[Anna Farquhar Brooke], 1880



Needs Review



Compound Extract of

Smart-Weed or Water Pepper

is a Compound of Smart-Weed, Jamaica Ginger, Anodyne and Healing Gums, and the Best French Brandy.

Taken Internally it Cures

Diarrhœa, Dysentery (Bloody-flux), Summer Complaint, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Colic, Cramps and Pain in the Stomach, breaks up Colds, Febrile and Inflammatory Attacks, Rheumatism, and Neuralgia, and relieves all Pains and Suppressions to which Females are subject from taking cold at a critical period.

Applied Externally it Cures

Sprains and Bruises, Frost-bites, Chilblains, Felons, Rheumatic Affections, Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Neuralgia, Pain in the Back, Soreness and Stiffness of Joints, Stings and Bites of Poisonous Insects and Reptiles, Cakes Breast, or "Ague in Breast," and Enlarged Glands, -- in short, is an unexcelled Liniment for Man and Beast.

It is sold by dealers in medicines in all parts of the civilized world.

World's Dispensary Medical Association, Prop'rs, BUFFALO, N. Y., and LONDON, Eng.



Or, Medicine Simplified.

By R. V. Pierce, M. D., Consulting Physician to the Invalid's Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.

This popular work contains important information for the young and old, both male and female, single and married, not heretofore published in this country, for the non-professional reader. MEN AND WOMEN, MARRIED AND SINGLE, are many times tempted to ask their family physicians questions on delicate matters, but are deterred from so doing by their sense of modesty. This work answers just such questions so fully and plainly as to leave no one in doubt. It contains over 900 pages, nearly 800 colored and other illustrations, is bound in extra cloth, and sent to any address (post-paid) on receipt of $1.50. AGENTS WANTED to sell this popular work, on liberal terms.


Last edit over 1 year ago by MKMcCabe



The completion and opening of the Grand Invalid's Hotel, renders the World's Dispensary and Surgical Institute more perfect in all its appointments than any other Sanitarium or similar institution in the world. After having expended nearly half a million of dollars in erecting and furnishing this elegant remedial home for those suffering from chronic ailments, its founder has spared neither pains nor expense in engaging the services of the most skillful Faculty of physicians and surgeons possible to be secured as his associates. The building formerly occupied as medical offices and laboratory will now be used only for our Laboratory, Printing, Binding, and Advertising Departments. Patients desiring to consult our Faculty in person should, on arriving in Buffalo, come directly to the Hotel, where they will receive every accommodation and attention.

"CONSISTENCY THOU ART A JEWEL." -- Some have refused to use "put up" medicines, simply because they do not know just how they are made. Do you refuse to accept the deductions and conclusions of the astronomer simply because you are unacquainted with his methods of calculation? You do not refuse to eat, and yet the exact process by which the food is assimilated into the structure of the body is unknown. Are you always able to translate the latin prescriptions obtained from your family physician, and understand the effect of each remedy named, and the chemical change each may undergo when combined with another? Then why let such groundless objections debar you from using a remedy that has cured your neighbor? Thousands bear testimony that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has speedily and permanently cured them of coughs, colds, consumption, and all forms of scrofulous, blood and skin diseases. Can you doubt that it is a pure, potent and valuable medicine?

THE MORBID SINNER. -- An eminent clergyman once said that a change of stomach and liver would benefit the morbid sinner almost as much as a change of heart, yet many still attribute an irritable temper and morose disposition to the ingenious workings of the devil, while they are simply the symptoms of dyspepsia, torpid liver, constipation, and general or nervous debility, and are readily cured by the use of a few bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are sold by Druggists.

Last edit 9 months ago by Jannyp
Displaying pages 51 - 52 of 52 in total