13/ 713. Other Depts Misc. [signature]
5th April 1913.
Sir, Referring to your communication of the 2nd instant, asking to be furnished with a suitable aboriginal name for a Station on the DALBY-TARA Branch, I now append a few names one of which may probably suit your purpose.
Kelba | Bandicoot |
Kama | Percupine |
Wonteema | Good Camp |
Natcha | Scrub Turkey |
Yimpil | To run |
Kalmal | Come here |
Oompoor | Running water. |
The Chief Engineer, Queensland railways Department, B R I S B A N E .
[left margin] N. In any further Correspondence refer to No. 13:2583.
Queensland Railways Chief Engineer's Office. Railway Dept. Brisbane. 2nd April 1913.
Dear Sir,
I shall be obliged if you will furnish me with a suitable Aboriginal name for the station at 35 Miles 27 Chains on the Dalby-Tara Branch. The country is box forest and prickly pear.
Yours faithfully,
[N][G] Bell Cheif Engineer. [signature]
The Cheif Protector of Aboriginals. B r i s b a n e.
[left margin] N. In any further Correspondence refer to No. 13:2179.
Queensland Railways
Chief Engineer's Office, Brisbane, 2nd April 1913.
Dear Sir,
I shall be obliged if you will furnish me with a suitable Aboriginal name for the siding at 1 M. 14 Chs. on the Dalby-Tara Branch. The country is open box forest.
Yours faithfully,
[N][G] Bell Cheif Engineer. [signature]
The Chief Protector of Aboriginals. B r i s b a n e.
[left margin] 13/213.
13/353. Other Departments Misc. [signature]
19th February 1913.
Sir, Referring to your letter of the 12th instant, asking for some additional aboriginal names for railway Stations on the Woodford-Kilcoy Line, I am now forwarding a few extra names, some of which may be suitable for your purpose.
Aboriginal | English | |
Yooma | Kookyella Dialect | Dead or ringbarked timber. |
Kumpul | " " " | Bloodwood tree |
At-toba | " " " | Shady Creek |
Mungun | " " " | Sandy Country |
Muckada | " " " | Big Timber |
Kumpulla | " " " | The Sun |
Tonpee | " " " | Stars |
Arpee | " " " | Moon |
Wanchill | " " " | Sleep |
Benba | " " " | Parrott |
Numbee | " " " | Emu. |
Chief Protector of Aboriginals.
The Chief Engineer, Queensland Railways Department, B R I S B A N E .
[left margin] N. In any further Correspondence refer to No. 13:1938.
Queensland Railways
Chief Engineer's Office, Brisbane, 12th February 1913.
For more Names for Stations on the Woodford-Kilcoy Line.
I beg to refer you to your letter of 25th November last re above, and shall be obliged if you will furnish me with some additional Aboriginal names for stations at 33 Miles 23 Chs. and 23 Miles 30 Chains, as two of those submitted by you could not be adopted as they would clash with places with similar names in New South Wales and Victoria. The nature of the country has already been indicated to you in my memo of 13th November.
I am, Sir, Yours faithfully, [N] [G] Bell Cheif Engineer. [signature]
The Chief Protector of Aboriginals. B r i s b a n e.