Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 10 (1927-1954)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting— June 6, 1927 Athens. Ohio. Ewing Hall Ohio University 10:00 A.M. The Board of Trustees of Ohio University met in the presidents office in Ewing Hall for the boards annual meeting, pursuant to notice from the secretary as directed by President Bryan. The following members were present: Hamblin, Jones, Wood, Biddle, Crow, Lash, Eikenberry, Hopkins, McVey, Johnson, Thomas, McCune, McKee, and Bryan. It was moved by McVey and seconded by Crow and the motion duly carried that the members who were absent, be excused. The annual report of President Bryan was read by the secretary. The report follows: Athens,Ohio June 6, 1927. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OHIO UNIVERSITY Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following report of the activities of Ohio University since our last meeting June 7, 1926. The attendance at the University this year has been the largest in the history of the University. The resident students have numbered 3,103. Of this number 2,173 were enrolled in degree courses; 697 in two-year courses; 56 already held degrees; and 177 were registered as special students. The non-resident students have numbered 2, 182, of which number 1,593 were enrolled in group extension courses during the first and second semesters; and 589 were enrolled in correspondence study courses. Eighty-six of the eighty-eight counties in Ohio were represented; twenty-four states; and four foreign countries. The spirit of the University has been fine and wholesome. The relationship among the students and the various organizations of the student body are very cordial and conductive to good fellowship; and the relationship between the student body and the faculty has been very delightful. Within the faculty there has been a fine spirit of cooperation and willingness to serve. We have had reasonable success in all intercollegiate activities. One of the most outstanding achievements during the academic year was accomplished when official recognition was given to the women graduates of Ohio University granting them the privilege of full membership in the American Association of University Women. This action was accorded Ohio University at the Cenvention of the Association held in Washington, D.C. on April 1 and 2, 1927. Since our meeting last June, death has invaded the ranks of the Board of Trustees, and three valuable members have been lost, as follows; On December 7, 1926, C.C. Davidson, of Alliance, died; On December 8, 1926, Timothy S. Hogan, of Columbus; and on December 22,1926, Philip M. Cullinan, of New Lexington. Mr Davidson was appointed to our Board of Trustees in 1891; Mr. Hogan was appointed in 1918; and Mr. Cillinan in 1912. Doubtless the Board will wish to have a minute prepared in recognition of the services of these men. The terms of office of two members of the Board of Trustees have expired, and their successors have been named. Those whose terms have expired are: Fred W. Bush, Athens; and Charles W. Cookson,Urbana. Mr. Bush was reappointed; and Mr. Cookson was succeeded by Dr. Charles Elmer Holzer, Gallipolis.

Mr. Bush was reappointed; and Mr. Cookson was succeeded by Dr. Charles Elmer Holzer, Gallipolis. The following Committees of the Board will serve during the ensuing yearL Finance: Hopkins, Davis, Biddle, Wood Teachers & Salaries: Johnson, Eikrnberry, Hamblin Buildings & Grounds: Biddle, Jones, Bush Publicity: Johnson, Shepard, Bush, McCune University Conference : Bush, Thomas ,Crow ,McCune Library: Wood, Jones, McVey, Holzer, Kinnison Auditing: Lash,Leete,McKee The President of the Board of Trustees is chairman of all committees. An important and outstanding feature of the year in a material way is the fact that the contracts for the Alumni Memorial Auditorium have been let, and the construction is under way at the present time.

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396 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6,1927.

Rufus Putnam Hall on East Union Street was ready for occupancy in September and is being used for teacher training activities. The building on Park Place, formerly used for this purpose, now houses the School of Music.

It was necessary to ask for a special appropriation during the current year, 1926-1927, to meet certain obligations; and for this purpose $22,000 was received by the University for Personal Service A-1; $3,000 were needed for Coal, but this obligation was met by a transfer of funds from our appropriation H-7 Teachers Retirement to C-3 Fuel. A deficit in our appropriation Water F-3 amounted to $766.94, and was provided for by transferring a like amount frcm General Plant F-9 to Water F-3.

The University received, by appropriation, at the hands of the Legislature in the 87th.General Assembly, the following:

For the period beginning July 1,1927, and ending December 31,1928, $760,367.00 were appropriated for Personal Service. In addition to this amount, receipts from term registration fees approximating $250,000.00 will accrue to the credit of Ohio University. For purposes of Maintenance, the sum of $154,050.00 was appropriatef, and all monies arising from the equity of the University in Athens and Alexander Townships, which will amount to approximately $8,000.00 or $10,000.00 during the period beforementioned, thus giving us a total amount somewhat in excess of $160,000.00. For Additions and Betterments,$183,500.00 were appropriated.

The total amount of money appropriated for the use of the University during the period from July 1, 1927, to December 31,1928 amounted to approximately $1,355,000.00.

A representative from the State Auditor's office visited Ohio University during the months of May and June of this year for the purpose of making an audit of the books in the Treasurer's office, to cover the past three years.

