[Anna Farquhar Brooke], 1880





BLOOD DISEASES. their use before the desired results are obtained, they expend the money without benefit to themselves, and the reputation of the medicines is injured thereby. We cannot too strongly impress upon the minds of invalid readers the importance, in the treatment of all chronic diseases, of keeping the bowels free and regular. When Discovery taken alone does not accomplish this purpose, Pleasant Purgative Pellets should be taken in small laxative doses with it. They are not only laxative or strongly cathartic, according to the size of the dose taken, but they are also powerfully alterative, or blood-cleansing. Most other laxatives or cathartics are incompatible with Golden Medical Discovery, and must not be used with it; but the Pellets act in perfect harmony with the Discovery, and powerfully assist it in its curative effects. You can save largely if you will buy the Discovery and Pellets by the half-dozen or dozen bottles. In many of the Blood Diseases mentioned above, this amount of medicine will be necessary to effect a perfect cure and leave the system thorouhly purified and strengthened. Scrofula.- Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir- my son, who has been suffering from extensive ulcerations upon his legs, commenced to improve at once upon using the Golden Medical Discovery. They are now entirely healed, and he is in robust health. I am your friend, most thankfully, L. S. SMITH, Chester, Pa. Face Swollen out of Shape. Cured.- St. Elmo, Illinois.- R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y.: I wish to add my testimony to the wonderful curative properties of your Alt. Ext, or Golden Medical Discovery. I have taken great interest in this medicine since I first used it. I was bdly afflicted with dyspepsia, liver deranged and an almost perfect prostration of the nervous system. So rapid and complete did the Discovery effect a perfect cure that it seemed more like magic, and was a perfect wonder to myself, and since that time we have never been without a bottle of the Discovery and Purgative Pellets in the house. They are a solid, sound family physician in the house, and ready at all times to fly to the relief of sickness - without charge. We have never had a doctor in the house since we first began the use of your Pellets and Discovery. I have recommended the use of these medicines in several severe and complicated cases arising from, as I thought, an impure state of the blood, and in no one case have they failed to more than accomplish all they are claimed to do. I will only mention one as remarkable (though I could give you dozens). HENRY KOSTER, furniture dealer, of this place, who was one of the most pitiful objects ever seen, his face swollen out of shae, scales and eruptions without end, extending to his body, which it completely covered the blotches and scales. Nothing that he took seemed to affect it a particle. I finally induced him to try a few bottles of the Golden Medical Discovery, with daily use of the Pellets, assuring him it would surely cure him. He commenced its use some six weeks since, taking two Pellets each night for a week, then one each night, and the Discovery as directed. The result is, to-day his skin is perfectly smooth, and the scaly eruptions are gone. He has taken some seven or eight bottles in all, and considers himself cured. This case had baffled the skill of our best physicians. Messrs. DUNFORD & CO., druggists of this place, are selling largely of your medicines and the demand steadily increases, and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. Respectfully, W. H. CHAMPLIN, Agt. Am. Exp. Co. "A Drop of Joy In Every Word." - Flemington, Hunterdon, Co., N. J.- Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir- It is with a happy heart that I pen these lines to acknowledge that you and your Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pellets are blessings to the world. These medicines cannot be too highly praised, for they have almost brought me out of the grave. Three months ago I was broken out with large ulcers and sores on my body, limbs, and face. I procured your Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pellets, and have taken six bottles, and to-day I am in good health, all those ugly ulcers having healed and left my skin in a natural healthy condition. I thought at one time I could not be cured. Although I can but poorly express my gratitude to you, 14

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yet there is a drop of joy in every word I write. God's blessing rest on you and your wonderful medicines, is the humble prayer of Yours truly, JAMES O. BELLIS Hip-Joint Disease Cured.- J. M. ROBINSON, West Grove Station, Iowa, writes: "My wife first became lame nine years ago. Swellings would appear and disappear on her hip, and she was gradually becoming reduced and her whole system rotten with disease. In 1871 a swelling broke on her hip discharging large quantities, and since that time there are several openings. Have had five doctors at an expense of $125, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical operation." Later, he writes thus: "My wife has certainly received a great benefit from the use of your Discovery, for she was not able to get off the bed and was not expected to live a week when she commenced using it, a year ago. She has been doing most of her work for over six months. Has used twenty bottles and is still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all to the use of your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood-purifier and strength-restorer." Doctors Wanted to Take His Leg Off.- Dr. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir - Twenty years ago I was shipwrecked on the Atlantic Ocean, and the cold and exposure caused a large abscess to form on each leg, which kept continually discharging. I was attended by doctors in Liverpool, Havre, New Orleans, New York, and at the Hospital on Staten Island (where the doctors wanted to take one leg off). Finally, after spending hundreds of dollars, I was persuaded to try your "Golden Medical Discovery," and now in less than three months after taking the first bottle I am thankful to say I am completely cured, and for the first time in ten years can put my left heel to the ground. I am at home nearly every evening and shall be glad to satisfy any person of the truth of this information. I am, sir, yours respectfully, WILLIAM RYDER, 87 Jefferson Street, Buffalo N. Y. Syphilitic Eruptions Cured. - Dr. PIERCE: I have taken your Discovery and find it to be a sure cure for syphilitic eruptions. EDWARD HOAG, Charlotte, Mich.

