Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1929



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3] in the great work of laying out the City of Washington.

Alice Farquhar gave extracts from a Radio talk on the Chinese situation

Elizabeth Stabler told of the many nations represented by the guests at the Friends Home in Baltimore.

Mary Gilpin gave a "very little scrap" relating to things advertised.

Mrs Atwood had no contribution (a guest.)

Hallie Bentley - extracts from a letter from Charles Iddings telling of the cleaning up at Homewood - a bit of neighborhood ancient - history.

Estelle Moore inquired how long we must live in Sandy Spring to be considered a native.

Mrs J N Barnsly had nothing (guest) " J D Barnsly - a sentiment

Estelle Moore - extracts from a sermon by Bishop Freeman extolling

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4] the home as the place for character building. She also told that the school children of the County have selected the Cardinal as the Montgomery County Bird.

Helen Shoemaker said the kitten is still waiting for a home.

Mary Nichols - an article on New Zealand.

Mrs. Ruby - no

Emily Coulter - The results of the World War - no won won - everyone lost.

Mary Robisons selection was cakemaking in the long ago

Helen Moore - "Living Sermons" the men who live their creeds.

Anna Farquhar - Interesting facts about Isaac Briggs - 1763-1825 - he having been appointed Surveyor General by President Thomas Jefferson.

Margaret Jones- a Girl Scout poem -

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5 Committee Reports

Education - Mary Nichols - reported the literature relating to Forestry passed on to Jean Coulter who thought it could be used at Sherwood.

American Home - no report Social Service - no report.

Resolutions - The Association agreed to second a resolution on sewage disposal to the County Chairman of Resolutions Legislation - The Association went on record as opposing the idea of women seeking Jury Service.

Special Committee - Estelle Moore reported that the Chinese Girl will come for $10.00 and expenses. It was agreed that the Association will share expenses with the Wednesday Club - the subject to be left to the committee - and all urged to attended the lecture.

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6] County Federation - Tickets for the Contest Plays were offered - but none were accepted

State Federation No Report

A letter from Fannie Iddings thanking the Association for the flowers sent was read.

Letters had been received from Miss York relative to Club within Maryland - and found the Baltimore Labor College asking for co-operation - No action taken.

The Report from the Community Council was read and accepted.

Anna Farquhar's motion that the matter of brambling along State Roads be referred to the Council with the recommendation that the property owner be consulted was carried

The meeting adjourned - MESJ Sec'y

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1] Brooke Meadow - 4-4-1929 858th Meeting

Mariana Miller acted as chairman for the 858th meeting of the Mutual Improvement Association of Sandy Spring on 4-4-1929 - the place of the meeting being the hospitable home of Sallie T. Janney.

The minutes of the last meeting at this place were read - and those of the last meeting read and accepted.

The Treasurers report was read and filed.

Next meeting place - The Cedars.

Sentiment of the Hostess - a beautiful poem written by Packard Laird.

Last edit over 1 year ago by rtzuses
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 84 in total