Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 10 (1927-1954)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928

Extension Division George H. Crow, A.M., Professor of Education and Director of Group Extension........$4,000 Alvin E. Wagner, Ph.D., Professor of Education...................... 3,200 Simeon H. Bing, Ed.D., Professor of Sociology and Director of Correspondence Study............................. 4,000

Marie Louise Stahl, Head of Art Department,College of Liberal Arts...... 2,800 Maiy J. Brison, A.M., Head of Art Department,College of Education................(3,200) (On leave of absence for one year) Susan Louise Eckel, B.S., Head of Department of Home Economics.............. 3,200 Melvia Lynch Danielson, Ed.B., Head of Department of School Music ...... 3,200 Evan Johnson Jones, A.M., Associate Professor of History and Civics....... 3,600 Oscar Ellsworth Dunlap M.S. in Ed., Associate Professor of Agriculture................ 3,600 Frank Barnhart Gullum, M.S., Associate Professor of Chemistry.......................... 3,600 William Henry Fenzel, B.C.S., A.B., Associate Professor of Accounting & Economic Geography....... 3,600 Mary Engle Kahler, A.M. Associate Professor of English................... 3,600 Harry Houston Peckham, A.M., Associate Professor of English............................ 3,600 Raymond Mahlon Slutz, A.M., Associate Professor of English............ 3,600 Raymer McQuiston, A.M., Associate Professor of English......3,600 Frank Walker Reed, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics.......... 3,600 Brandon Tad Grover, B.S. in Ed., Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Bas ket-Bal1 Coach......................4,400 Don.C. Peden, B.S., Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Coach of Foot-ball and Base-ball.........4,400 Charles D. Giauque, A.M., Associate Professor of Physical Education................. 3,600 Maude Ethel Cryder Matthews, A.M., Associate Professor of German......... 3,600 Genevieve Apgar, A.M., Associate Professor of English............................ 3,600 Henry John Jeddeloh, M.A., Associate Professor of Sociology........3,600 Cornelius Winfield Fink, M.A., Associate Professor of Economics.......................... 3,600 Milo Kimball, M.B.A., Associate Professor of Finance and Banking......... 3,600 DeForest W. Ingerham, B. Mus., Associate Professor of Violin.......... 3,500 Jane Kellogg Atwood, S.M., Associate Professor of Geography........ 2,800 Einer August Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, of Education....... 3,600 Enrique Blanco, M.A., Associate Professor of Spanish.........3,000 Edith Armstrong Wray, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English............. 3,000

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928

Richard Allen Foster, A.M., Associate Professor of English............$3, 600 Joseph Bunn Heidler, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physical English....3,000 Sarah Hatcher, M.A., Associate Professor of Physical Education.......3,000 Orlin Dee Morrison, A.M., Associate Professor of History.....3,000 Harvey C. Lehman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology......3,600 Stuart M. Stoke, Ed.D., Associate Professor of Psychology........3,600 Emmett Rowles, A.M., Associate Professor of Biology.....3,200 Edith E Beechel, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education.......3,600 Horace Thomas Houf, A.M., Associate Professor of Philosophy........3,600 Oscar Earle McClure, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics......2,800 Alberyt Wesley Bortticher , B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Civic Biology & Botany.....3,000 Dow Siegel Grones, B.S. in Ed., Assistantr Professor of Industrial Education....2,800 Neil Duncan Thomas, B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.......2,800 John Rober Gentry, Ed.M., Assistant Professor of Psychology.....3,000 Amos Carey Anderson, M.A., Assistant Professor of Psychology.......3,000 Helen Reynolds, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor in Secretarial Studies....... 2,500 Rush Elliot, A.M., Assistant Professor of Biology........ (2,400( (On leave of absense for one year) Darrell Bennet Green, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics.....2,750 Costance Grovenor Leete, M.A. Assistant Professor of Modern Languages.......2,400 (On leave of absence second semester) Edna Martha Way, A.M., Assistant Professor od Art and Acting Head of Dept......3,200 Thorwold Olson, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Physical Education......3,280 Prudence Stevens, M.A?. Assistant Professor of Home Economics.....2,800 Ida Mae Oatterson, B.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics......2,8000 M. Elise Druggan, R.N., Nurse, and Assistant Professor of Hygiene (12 months).....2,800 Mariam Sarah Morse, A.M., Assistant Professor of Home Economics....... 2,400 Ethel Elizabeth Borton, A.M., Assistant Professor of Design and Industrial Arts.....(2,500) (On leave of absence for one year) Harriet Nelle Rogers, B.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education.....2,000 Carl Adams Frey, A.B., Assistant Professor of Biology....2,500 William Henry Herbert, A.B. In Commerce, Assistant Professor of Physical Education.....2,800 Ernest Randolph Wallace. M.S., Assistant Professor of Agriculture......3,000 Dorthy Beise, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education....(1,800) (On leave of absensce for one year)

