853

Some pages still need work. Help out!

99 pages: 12% complete (4% indexed, 26% transcribed, 14% needs review)
Notebook: Roger B. Farquhar, 1852-1853

Notebook: Roger B. Farquhar, 1852-1853

Some pages still need work. Help out!

122 pages: 27% complete (9% indexed, 34% transcribed, 7% needs review)
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