Volume 2: Daily journal book, 30 September 1864-22 October 1870





1865. April 15th. Saturday. The promised parcel came consisting of 6 Blankets 6 Counterpanes colored twill'd flannel and worsted stockings. Mrs Robinson sent a note requesting admittance for M Mitchell.

16th. Sunday. M. Mitchell was charged to attend [sup] morn'g [end sup] service, that Rev'd [Reverend] Mills was expected. she replied, "Oh yes, although I am of another religion, I dont [don't] mind attending". but we wish you distinctly to understand that we dont [don't] ask as a favor, it is a privilege! and the rules of the institution demand that all the inmates (whilst in health) attend. Blanche Spreadbrow continues weak and poorly sent for Dr. Nathan to her, after living in debauchery and sin, she comes here to be nursed and altho [although] she says she intends to lead a better life its [it's] very doubtf [doubtful] Monday 17th. Mr. Caldwell visited and inspected the new school room, said he had often wished to have that cottage for the school. The delapited [dilapidated] roof was pointed out to him, which he ordered to be repaired at once. Received a letter from Emma Lockey stating that she is very happy in her situation. The Matron read it aloud in the hearing of all the inmates. several of them expressed their delight at hearing she was so comfortable. They were told that we hoped the day was not far distant when some of them would be writing to tell how happy they were in service.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Karla


1865. April 18th Tuesday. Ladies sub com. [committee]. Present Mrs. Goodlet (H. Sect'y) [Honourable Secretary], Mrs. Hay & Mrs. Mackintyre wrote to Maria Birds father, requesting him to call. they have a large amount of house property and yet have only given £1.1.0 towards her maintainance. [maintenance]

Wedensday [Wednesday] 19th. Maria Smith brought a note from Mr Lewis Moore P.[Pyrmont] Bridge Rd. at 10 oclk [o'clock] at night requesting us to take her in, we consented because it was such a stormy night & the poor thing wet through.

Thursday 20th. M. Smith very ill from the effects of drink &c The rain has been a great hinderance [hindrance], large baskets of wet clothes, and [underline]no where to dry [end underline]them, & it tries the temper of the laundresses.

Friday 21th [st]. M.S. still keeps her bed, not able to do any work. Eliz'th [Elizabeth] Williams has been unwell & keeps her bed today. Emily Turner behaves well, is very anxious to be allowed to stay.

Saturday 22nd. Rev'd [Reverend] W Sellars called to say he could not preach here tommorrow [tomorrow] which is much to be regretted as there are so few ministers coming here.

Sunday 23rd. No Minister morn. [morning] or after'n [afternoon] which is much pity ['regretted'-original text crossed out] as their task for reading is so very limitted [limited]. Mr. Howitt held service in the even'g [evening]

Monday 24th. Blanche is improving in health. The medicine Dr Nathan ordered having had the desired effect. she has required nursing & care.

Tuesday 25th. Marg't [Margaret] O'Brian has fallen again thr. [through] drink! The Matron feels deeply humbled to see her as "the dog is turned to his vomit again & the sow that is washed [sup] to her [end sup] wallow". in the mire" Marg't [Margaret] has tried all she could to get out, "just[underlined] to see after her clothes". but Matron was firm with her & said, I am the misstres [mistress] here, and I tell you once for all, you shall not[underlined] go out to night.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde


1865 April 26th. Wedensday [Wednesday]. Mary Mitchell behaves very well and seems anxious to please. Mary Ann Burns also is improved in her conduct. makes herself usefull [useful] in the ironing room. Thursday 27th. Cathn [Catherine] Richards was noisy and unruly at school. Matron ordered bread and water intead of tea, for her eve [evening] meal. and wrote to ask her Mother to come, she having only paid 10/- towards Cath'n [Catherine] maintainence [maintenance] & they can well aford [afford] to pay more. Friday 28th. A beautifule [beautiful] day for drying clothes which is such a relief. We are in need of a drying room to dry clothes in wet weather. the woodhouse would make a first rate dry'g [drying] room with a little alteration. The laundresses get so quarrelsome and ill tempered with each other in wet weather. Matron went to visit her sick daughter at 1/2 5 oclk [o'clock] eve'g [evening]. it was cold and wet but could not be spared any other time. Saturday 29th. Owing to the rain last night, Matron could not return untill [until] this morn [morning] at 20 minutes to 9 oclk [o'clock]. Mr Roberts had conducted the morn. [morning] worship. breakfast was over & all at work. Betsy young asked for readmission. she owned she acted wrong in going out as she did. we permitted her to come in untill [until] tuesday's com. [committee] C Richard's mother sent 10/. and apoliged [apologised] for not "sending before as she had forgotten". she also sent a stron pair of boots for Cathn. [Catherine] Sabbath 30th. Rev. Mills preached morn [morning]. A Howitt aftern [afternoon] Mr Button eve [evening] service.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Kayde


1865. May 1st Monday. Annie Toon aged 18 yrs. asked admission "because she was tired of a bad life, and wanted to reform"! in the eve, a young man called, and beg'd[begged] very earnestly to see her, he was told to ask the Ladies.

Teusday [tuesday]. 2nd Betsy Young is the best shirt iorner [ironer] we have (her Mother kept a laundry in Manchester) we hope she has seen her folly, and that she will settle down with us.

Wedensday [Wednesday] 3rd, 10 oclk [inserted] Last nights the young man calling himself Annie Toon's brother continued ringing the bell for at least 10 minutes when Mrs. A opened her window to see, he said, he was not able to attend the com't at 3 oclk so he would like to get the [ring?] then. he was told he could not [underscored] have it without seeing the ladies com. next teusday [tuesday], Dr. Nathan has ordered Annie Toon to the infirmary for [inserted] ( Syphilis)

Thursday 4th. Blanche escaped through Mrs. Anderson's bedroom window ½ past 9 oclk. this morn. taken a new pair Shoes & Stockings and Chemie[chemise]. such base engratitude after all the kindness

Friday. 5th. The Ladies General Com't present Mrs. Goodlet Hon Sect'y Mrs. Thos. Smith Mrs. Mills Mrs. Orde. Mrs. Allen. Mrs Horlkeld. Mrs. Mrs I. Thompson

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Karla



May 6th. Saturday.

Sabbath, 7th. Ellen tonight came 5 o'clock said she was very low spirited, having tried for a situation, but could not get one. she intended going to Church, she was told she was welcome to take tea with the inmates but that it would be very imprudent of her to stay late in town. she had better return early to Balmain & go the Church there. She went rather reluctantly away. Mary Hilton came and had tea she was invited to stay to the eve[ning] worship, as she lives in town. ( with Mr Smith South Head Road) , The dini'g room was uncomfortably crowded at tea time there being 28 besides two visitors. Matron sat with them.

Monday 8th. More washing brought in than usual & as there is very little sewing, we are glad of it, Mrs Allen & Mrs Goodlet brought 1 peice[piece] spotted Derry fm.[from] Messrs. Newton Boothers, and Mr David Jones sent 3 Doz prs [pairs] blk [black] worsted Stockings 1 peice Orleans, and two wool'n [woollen] plaid shawls.

Teusday [tuesday] 9th. Ladies Sub Com't present Mrs Goodlet Hon Sec'y [secretary] Mrs Mackintire.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Karla
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