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928 25 Roy Hoyt Paynter, M.E.A., Assistant Professor of Marketing........$3,000 Germany Klemm, M.A., Assistant Professor of Art........2,500 Harry Edward Benz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Mathamatics......3,000 Ralph Ferdinand Beckert, A.M., Assistant Professor of Accounting,...........2,800 Harold Evans, B.L., Assistant Professor of Dramatic Production..... 3,000 Hazel M. Willis, B.S., Assistant Professor of Art........3,000 Donald R. Clippinger, M.S., Assistant Professor of Chemistry.....2,500 Sven Victor Leckberg, Mus. B., Assistant Professor of Piano....3,000 Isabelle M. Work, A.M., Assistant Professor of Art......2,500 Harold Moore, A.B., Assistant Prodessor of Journalism (12 months).....1,200 ($2000 extra paid by Athens Messanger) Edwin Henry Gaylord, A.b., B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering........2,500 Hadley Kirkman, A.B., B.S., Assistant Professor of Biology.....2,500 Cathrine Elizabeth Bedford, A.M., Assistant Professor of Art.....2,700 Mary Louise Field, A.M., Assistant Professor of History......(2,500) (Paid from Local Fund) Susan Geraldine Troxel, A.M., Assistant Professor of Elementary Education....2,800 William John Trautwein, A.B., Assistant Professor of Physical Education.....3,400 Willfred Mauck, A.M., Assistant Professor of History.........3,600 Charles R. Kinisonm, M.S. Assistant Professor of Psychology........2,500 Frank John Roos, Ph.B., Assistant Professor of Art.....2,400 Robert Houghton Marquis, A.B., Assistant Professor of Mathematics....2,800 Allen Raymond Kresge, Instructorin Organ & Harmony.....2,200 Margret Amelian Matthews Benedict, A.B., Instructor in Voice.......2,000 Helen Jane Hedden, Instructor in Voice and Musical History......2,000 Lilian Boles Robinson, Mus. B, Instructor in Piano........2,000 William Ransom Longstreet, A.B., Mus.B. Intructor in Piano.....2,200 Helen Fallow Stevens, Mus.B., Instructor in Voice.....1,500 Alice Marguerite Holmen, Instructor on Voice.....2,000 Beatrice Marie Loyer, A.B. in Commerce, Instructor in Secretarial Studies......2,200 Vera Board, L.T.C.M., Instructor in Piano.....2,00

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928.

