Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6,1927.
Rufus Putnam Hall on East Union Street was ready for occupancy in
September and is being used for teacher training activities. The building
on Park Place, formerly used for this purpose, now houses the School of Music.
It was necessary to ask for a special appropriation during the current
year, 1926-1927, to meet certain obligations; and for this purpose $22,000
was received by the University for Personal Service A-1; $3,000 were needed
for Coal, but this obligation was met by a transfer of funds from our
appropriation H-7 Teachers Retirement to C-3 Fuel. A deficit in our
appropriation Water F-3 amounted to $766.94, and was provided for by
transferring a like amount frcm General Plant F-9 to Water F-3.
The University received, by appropriation, at the hands of the Legislature
in the 87th.General Assembly, the following:
For the period beginning July 1,1927, and ending December 31,1928,
$760,367.00 were appropriated for Personal Service. In addition to this
amount, receipts from term registration fees approximating $250,000.00
will accrue to the credit of Ohio University. For purposes of Maintenance,
the sum of $154,050.00 was appropriatef, and all monies arising from the
equity of the University in Athens and Alexander Townships, which will
amount to approximately $8,000.00 or $10,000.00 during the period before-
mentioned, thus giving us a total amount somewhat in excess of $160,000.00.
For Additions and Betterments,$183,500.00 were appropriated.
The total amount of money appropriated for the use of the University
during the period from July 1, 1927, to December 31,1928 amounted to
approximately $1,355,000.00.
A representative from the State Auditor's office visited Ohio University
during the months of May and June of this year for the purpose of making an
audit of the books in the Treasurer's office, to cover the past three years.
I have the honor to make recommendations, as follows:
1. I have the honor to request approval of the Repost of the Committee
on Teachers and Salaries, as follows on separate sheets attached.
2. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of degrees and diplomas
upon students in regular courses of study, as follows on lists attached.
3. I have the honor to recommend the creation of the office of Dean of
Men and to request authority to appoint a Dean at a salary not to exceed
that of a Head Professor when I am able to find a man who, in my judgment,
has the qualifications desirable for this responsible position.
4. I have the honor to recommend the conferring of honorary degrees,
as follows:
Doctor of Science (Sc,D.)
Charles Edward Skinner.....Wilkinsburg,Pennsylvania
Doctor of Laws (LL.D.)
Daniel Willard.....Baltimore, Maryland
5. I have the honor to request authority, after the staff for next year
has been entirely built, to make such increases of salary for members of the
present staff as shall be approved by the Deans of Instruction and the Finance
committee of this Board from the balance remaining in A-l after a safe margin
has been set aside for unexpected developments and emergencies.
Respectfully submitted,
E.B. Bryan,
President, Ohio University.
Memorandum re.Faculty and Administration Staff.
During the Current Year, 1926-1927:
December, 1926, Karl Andrist, Associate Professor of Violin
January, 1927, Ruth Savage, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (on leave)
February, 1927, Elizabeth R.Merritt, Instructor in Art Structure
February, 1927, Roxana Johnson,Cataloguer in Carnegie Library
Effective at close of current academic year, June 7, 1927.
Ernest E. Ray, Assistant Professor of Accounting
Annette Edens, Assistant Professor of Art
Maude Crossett Pay, Instructor in Art Structure
Ruth West, Secretary to Director of Teacher Training
Gertrude M. Kern, Critic Teacher, Kindergarten
Effective at close of summer session, August 12, 1927.
Elizabeth Garber, Head of Dept. of School of Music
Bernard L. Jefferson, Professor of English
Ralph B. Alspaugh, Associate Professor of Marketing
M. Marguerite Apgar, Secretary to Director of Correspondence Study
Lilian L. Stevens, Critic Teacher, Kindergarten
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