Diary: Robert Hartshorne Miller, 1866-1870

Original, bound diary of Robert Hartshorne Miller recording daily activities as a young man.


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3rd moth 1866

5th 8th Evan has not been here the others have. Mother & Father went to Baltimore to day, brought me a Violin up. I read all day.

6th 9th All three of the men have been here Jerry & William grubbed in the front Vister, Bob & I burned brush. I took Corry up to Aunt Eliza Kirke.

7th 10 William Evan & Jerry have not been here to day. Father Bob & my self burned a large pile of logs in the new ground this morning, I went down after Cousin Lew Miller on horse back to Laurel he went up to Cousin Mary Osburne in the evening.

1st 11 Father drove Grandmother to meeting I went in the sulky and brought Belle back. I went up to Willy Thomases in the afternoon and stayed all night.

2nd 12 Uncle Asa took Aunt Albina & Cousin Marry Anna to Laurel this morning, they went on to Philadelphia to day. All the men have been here, Bob & I burned brush in the morn. I went up to the \fulling mills for Uncle Asa in the afternoon.

Last edit about 3 years ago by egsenn
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3rd mo 1866

3rd 13 All the men have been here to day Jerry & William & my self hawled dirt in the circle in the morn. I took Brave over to Granfathers and tied him to Uncle Asa's ram but he would not but him. Plowed the garden this evening.

4th 14 I stayed over to Granfathers all night and went up after Cousin Mary Kirk in the morn. Uncle Asa & Warwick went to Philadelphia to day. I cleaned up the kitchen yard in the morning also, in the afternoon we did some gardening in the afternoon planted peas and radishes. Father & I burned a large pile of brush in the front woods to night. Aunt Marry Anna Carry & Nanny came up in the stage.

5th 15 Uncle Asa & Aunt Albina were married at half past 7 this morning, I raked some chestnut burrs up the front yard, and hawled in dirt the rest of the time. I went with Uncle Fred in a four horse wagon down to Laurel after the Bridal party. Had a family meeting over at sunny side.

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
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3rd mo 1866

6th 16 Bob & I sheled 10 bushels of corn this morning I took it up to the mill in the afternoon, I got five bushels of potatoes from Uncle Charles. this after Had the reception over at Sunny side, Willy Hartshorn was here in the morning.

7th 17 I went up to Cousin Isaac's with With Willy spent the day.

1st 18 I came from there to meeting this morning, We heard that Eddy Hallowell died last night at 12 oclock 30 minutes.

2nd 19 Evan has been here to day, he & I hawled stones this morning, this afternoon Father Mother & my self went to the funeral of Eddy Hallowell, it was very large. Cousin Caleb Hallowell and Benjamin Shoemaker were here. Eddy did not look at all natural.

3rd 20 Bob Evan & my self hawled stones this morning, we went out this afternoon but the rain stoped us about 3 oclock. There is a party up at Uncle Bens for Uncle Asa and Aunty this eve,

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
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3rd moth 1866

4th 21 Evan Bob & my self hawled 6 loads of wood 2 loads of stone and a good many big logs of the new ground this morning, this afternoon Father was with us we draged off big stones, and towards evening we dug up 2 fruit trees in front

5th 22 We planted the trees this morning Bob & Evan hawled dirt to the mound while Father Mother & my self leveled it and planted some shrubs. Lady had a calf this morning. This afternoon Mother & I went up to Stansmere Evan & Bob hawled fodder, Sister Alice & my self went to the Reading circle to night.

6th 23 Father & my self burned sedge out in the old fields, Bob & Evan hawled stone, this afternoon B, & E, hawled stones, I burned trash.

7th 24 I cleaned up the front & kitchen yard, B, & E hawled stones, all day. Father & I blasted a log out in the new ground. Harry has been here all day.

Last edit about 3 years ago by egsenn
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3rd mo 1866

1st 25 I drove Sister Corry & Belle to meeting this morning, I went up to Cousin Richard Bentleys this afternoon, Mother & Father went over to Sunnyside this evening.

2nd 26 Father went to Baltimore this morning. Aunt Hannah has been up here helping Mother make cake for the party to morrow night. I went up to the store for Mother got a barrel of flower, I have taken care of Miss Janet most of the day Bob hawled wood, Evan not here

3rd 27 Evan was here Bob hawled wood this morning, cut wood in the afternoon. I went errands for Mother this morn, went up to store in the afternoon, Father came home from Balti in the stage. Had the party this evening about 38 here.

4th 28 Evan was here Bob hawled stones Father & I blasted some logs this morning, I drove Mother Aunt Carry H & S. up to Cousin Marry Osburn Raked the sircle over this afternoon

Last edit about 3 years ago by SusanE
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 212 in total