[left margin] 12/1117.
12/2326. other depart. Miscell. [awo?]
25th November 1912.
Sir, Referring to your communication of the 13th ibstant asking to be furnished with a few aboriginal names to be used for Railway stations on the WOODFORD-KILCOY LINE, I forward a few names as desired by you.
Aboriginal | English |
Kabagar | Bloodwood |
Gundar | Sandy Country |
Wulunggur | Dead Timber |
Piri | A Creek |
Gambar | Timber without bark |
Chief Protector of Aboriginals.
The Chief Engineer, Queensland Railways Department, B R I S B A N E .
[left margin] N. In any further correspondence refer to No. 12:2385.
Other Depart. Misc. prev. 2279 Queensland Railways Chief Engineer`s office Brisbane. 13th November 1912. For Names of Stations - WOODFORD-KILCOY RAILWAY.
Sir, I shall be obliged if you will furnish me with some Aboriginal names for the undermentioned stations on the Woodford-Kilcoy Railway:-
Mileage | Nature of Country |
19 Miles 48 Chains | Bloodwood and Brush. Kabagar |
23 " 23 " | Ringbarked: Sandy 10 am. Gundar * |
28 " 38 " | Ringbarked. Wulunggur * |
30 " 11 " | near Sandy Creek. Piri |
31 " 63 " | Ringbarked. Gambar |
[Mmm G Bell?] Chief Engineer.
The ChiefProtector of Aboriginals, B r i s b a n e.
[left margin] 12/1089.
12/2279. Other Departments Misc. [awo?]
19th November 1912.
sir, Referring to your letter of the 9th instant asking to be supplied with aboroginal names and their menaings in English for Railway Stations on the GAYNDAH - MUNDUBBERA line, I now append a few names for your information.
Aboriginal | English |
Gamai | White Soil |
Bannapan | Ironbark (red) |
Dowar | Box Timber |
Dirnbir | Ironbark (grey) |
Dabal-dabal | Dead Wood. |
Cheif Protector of Aboriginals.
The CHeif Engineer, Queensland Railways Department, B R I S B A N E .
[left margin] N. In any Correspondence refer to No. 12:5 29.
Other Depts. Misc.
Queensland Railways Chief Engineer`s Office. Railway Dept. Brisbane. 8th November 1912. For suitable further names for Stations on the Gayndah-Mundubbera Line
Sir, Rferring to your letter of 245th ultimo relative to above,- I shall feel obliged if you will furnish me with further Aboriginal names and their English menaings for stations at the follwoing mileages on this Line:-
Mileage of Station | Nature of Country | |
80 Miles 15 Chains | White sandy soil: small saplings | Gamai |
81 Miles 40 Chains | Ironbark, gum and box ridges. | Bannapan |
85 " 20 " | do. | Dowar |
88 " 40 " | do. | Dirnbir |
96 " 40 " | Ringbarked paddocks. | dabal-dabal |
The Chief Protector of Aboriginals. B r i s b a n e.
[left margin] 12/1023.
12/2174. R. [awo]
30th October 1912.
Sir, In reply to your letter 12: 2089 of the 19th instant, I would advise that in the language of the natives of range, Sandstone would be called Yarrong-Maloo, being Yarrong-Sand and Muloo-Stone. I trust this will be of service.
Your obediently,
Deputy Chief Protector of Aboriginals.
The Cief Engineer, Queensland Railway Department, B R I S B A N E .