Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 10 (1927-1954)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928 Athens, Ohio Ewing Hall, Ohio University 8:30 A.M.

The Board of Trustees of Ohio University convened for thr annual meeting of the Board pursuant to notice by the Secretary as directed by President Bryan. The roll call showed the folloeing members present: Jones, Wood, Lash, Hopkins, McVey, Johnson, Sheppard, Thomas, McCune, McKee, Leete, Bush, Holzer and Bryan. The number present, fourteen, constituted a legal quorum.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held June 6, 1927 and the minutesof the meeting of the Finace Committe held August 9, 1927 were read and approved. It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Wood that the action of the Finance Committee, at the meeting held on August 9th. in increasing salaries pursuant to the authorization given the committee at the June 1927 meeting, be ratified. The motion was duly passed. Dr. Bryan discussed a resolution of the Board passed June 11, 1923 regarding the admission of certainstudents from other states, to Ohio University. He informed the Board concerning certain petitions which referred to the resolution. A general discussion followed. The annual report of President Bryan was read by the secretary. Athens, Ohio, June 11, 1928. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OHIO UNIVERSITY Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following report of the activities of Ohio University since our last meeting, June 6, 1927. The attendance at the University this year has been the largest in the history of the University. The resident students have numbered 3,208. Of this number 2,197 were enrolled in degree courses; 748 in two-year courses; 4 graduate students; 190 unclassified; 65 music specials; and 4 auditors. The non-resident students have numbered 2,028, of which number 1,372 were enrolled in group extension courses during the first and second semesters; and 656 were enrolled in correspondence study courses. Eighty-four of the eighty-eight counties in Ohio were represented; nineteen states; and two foreign countries. While there has been a general decline in attendance at colleges and universities, Ohio University, has enjoyed an increase by having the largest percentage of increase of any institution in the State. The spirit of the University has been fine and wholesome. The relationship among the students and the various organizations of the student body are very cordial and conductive to good fellowship; and the relationship between the student body and the faculty has been very delightful. Within the faculty there has been a fine spirit of co-operation and willingness to serve. We have had reasonable success in all intercollegiate activities. An unusual activity of the year was the trip to the Pacific Coast tendered the Varsity Male Quartet by the Santa Fe Railroad. The Railroad sponsored six trips during the from over one hundred applications. The Quartet of Ohio University was one of the two college groups selected, while the other trips were given to four professional organizations. One of the most outstanding achivements during the year was the recognition accorded when the chapters of the North Central District PHI BETA KAPPA placed in nomination for a chapter, Ohio University. The Phi Beta Kappa Senate voted unaimiously to accept this nomination and to recommend to the Council at the forthcoming session in September, 1928, that Ohio University be granted a charter in PI BETA KAPPA. Since our meeting last June, no changes have occured in the personnel of the Board of Trustees. The following Committes of the Board will serve doing the ensuring year: Finace: Hopkins, Davis, Biddle, Wood Teachers & Salaries: Johnson, Eikenberry, Hamblin Buildings & Grounds: Biddle, Jones, Bush Publicity: Johnspn, Sheppard, Bush, McCune Library: Wood, Jones, McVay, Holzer, Kinnison Auditing: Lash, Leete, McKee An important feature of the year in a material way is the fact that the Alumni Memorial Auditorium is nearing completion with the prospect that the early fall will find many university activities scheduled for this commodius building.

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11-1928 The Univerity buildings, not including fourteen cottages used as dormitories, some for men and others for women, are twenty-two in number. Ten of these are grouped on the campus; all the others with the exception of the Heating Plant, either face the "Green" or are within a few steps of it,