DEATH IN HIS FAVORITE ROBE. In a previous article I have shown that the liver is the great depurating, or blood-cleansing, organ of the human system. When this reat "housekeeper" of our health becomes torpid or inactive a vast amount of noxious poisons accumulate in the blood. Nature tries to work off and free the system of this poison through other channels and organs, and largely through the exhalations thrown off through the lungs in respiration. The blood is in a measure oxygenated and purified by the lungs, but in this effort and overwork these organs become irritated, and nervous cough, bronchitis, and consumption itself, are the natural results. The tissues of the lungs being irritated by the bile-poisoned blood circulating through these most delicately-constructed organs, scrofulous disease is established. The general health becomes broken down, and the person feels languid, weak, faint, drowsy, and confused. Pain in the right side, in the region of the liver, and a sympathic pain in the shoulders and spine, and through the lungs, is generally experienced. The patient soon has a dry hacking couch - that liver cough! Minute tubercles are developed in the lungs, and perhaps exist for months unknown to their victim. Nothing is done to remove tubercles by the ordinary treatment. Cough is only a symptom of the disease, yet this only is aimed at. There is no rational way to cure consumption except to purify the blood. 16

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Set the liver actively at work, and the foul corruptions which have accumulated in the blood, and which eat out the vital machinery, are gradually expelled from the system. The poisonous materials in the blood which cause the tubercles are thereby thrown off and vitality supported, the system nourished and built up, and the development of tubercles thus prevented. Remove the blood-poison by restoring the action of the liver, and the cough, which is only a symptom of the real disease, is relieved. You thereby strike at the root of incipient consumption and cure the patient. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY will not raise the dead, nor will it cure consumption when the lungs are almost wholly consumed, but it will, as has been demonstrated in hundreds of cases, positively arrest pulonary consumption and restore health and strength, if it be administered in the early stages of the disease. From its wonderful power over this terrible disease, when first offering this now celebrated remedy to the public, I thought favorably of calling it my "Consumption Cure;" but I finally decided not to apply to it a name which might mislead the public, and prevent its use in other diseases for which it is also admirably adapted. In addition to pectoral and alternative active principles, it possesses wonderful nutritive properties, which peculiarly adapt to the wants of the consumptive and scrofulous. The nutritive properties of cod liver oil are trifling when compared with those possessed by my Discovery. It is astonishing to see how it builds up the solid muscle and increases the flesh and weight of those whose systems are reduced below the usual standard of perfect health by wasting diseases. Clears the Voice. - R. V. PIERCCE, M. D.: I am a tenor singer and did not know I had a voice until I used your Discovery; it cured a hoarseness that I had for at least five years, and now good judges say I have a wonderful voice. TONY GARDINER, 361 Central Avenue, Albany, N. Y. Consumption Cured. - Dr. PIERCE: My father died with consumption and I thought I was going the same way. My cough could not be stopped until I took your Discovery. It stopped the cough and cured me, and I have remained so for two years. MRS. R. E. MITCHELL, Jonesboro', Tenn. Consumption.- R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir - I have been taking your Golden Medical Discovery and now find myself much better than I have been for years. The ulcers on my legs, the obstinate and painful cough, and constipation, have entirely left me. I feel like a new man. I remain yours, G. C. SHORT, New London, Conn. Consumption.- Dr. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir - I have continued taking your Golden Medical Discovery through the summer, and am happy to say that I have not looked or felt so well for years. I am truly thankful to God that I heard of your medicines, and that I am at last able to realize the blessings of good health. I am ever your true friend and well-wisher. MRS. C. WILLIAMS, Monson, Me. Consumption. - R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir - I write to express my gratitude for the benefits obtained from your medicines. I was treated for years by several of the first physicians of Philadelphia, without benefit. Soon after I commenced taking your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets, the cough, constipation, and racking pains, the bane of my life, left me, and I have since been enjoying health. Your grateful patient, MRS. R. GORDON, London, Ont. Bleeding from Lungs. - Chicago, Ill. - WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATIOn: Gentlemen, For years I have been a great sufferer. My trouble first started with terrible ague chills and constipation. I also had a racking cough and frequent bleeding from the lungs. I had been continually doctoring, consulting physicians without number. From then I received no benefit or encouragement. The most noted physicians of our city expressed. 18

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