Correspondence, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Other Departments - Miscellaneous (ITM336560_15-0273)



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Queensland Railways Cheif Engineer's Office Brisbane. 19th April 1913.

For [sir] Station Names - Mackay to St. Lawrence Line. Sir, I shallbe obliged if you will favor me with some Aboriginal names and their Engllish meanings, for stations at the undermentioned mileages on the Mackay-St. Lawrence Line:-

Mileage Nature of Country
0 Miles Cultivation.
2 Miles 47 Chains Cultivation.
5 " 19 " Sugarcane.
8 " 16 " Popular Gum - Swampy country.
10 " 15 " Crown Land.
12 " 60 " Thick Bloodwood Gum.
14 " 15 " Alligator Creek.
18 " 17 " Cultivation - Sugarcane.
I regret being compelled to trouble you so often. I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, [N]G Bell Chief Engineer. The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, [signature] B r i s b a n e.
Last edit over 2 years ago by Bullswool
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25th April 1913


to Chief Protector of Aboriginals Brisbane


I have no boys on the setlement belonging to the vicinity of Crows Nest. at present.

But one of the following names belonging to the dialect of the District may be suitable

goranga rushes geengeeee green vegetation on Creek geerarl creek

[Berham J?L ?ipscombe?]


Last edit about 1 month ago by JK
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[left margin] R In any further Correspondence refer to No. 13:2584

Queensland Railways Chief Engineer's Office Brisbane 18th April, 1913.

Sir, I beg to advise that some difficulty has taken place in selecting a [for] suitable name for a watering station at 18m.17c. on the Crows Nest Line. There is a creek in the immediate vicinity containing a luxuriant growth of water cress, and it occurs to me that the Aboriginal name for water cress, reeds and rushes, might prove suitable. I shall be glad to hear if you can furnish me with such. I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, [N] G Bell Chief Engineer. [signature] The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, William Street, Brisbane.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Bullswool
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25 th April 1913 MEMORANDUM To Chief Protector of Aboriginals Brisbane

Sir In reference to your [B/c?] re securing suitable [name?] for Station between Rodds Bay and Benaraby I have [one?] boy at present [on the?] Settlement belonging to that particular part of the District one of the following words from their dialect might be Suitable [Marrawing?] Sea [Buffarn?] Saltwater [Bannaw?] bay [?] [?] SUP'T BARAMBAH ABORIGINAL SETTLEMENT

Last edit over 2 years ago by Jogilly
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[left margin] C In any further Correspondence refer to No. 13:2182

Queensland Railways Chief Engineer's Office Brisbane. 15th April 1913.

For an Aboriginal name for siding 310 miles Between Rodd's Bay & Benaraby N. Coast Line Sir, I beg to advise that some difficulty has arisen in obtaining a name for the siding at 310 miles, between Rodd's Bay and Benaraby, on the North Coast Line. I shall be glad to hear if you can suggest a suitable aboriginal name, with meaning thereof, for this place. I am, Sir, Just this side of Gladstone Yours faithfully, [N] [G] Bell Chief Engineer. [signature] The Chief Protector of Aboriginals, William Street, Brisbane.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Bullswool
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