[Anna Farquhar Brooke], 1880






CONSUMPTION.— The bile-poisoned blood passes from the upper and right cavity of the heart to the lower cavity, thence directly to the lungs, circulating through all parts of these most delicate organs. The tissues of the lungs are poisoned and irritated, and invite the scrofulous humors with which the blood is burdened, by being thus irritated. In this way consumption, which is scrofula of the lungs, so defined by all the most scientific authors, is established.

BRONCHITIS.—The bile-poisoned blood is in a measure oxygenized and purified by the lungs; but in this effort these organs are overworked and irritated, and the foul blood-poison may be smelled in the man's offensive breath. Nervous cough, bronchitis, and consumption itself, are the natural results. The lungs would not have become diseased had the liver done its duty by excreting the bile.

ASTHMA.—This spasmodic and distressing malady is generally the result of reflex nervous action, produced by impure blood—the indirect result, in other words, of improperly-performed function on the part of the liver.

KIDNEY DISEASE.—The impure blood, which a torpid liver fails to purify, affects not only the heart and lungs, but also other important organs. In its circulation it passes from the lungs back to the upper left cavity of the heart, thence to the lower cavity, and thence through the arteries and capillaries to every tissue and organ of the system. The kidneys are among the most important of those organs, furnishing, as they do, an important excretion— that of the urine. They become diseased, being irritated and congested by the presence of bile-poisoned blood, and Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and kindred affections result. The urine becomes scanty, high-colored, and at times loaded with red deposits, or other diseased products, which produce irritation and Inflammation of the Bladder, thus adding another malady to the already-lengthy catalogue of ailments.

SICK-HEADACHE.— The brain, which is the great electrical center of all vitality, is unduly stimulated by the unhealthy blood which passes to it from the heart, and it fails to perform its office healthfully. Hence dullness, dizziness, sick-headache (really only another name for bilious headache), incapacity to keep the mind on any subject, impairment of memory, sleepy or nervous feelings, gloomy forebodings, and irritability of temper.

SKIN DISEASES.—The blood-poison, not being worked off by the liver, accumulates and filtering through the skin, becomes so acrid as to produce blotches, pimples, eruptions, pustules, scaly incrustations, lumps, inflamed patches, acne, impetigo, prurigo, psoriasis, salt-rheum, tetter; or, becoming still more virulent, the poison breaks out in boils, carbuncles, or old sores, that are difficult to heal.

DYSPEPSIA AND COSTIVENESS.— The stomach and bowels cannot escape becoming affected, sooner or later, and costiveness, piles, dropsy, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, and many other forms of chronic disease, are among the necessary results.

SCROFULOUS DISEASES.—A long series of diseases, commonly known as scrofulous, is caused by torpor of the liver—the want of proper excretion of the poisonous, festering matter circulating in the blood. These cause swellings about the neck, enlarged tonsils, scrofulous sore eyes, running ulcers, discharges from the ears, catarrh or ozaena, fever-sores, white swellings, hip-joint disease, ulceration of bones, internal swellings, ulcerations of the liver, kidneys, and uterus, and other maladies too numerous to mention.

MALARIOUS POISONS are rejected from the blood, into which they are absorbed from the atmosphere taken into the lungs through the liver, when this organ is in good condition, and when it fails in such performance then the system suffers from chills, fever, dumb ague, congestive chills and other phases of malarial poisoning.

SYMPTONS.—The symptoms of liver disease and its resultant affections may differ according to the circumstances, aptitude, temperament, age, or constitution, of the individual and the complications of the disease. Not unfrequently the complexion becomes


Last edit about 1 year ago by Jannyp
Needs Review


1880 S .. 4 11 18 25 M .. 5 12 19 26 T .. 6 13 20 27 W .. 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9. 16. 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31

1881 S .. 2 9 16 23 30 M .. 3 10 17 24 31 T .. 4 11 18 25 .. W .. 5 12 19 26 .. T .. 6 13 20 27 .. F .. 7 14 21 28 .. S 1 8 15 22 29 ..