Louis Mace Heil, M.S., Instructor in Physics........$2,200 Grfeta A. Lash, A.M., Instructor in English..... 2,200 William E. Conrad, A.B. in Commerce.... Instructor in Commerce......2,300 Starke Rosecrane Hathaway, M.A., Instructor in Psychology.......1,800 Robert Bechtold Heilman, A.B., Instructor in English.....2,000 Charles Henry Harris, Ph.B., Instructor in English.....2,000 Charles Henry Harris, Ph.B., Instructor in Journalism (12 months).....800 ($2800 Extra paid by Athens Messanger) Helen Engles, B.S. in Ed., Instructor in Secretarial Studies....2,000 Monroe Thomas Vermillion, B.S. in Ed., Instructor in Civic Biology (3/4 time)........1,500 Ruth Alexander, A.M., Instructor in Physical Education........2,000 Claudia Roberts, B.S., Instructor in Physical Education........2,000 Adda Lenore Maccombs, A.B., Instructor in Latin.........400 Marian Elizabeth Ickes, B.S. in Ed., Instructor in Physical Education.........1,8-- Virgil Charles Aldrich, A.B., Instructor in French...........2,500 Ruth Evans Mayers, B.S in Ed., Instructor in Physical Education.........1,600 Milton D. Hughes, A.B., Lecturer in Commerce.........1,70 Robert Norpell Frickey, B.S., Lecturer in C.P.A. Practice and Problems......500 (First semester only) Florence D. Forsythe, Ph.B., Lecturer in Practical Banking........100 Thomas McKinlet Wolfe, M.B.A., Lecturer in Accounting for Coal Producation and Distribution. 300 ($100 for first semester- $200 for second semester) Julian Luella Cable, A.B., Assistant in PSychology department....(12 months)......1,600 Irene Ellen Witham, Mus.B., Assistant in Piano..............1,700 Nelle Slye Warner, A.B., Assistant in Penmanship.......200 Bernice Prochaska, A.B., Assistant in Sociology........500 (Registration fees allowed extra) Margaret Merwin, Assistant Violin.......800 John Hollingsworth Gill, Bandmaster.............1,360 Herman A. Copeland, A.B., Assistant in Psychology........500 Leah Griffin Faetherston, B.S. in Ed., Assistant in English...........350 (Resigned March 20, 1929.) Henry Earl Keck, A.B., Assistant in Biology...........750 Emmet Vance Springer, A.B., Assistant in Mathamatics..........90

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27 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928.

Student Assistants Harold Charles Wagner, Student Assistant in Accounting ........$ 300

Harry Walter Carmack, Student Assistant in Finance............... 300

John F. Klinder, Student Assistant in Marketing..... 300

Ezra Franklin Stedman, Student Assistant in Commerce,Director's Office........ 300

William Bernard Ludiwg, Student Assistant in Biology........ 350

Paul Eugene Reading, Student Assistant in Biology.............. 350

Isabelle Florence Turner, Student Assistant in English............ 100

Charles D. Fuller, Student Assistant in English............................ 100

Elmer Dalton West, Student Assistant in Psychology....... 200

Helen Clark Biedel, Student Assistant in English (1st semester)....... 200

Katherine Hymen, Student Assistant in English......................... 100

Al Stanley Olbratouski, Student Assistant in Biology.................... 350

Glenn A. Cole, Student Assistant in Economics........................ 1 per hr.

Inez Latimer, Student Assistant in Romance Languages.................. 60

Anne Schellenger, Student Assistant in Piano.............................. Fees (Fees paid on requisition of Head of Dept.)

Ethelwyn Baughman, Student Assistant in Service Bureau....... per hr. .30

Ralph R. Brown, Student Assistant in Service Bureau........ " " .30

Hilda Jane Ellis, Student Assistant in Service Bureau........... " " .30

Mildred Elizabeth Fate, Student Assistant in Service Bureau......... " " .30

Student Assistants in Library (Paid at rate of .40 per hour on requisition of Librarian) (Estimated at $300 per month..... 3,600

S. Robert Bobenmyer, Student Assistant in Library.....

Madge Elizabeth Coleman, Student Assistant in Library.....

Ralph William Fleck, Student Assistant in Library.....

W. Logan Fry, Student Assistant in Library.....

Robert Ellsworth Leake, Student Assistant in Library......

Elizabeth Winifred Marriott, Student Assistant in Library......

Ruth Evangeline Richey, Student Assistant in Library.......

Ann Smithberger, Student Assistant in Library.........

Evelyn Underwood, Student Assistant in Library......................

Ruth E. Zimmerman, Student Assistant in Library........

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