Volume 2: Daily journal book, 30 September 1864-22 October 1870






Jan'y 18th Wedensday. Posted a letter to Mrs O.Brian requesting an interview, respecting her daughter Agnes for she is so idle mischievous and sly that she gives great trouble. her case seems hopeless. All the inmates are in excellent health, Ellen Wright called to say she had found a situation, to which she was going in a fortnight.

Thursday Marg't O'Brian went to her situation 19th. today. Recieved a letter from Mrs Paterson Illalong. Yass. expecting Emma Lockye, and a reply sent per return of post.

Friday Matron saw Ellen Wright she said she was on her 20th way to the Refuge to borrow a little money. persuaded her to ask the ladies to allow her to come back.

Saturday. Mrs Bickford visited visited the inmates 21st E Weight came this eve with an order of admission fr. Mrs Goodlet. she was gladly received.

Sunday. Rev. Bickford being engaged with the Conference 22nd could not attend, so he kindly send a preacher in his stead. as he was going he left 5/. as a "small donation".

Monday very busy making Em Lockey's dresses. and one for 23rd Ellen Wright. Em could not be spared fm the ironing room and as there are no needl women, hired a dressmaker 2/. for the day.

Teusday. Ladies committee. Matron started for 24th Cudgee at 6 oclk. by request, to speak to Fanny Quinn and talk to her Misstres about her. Sharlot Roland's father came to fetch her out & after the ladies consenting to let her go. The Matron prevailed upon her to stay. as her father could only put her in lodgings.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros



Wedensday Matron returned at 9 oclk. 25th. A poor young widow in mourning brought a letter from the water police recommend that her daughter, (only 10 years old) be taken in to the Refuge. Sent for Dr Nathan he has ordered Mary Ann Burns to the infirmary. and perscribed for Melinda. she is to have more exersise. and proposed that she "scrub a room" now and then.

Thursday Seperation day. C Rolands father called but was 26th told it was against the rules to admit visitors except on teusdays. Matron out to dinner by permission. returned 7 oclk for eve. prayers. Little Sarah Brown cries bitterly for her Mother.

Friday Two men called to enquire if we had a girl named 27th Christina Neild. The one who acted a spoksman was ask by the Matron was he her father? "No are you any relation? No. but I knew her Mother and am wishfull to see her". Who is this man? 'O he is only come to shew me the way" after informing them that teusday was the only visiting day. They went away. Christina then cried, said 'that's my father and he never spoke to me". They were called back & the dumb one was asked, are you her father? "I used to be" & I should like to know who put her in here". he was told to see the ladies. Hannah Forster came 7 oclck in the morn'g in a sad plight. she said she was ashamed and afraid of being seen by her son. she was told that she could not hide from God &c - she has been in bed all day.

Mrs Hay kindly presented the inmates with a box of peaches for which they were very gratefull. she also requested the messenger to call on Baptiste for vegetables which she was going to order for us.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros



Jany 28th Saturday. A little before 7 oclk this morn. Elizth. Williams and Elizth. Strickland made their escape over the Cottage it was raining heavily at the time.

Hannah Forster is not yet able to leave her room. truly " the way of transgression is hard" The messenger brought a bag full of beautifull vegetables which Mrs Hay had kindly bought for us.

Sunday 29th All inmates in good health. clean & orderly, at service morn. & eve.

Monday 30th Elizth Williams returned at dusk and begd hard to be readmitted. she promises not to run away again. Said that E Strickland was drunk when she left her, Matron & Mr Roberts went after eve. prayers in search of E. Strickland.

Teusday 31st Hannah Forster was taken and suddenly ill, had to send first for Ether & then consulted Mr Henery, she being worse. Sub Comt. present Mrs Joy & Mrs Sarah Brown's case was considered. she is to remain untill the General comt. on friday. Elizth Smith (alias Nickleburgh) wanted to come back. but the ladies thought her unworthy & decided to refer her to General Comt. next friday. Miss Weight (our teacher) volunteered to go and tell Elizth. Stricklands mother (as Matron was not able to) was glad to find she had been found by her sister. and had just returned home. her Mother promised to send her to school, and do all in her power to keep the girl away from bad company.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros



Feb'y 1st Wedensday. Mr A Howitt kindly sent a box of fruit. to the great delight of the inmates. the fruit has been given to them, a large dish full at breakfast and dinner time whilst it lasted.

Thursday 2nd

Friday 3rd. Mr Gully Missionary brought an ill looking dirty woman. but she refused to stay, saying she "did not like the looks of the place". He seemed greatly discouraged but he was told to cheer up. although he found his task was hard to "try, try again". He came again in the eve. with a present of a box of pears.

Saturday 4th. Elizth Williams is very unwell through staying too long in the bath.

Sunday 5th. Misses Jones & Winter held divine service no minister in the aftern. Matron had a Bible Class.

The inmate have had an extra share of pears today as they, being so ripe, would not keep any time. its evident that fruit is cheaper than phisic. all are in exellent health. and are more cheerfull. Isabella Campbell was the only one absent from service and prayers, on the plea of sickness. she was told the Doctor wd. be sent for, to settle what Matron considered a doubtfull case.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros



Feb'y 6th. Monday. We were much alarmed by smoke coming out of the ventilator in the middle of passage. and on feeling the floor near there the boards were hot. Mrs A was sent to enquire next door; if they had a fire near the River and Mother' (as she's called) said no, but when they went into their yard there was a large fire blaysing against our blank wall. made by a youth whose mother happened to be out. Matron went to see that the danger was over the fire had been removed and he was throwing water against the wall. requested that the outside ventilator be taken out and see that there was nothing smouldering.

Teusday 7th. Jane Dillon is falling back to her old habit of quarelling. and does all she can to evade going to school. though she can not read or write. sent her to Mangle. she tried hard to convince the Matron that she could not do it. after using argument in vain, she tried tears. - at last she was called before the ladies.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros
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