JANUARY THIS BOOK WILL SAVE THE LABOR OF LOOKING UP DATES. 1st. A quiet day, James Alice & F Miller etc. called. 10 below zero 2nd Went to meeting & to Olney with L.P.S 3rd. C. hauling ice & went to S. Spring 4th Eliza, Mary & I went to the mill Little Thomas Allison died. 5th spent the day at Longwood 6th Eliza went to Herman & we to W.H. Brooke's & F Stabler's Robert went to James [illegible] with wheat 7th. Paid numerous calls & came home. Charlie & Edith went to Insey's. Henry staid at Herman. 8th. Went to Home Interest at [illegible] 9th Snowing. no one went to meeting 10th, Heavy sleet. Robert went to [B] Grove for meal. 11th. Went to [Woresthen & Willow Grove] Robert went to town. 5

Last edit 9 months ago by Jannyp



pale and sallow, and there is puffiness under the eyes, bilious or sick headache, bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur, hacking cough, fever, restlessness, sometimes an unnatural greasy appearance of the skin, at others it is dry and harsh, has scaly or branny eruptions, pimples, dark blotches, and troublesome itching. The urine is frequently scanty and highcolored, but variable as to quantity and appearance; it often produces a scalding sensation when voided, and is allowed to stand, deposits a sediment which sometimes contains albumen. There is depression of spirits and a decided tendency to be discouraged and despondent. The functional powers of the stomach are impaired, there is loss of appetitie, or it becomes capricious, uneasiness is felt in the region of the stomach, oppression, sometimes nausea and waterbrash, or there is indigestion, flatulency, and acid eructations; the bowels become irregular, usually constipated, and occasionally subject to obstinate diarrhoea attended with colicky pains, thin stools are light clay-colored, sometimes hard and dark, again tin and very offensive. During the day the circulation is sluggish, the feet and hands are cold, but at night the pulse is accelerated, and the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet have a burning sensation. The foregoing symptoms are not all present in one case, nor are any two cases alike in every respect. They vary according to the organs most imlicated in the derangement.

Thus, when chronic inflammation of the liver is

Associated with heart disease, the patient may have palpitation, excessive or defective action of the heart, attended with more or less pain and shortness of breath.

If the lungs be specially influenced, then, in addition to the ordinary liver symptoms, there may be a dry cough, asthma, hurried respiration, bronchitis, hoarseness, pain in the chest, etc.

If the stomach be the sympathizing organ, the tongue will be coated white or brown, there will be nausea, loss of appetite, flatulency, acidity, dyspepsia, fullness and oppression, amounting sometimes to pain in the stomach after taking food, which ferments and gives rise to eructations and various other disordered manifestations.

If the bowels be morbidly influenced by this affection, there is constipation or diarrhoea, griping pain, distention of the abdomen, piles, and pain just within the points of the hips, thus indicating irritation of the colon.

If the brain or nervous system sensitivity responds it gives rise to sick-headache, dizziness, disturbed sleep, nightmare, depression of spirits, peevishness, capriciousness, lack of ambition, irritability, and congestive symptoms.

Malarial poisons, when not removed from the system by reason of sluggishness of the liver, cause ague, chills and fever, and kindred affections.

TREATMENT. -- We appeal to the reader's reason, if it is not fair to suppose that the whole list of maladies that can be logically and demonstratively traced to their primary and real causes should not be cured by the application of remedies known to remove such causes. Briefly to recapitulate, it has been shown how biliary poisons, which in health are removed from the blood and system through the functions of the liver, by their pernicious operation on the living tissues produce a great variety of distressing symptoms, innumerable skin diseases, ulcers, scrotulous sores and swellings, and lingering and grave lung diseases, consumption, asthma, or phthisic, heart and kidney diseases, dyspepsia, costiveness, ague, chills and fever, and many other serious affections. All these several divisions of maladies are many times treated as if entirely unlike in their nature and demanding different classes or remedies, according to the peculiar theory of the "school" or individual practitioner. The writer, nevertheless, confidently asserts, as the results of his observations, that all the diseases named in this article can be mose successfully treated, by uniform means addressed to the liver, and he bases this opinion upon the long experience as consulting physician to the largest sanitarium in the world, and