I have the honor to make recommendations, as follows:

1. I have the honor to request approval of the Repost of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries, as follows on separate sheets attached.

2. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of degrees and diplomas upon students in regular courses of study, as follows on lists attached.

3. I have the honor to recommend the creation of the office of Dean of Men and to request authority to appoint a Dean at a salary not to exceed that of a Head Professor when I am able to find a man who, in my judgment, has the qualifications desirable for this responsible position.

4. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of honorary degrees, as follows:

Doctor of Science (Sc,D.) Charles Edward Skinner.....Wilkinsburg,Pennsylvania

Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) Daniel Willard.....Baltimore, Maryland

5. I have the honor to request authority, after the staff for next year has been entirely built, to make such increases of salary for members of the present staff as shall be approved by the Deans of Instruction and the Finance committee of this Board from the balance remaining in A-l after a safe margin has been set aside for unexpected developments and emergencies.

Respectfully submitted,

E.B. Bryan, President, Ohio University.

Memorandum re.Faculty and Administration Staff.


During the Current Year, 1926-1927:

December, 1926, Karl Andrist, Associate Professor of Violin January, 1927, Ruth Savage, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (on leave) February, 1927, Elizabeth R.Merritt, Instructor in Art Structure February, 1927, Roxana Johnson,Cataloguer in Carnegie Library

Effective at close of current academic year, June 7, 1927.

Ernest E. Ray, Assistant Professor of Accounting Annette Edens, Assistant Professor of Art Maude Crossett Pay, Instructor in Art Structure Ruth West, Secretary to Director of Teacher Training Gertrude M. Kern, Critic Teacher, Kindergarten

Effective at close of summer session, August 12, 1927.

Elizabeth Garber, Head of Dept. of School of Music Bernard L. Jefferson, Professor of English Ralph B. Alspaugh, Associate Professor of Marketing M. Marguerite Apgar, Secretary to Director of Correspondence Study Lilian L. Stevens, Critic Teacher, Kindergarten

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

I RETIRING under State Teachers Retirement System, June 7, 1927. Nellie Tan Vorhes, Instructer in Piano Leaves of Absence: (one year) Gerald Thomas Wilkinson, Professor of French & Spanish M. LaVinia Warnerm, Head of Department of Special Education Victor Whitehouse, Professor of Spanish Ray Latham, Professor of Education Mariam S. Morse, Instructor in Home Economics Jeannette Smith, Supervising Critic, First Grade Returning: from Leaves of Absence: Homer V. Cherrington, Professor of Economics Alonzo F. Myers, Professor of Education,and Director of Teacher Training Edith E.Beechel,Associate Prof. of Education, and Asst.Director Teach.Training New Appoinements: Richard Allen Foster, Associate Professor of English Sarah Hatcher, Associate Professor of Physical Education Roy C. Paynter, Assistant Professor of Commerce Mrs. Helen C. Barr, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages Germany Klemm, Instructor in Art Cleo Higgins, Supervising Critic, Third Grade Pearl M. Casiday, Co-operating Teacher, Second Grade Grace M. Johnson, Secretary to Director of Teacher Training J. Alonzo Palmer, Treasurers Office Staff Member

It was moved by Eikenberry, seconded by Hamblin and the motion was unanimously and duly passed that the report be accepted. Dr. Bryan Spoke briefly concerning the membership recently given the University to the American Association of University Women and the possibility of securing a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The desirability of securing a Dean of Men was also emphasized. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Eikenberry, and the motion duly passed that the recommendations of the president be taken up. The report of the committee ofl Teachers and Salaries was read by te secretary and discussed by Dr. Bryan. The report follows: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEES OH TEACHERS AND SALARIES TO THE BOARD OF TRUBEEES OF OHIO UNIVERSITY: Gentlemen; The undersigned, your Committee on Teachers and Salaries, present the following report. We present for your consideration and action a list of employees to be selected, with salaries to be paid them, for the college year,1927-1928. Present conditions are such that some changes in the list of employees, submitted herewith, may be necessary in the near future. It is suggested that your Committee be instructed and empowered to fill all vacancies in the working force that now exist, or that may occur hereafter, at its discretion. Arthur C. Johnson E.C. Eikenberry T.R.Biddle E.B. Bryan

Committee on Teachers and Salaries

Athens, Ohio, June 6, 1927. E.B. Bryan

OHIO UNIVERSITY 1926-1927 Elmer Burritt Bryan,LL.D.,L.H.D. President (12 months) $ 9,000 Edwin Watts Chubb, Litt.D., Professor of English and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts (12 months)...........7,200 Thomas C. McCracken, Ph.D., Professor of Education and Dean of the College of Education.(12 months)............ 7,200 Irma Elizabeth Voigt,Ph.D., Associate Professor of Public Speaking and Dean of Women (12 months). 5,000 George Crawford Parks, Ph.D., Associate Professor Income Tax; Secretary, Board of Trustees, and Traasurer and Business Manager.... 4,800 (§1200 extra from Local Fund)

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