It is gratifying to know that the University has been a buisness stabalizer in the industrail depression in Southeastern Ohio, and throughout been paid in the form of wages to workmen in the construction of the Alumni Memorial Auditorium; and approximately $1,000,000.00 have been put into circulation in the community by students and members of the faculty and their families within the last twelve months. It is also gratifying that the people of the community and of the state appreciate what the University has meant in this way. The University received, by appropriation, at the hands of the Legislature in the 87th, General Assembly the following: For the eighteen-months' period beginning July 1, 1927, and ending December 31, 1928, $760,367.50 were appropriated for PERSONAL SERVICE. IN addition to this amount, receipts from term registration fees accrue to the credit of this account. For purposes of MAINTENANCE, the sum of $148,550.00 was appropriated, and all monies arising from the equity of the University in Athens and Alexander Toenships, which, during the period before mentioned, would amount to approximately $8,000.00 or $10,000.00. For ADDITIONS AND BETTERMENTS, $183,5000.00 were appropriated. It was necessary to ask for the following transfers of funds to meet certain obligations: $95.66 from F-2 84.09 " F-4 214.45 " F-6 $394.20 Total to F-9 General Plant and $1,268.20 from Repairs- Music all to Repairs- Ellis Hall

These transfers were approved by the Controlling Board on September 8, 1927. It was also necessary to ask for a special appropriation of $1,800 to be applied to the item of Traveling Expense. This was approved May 21, 1928. A number of changes have been made in minor positions on our staff, and a few additions which will be calculated to add strength to our staff. Among these are the appointment of Dean John R. Johnston, University of Pittsburgh, to Dean of Men: President H.T. Houf, Rio Grande College, as associate Profssor of Philosophy and Ethics whivh have heretofore been given by the Student Pastor. Mr. William Trautwe comes to us from Wittenberg College to join our staff in Physical Education. Dr. Willfred Mauck, Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins, will come to an Assistant Professorship in the Department of History. I have the honor to make recommendations as follows: 1. I have the honor to request approval of the Report of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries, as folloes on seperate sheets attached. 2. I have the honor the recommend the conferring of degrees and diplomas upon students in regular courses of study, as indicated on lists 3. I have the honor to recommend the confering of honorary degrees, as follows: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Albert Leonard....... New Rochelle, New York Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) John Stewart Bryan...... Richmond, Virgina Respectfully submitted, E.B. Bryan, President, Ohio University It was moved by Jones, seconded by McVay and the motion was presented. The report follows: REPRT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TEACHERS AND SALARIES TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF OHIO UNIVERSITY: Gentleman: The undersigned, your Commttee on Teachers and Salaries, present the following report.

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20 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928.

We present for your consideration and action a list of employees to be selected, with salaries to be paid for them, for the college year, 1928-1929.

Present conditions are such that some changes in the list of employees submitted herewith, may be necessary in the near future. It is suggested that your committee be instructed and empowered to fill all vacancies in the working force that now exist, or that may occur hereafter, at its discretion.

Arthur C. Johnson E.C. Eikenberry E.R. Hamblin E.B. Eryan

Committee on Teachers and Salaries

Athens, Ohio June 11,1928.


Elmer Burritt Bryan, LL.D., L.H.D. President............. $9,000

Edwin Watts Chubb, Litt.D., LL.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Professor of English............. 7,200

Thomas Cooke McCracken, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Education, and Professor of Education.......... 7,200

Irma Elizabeth Voigt, Ph.D., Dean of Women and Associate Professor of Public Speaking........... 5,000

John Reed Johnston, A.B., Dean of Men, and Associate Professor of History....... 4,000

George Crawford Parks, Ph.B., Treasurer and Business Manager;Secretary,Board of Trustees; and Associate Professor of Income tax......................... 5,400 ($1200 extra paid from Local Fund)

Frank Brown Dilley, A.M., Registrar.............. 5,000

Irene Lucile Devlin, A.B., Executive Secretary.......... 3,000

Clark Emerson Williams, A.B., Alumni Secretary.......... 3,200

Emma Raybould Battin, Cashier and Auditor.......... 2,100

Mary Antorietto, A.B., Recorder......... 2,200

Margaret Naomi Lax, Secretary to the Dean of Women......... 2,000

Helen Corneil Roush Assistant Registrar.............. 1,800

Geraldine Coe Hope Alumni Stenographer......... 1,400

Bertha Vickers, Clerk in Registrar's Office........ 1,400

Alpha Baird, Clerk in Registrar's Office....... 900

Lilliam B. Barbour,A.B., Secretary to the Dean of the College of Education and Director of the Bureau of Appointments...... 3,000