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Last edit almost 2 years ago by Brenda F. Falls


1880. 1881. S 1 8 15 22 29 FEBRUARY. S -- 6 13 20 27 M 2 9 16 23 -- M -- 7 14 21 28 T 3 10 17 24 -- HOW OFTEN WOULD I BE T 1 8 15 22 -- W 4 11 18 25 -- MISTAKEN WERE IT NOT W 2 9 16 23 -- T 5 12 19 26 -- FOR MEMORANDA IN T 3 10 17 24 -- F 6 13 20 27 -- THIS BOOK F 4 11 18 25 -- S 7 14 21 28 -- S 5 12 19 26 --

Last edit over 1 year ago by alicia.amor



stakes his reputation as a physician upon the assertion that these diseases can and are cured by a potent alterative or blood-purifier and liver invigorator. The active remedial properties of the most efficient agents now known of the above classes of medicine are scientifically combined in Golden Medical Discovery, which acts especially upon the liver, and through that organ upon the blood, influencing the system generally.

GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY does not debilitate the liver by overstimulation, nor irritate the stomach and bowels by disturbing the delicate processes of digestion, neither does it act with severity upon the blood; but it operates so gently, insensibly, and yet with so much certainty, that it excites the surprise and admiration of all who use it.

Its favorable action upon all the emunctory organs and processes, which co-operate in the removal of morbid materials from the system, is marked. If, however, the bowels be unusually sluggish (chronic constipation) it would be advisable, in conjunction with the Discovery, to use

PLEASANT PURGATIVE PELLETS, which are powerfully alterative, besides being mild, gentle and unirritating, in their operation. They are the natural allies—remedial assistants—of the Discovery, and the two work harmoniously together. They should be taken in small doses, and their use perseveringly followed until the bowels are properly regulated.

People who are habitually subject to "bilious" attacks, sickheadache, and loss of appetite, are pleased to find that a course of the Discovery and Pellets furnishes immunity from such onsets, and precents their usual recurrence. Thus these remedies are preventive as well as curative. Discovery and Pellets can be purchased in half-dozen or dozen lots at greatly reduced prices. Diseases of the liver are very fully considered in the "Common Sense Medical Adviser" (1,000 pages, 300 illustrations, bound in cloth), price $1.50, post-paid.—Address, WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y.

Liver Complaint Cured.—Park Hill, Ont.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir—I was taken with a pain in my side and under my shoulder-blade some eight years ago. When I would lie down at night the pain would take me in my shoulder and collar-bone so bad that my husband would have to raise me up. I was attended by our family physician for five years. He called it "liver complaint." I found no relief. In May, 1876, I commenced taking your Golden Medical Discovery according to directions. The first effect it had was I could sleep and I gained four pounds in weight each month. Three bottles of Golden Medical Discovery, and an equal number of Pellets, cured me up sound and well.

I never had better health in my life than I have now, and I would advise every person with pain as I have described, or brown blotches on the forehead, to take the Golden Medical Discovery with Pellets. I remain your sincere friend, MRS. EMILY JACKSON.

Liver Complaint and Consumption.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.: Dear Sir—Your Golden Medical Discovery has cured me of a disease of the liver, accompanied with terrible bilious or sick headaches, after I had tried three doctors and spent over $100 in patent medicines. Several other remarkable cures have been accomplished by them: One Miss GAUGLIFF, of liver complaint, after she had been bed-ridden for nearly a year; Mrs. RANDOLPH, of consumption, when very sick. May God prolong your life and most useful work, is the prayer of your friend. MRS. M. A. HUNOLD, Edina, Mo.

Liver and Kidney Disease.—Hon. R. V. PIERCE: Dear Sir—Some three years ago, I was in a very low state of health, with disease of the liver and kidneys. My physicians told me that medicines would do me no good. While I was in bed my son brough me one of your pamphlets. I read it and came to the conclusion that your Golden Medical Discovery and Pellets were the very things I wanted. I sent to the drug-store and got them and took them according to 8

Last edit about 1 year ago by Jannyp
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