Diary: Robert Hartshorne Miller, 1866-1870

Original, bound diary of Robert Hartshorne Miller recording daily activities as a young man.


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5th mo 1866

4th 9 Bob and I hawled stones and cut Lima bean pales and then sharpened them. Father and Bob stuck Lima beans. Me and Corry Belle Caleb Warwick and my self went fishing. Granfather went home this morning.

5th 10 Bob worked on the road all day. I made some tomato hills this morning, in the afternoon Father and I planted out the tomato plants. and finished sticking the lima beans. Lizzy had a calf

6th 11 Father went to Baltimore this afternoon this morn. Bob and I brought our calf down from Cousin Samuel Thomas's, and hawled a load of straw from Sunny side. Bob hawled a load of rails and cut weeds out of the mound. I also. Father got back from Baltimore this eve.

7th 12 Bob and I worked in the garden. this morning, in the afternoon Father Mother all of us children Maud Ida and Cornelia Search Granville Harry and Eddy Taylor went down to the [pawtusant?] fishing

Last edit about 3 years ago by egsenn
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5th mo 1866

1st 13 I went to meeting this morning. Cousin James Stabler were here to dinner had a gust in the afternoon. Richard Lea and George Stabler & wife came about 4 oclock and spent the evening

2nd 14 I went to Washington with Uncle Asa to drive sheep, Lucy Murphy ['Nelly P' added in margin] came up to day in the stage. Lister went up to Aunt Eliza Kirks with Uncle Fred

3rd 15 Uncle Fred and Sister went from Aunt Eliza's with a party of ladys. and gentle men up to the falls of the Potomac, got back in the evening, they had a very nice time. Bob hawled rails, I worked in the front yard until half past ten, then all the children including Maud and Lucy and my self went down to the branch and had our drinners, came back about 4 oclock I then drove, granmother S down to Julia Miles found she was better

4th 16 Hensin Johnson and my self white washed the front fense this morning in the afternoon I went up to a Taylors in Brookville. Mother and Father were up as Cousin [...ned?]Hallowell

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
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5th mo 1866

5th 17 It has been rainy this morning I have been in the shop, this afternoon I went up to Cousin Annie Hartshorns to see a woman about doing some sewing for Mother I then went from there to Cousin Charly Addings and spent the evening

6th 18 It rained to day until dinner time. Caleb and I have been over at granfathers spending the day Bob cut the front yard.

7th 19 I white washed all this morning Bob hawled s[t]ones out of the truck patch, in the afternoon Corry Belle and I went down to the Branch fishing, I planted some Ivy round the little grave yard in the evening

1st 20 I went to meeting this morning from there to Cousin Richard Bentlys. spent the afternoon had a nice time

2nd 21 This morning Bob and I & mother mulched some trees in the front yard. Then we planted some corn in the truck patch. After dinner Evan and I white washed Evan has been here all day. Mother and I went to a lecture, on little means, great results,

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
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5th. mo 1866

3rd 22 Father and [I] trimed apple trees, Bob has been in the garden Evan white washing. This afternoon I have been at work in the shop Evan white washed it, and Bob in the garden.

4th 23 Margaret commenced white washing the apple trees this morn. Bob and I planted out some egg plants in the garden this morn 1 dozzen of them. then he finished the day in planting out cabbage plants. I have been in the shop all the rest of the day. I set 2 hens under the porch this morning, also put a hen out with 15 chickens.

5th 24 Father went up to Cousin John Stablers to a sale, he bought a carpet and a large arm chir, Bob and I cleaned hawled wood and claned up around the wood shed and shop. After dinner we hawled another load of wood I then worked in the shop, in the eve I drove Mother and Granmother up to Cousin Samuel Thomases.

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
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5th mo. 1866

6th 25 Bob hawled a load of hay down to Celshner. We then planted some corn and worked the potatoes in the truck patch. After dinner I drove mother up to Cousin William. Scofield's. Bob worked the corn in the truck patch.

7th 26 Bob filled a hopper, but was at home the rest of the day Cousin Charly Porter gave me a pair of pigs this morning I brought them down and fixed a pen for them, they are only two days old but are very nice ones.

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 212 in total