Velma Staneart, A.B. in Commerce Stenographer in Registrar's Office........ 1,440

*Lucile Aurelia Margaret Friedrich, Secretary to the Director of Correspondence Study..... 2,000

Mary Vickers Erskine, B.S. in Ed., Clerk in Registrar's Office............. 1,200

Anna Lois Saum, B.S. in Ed. Director, Service Bureau......... 1,800

Grace Marie, Johnson, A.B., Secretary to the Director of Teacher Training....... 2,500

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928 John Alonzo Palmer Assistant Buisness Manager.........$3,000 Amy Morgan Cowan, Secretary to the Dean of the College of Arts.......1,400 Mary Gertrude Pritchard Stenographer on Treasurer's Office.......1,600 Helen Laura McCune Secretary in the office of the Dean of the College of Education (part time)..............700 ($200, 1st semester, $500, 2nd. Semester) Marguerite Acord, B.S. in Ed. Secretary in the office of the Dean of the College of Education...............1,500 Esther Vanderlas, A.B., Secretary in the office of the Dean of the College of Education............1,800 Mildred Constance Andres Clerk in the President's Office (part time) ..Approx..... 300 (20 hrs. per week .30 per hr.) Grace Pauline Bean Clerk in Physical Education Department, (part time) Approx. 400 )Paid on requisition- $8.00 per week) Helen Gleason Stenographer in Service Bureau.......1m680 Mary Kathleen Thomas, Clerk in Correspindence Division (part time) Approx....... 500 (Paid on requisition- $10.00 per week) Louise Rowland Stenographer in the the office of the Dean of Women, (part time) 300 Margaret Mae Croy Stenographer in Service Bureau.........1,080 Lucia Johnson Bing, A.B. Secretary to Director of Correspondence Study (2nd sem.). 1,000 Anna Elizabeth Mumma, A.B., Secretary in office of Dean of College of Education.......1,200 Anne Claire Keating Librarian, (Part Time)...............1,200 (Full time salary, $3,600) Melba Roena White, A.B., B.S. in Ed., B.L.S. Assistant Cataloger..........2,000 Anna Elsie White, General Assistant Librarian.............1,400 Candue Mace Martzolff, A.B., Assistant Reference Librarian.........2,000 Amy Allen, B.A., B.L.S. Reference Librarian............2,200 Dora Moore, Ph.B., Catalouger...............2,800 ($400 extra included for Chairmanship) Mildred Carolyn Chutter, B.A., B.L.S. Assistant Catalouger.................2,000 Janette Woolsey, A.B. Children's Librarian.........2,000

INSTRUCTION (10 months) Albert Algernon Atkinson, M.S., Professor of Physics & Electrical Engineering........4,000 Charles Mofett Copeland, B.Ped., Director of the School of Commerce, and Professor of Accounting..........................4,000 William Fairfeild Mercer, Ph.D, Professor of Biology............4,000 William Burdelle Bentley, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry..........4,00 Hiram Roy Wilson, Ltt.D., Professor of English...........4,000

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Ohio Uviversity Record, Meeting June 11, 1928

Lewis James Addicott, B.S., C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering, and Supervising Architect..... $4,600 (Includes $600 for Architect's services for year) William Franklin Copeland, Ph.D., Professor of Agriculture............4,000 Thomas Nathaneal Hoover, M.Ph., A.M., Professor of History...........4,000 Willis Lloyd Gard, Ph.D., Professor of Education..........4,000 William Alderman Matheny, Ph.D., Professor of Civic Biology & Botany...........4,000 Mary Theodora Noss, M.A., Professor of French..........4,000 William Hawthorne Cooper, A.M., Professor of Public Speaking........4,000 Robery Lacey Borger, Ph.D., Professor of Mathamatics.........4,000 Joshua Romine Morton, M.S., Professor of Chemistry..............4,000 George Everet McLaughlin, B.S. in Ed., Professor of Industrial Education.........4,000 Victor Whitehouse, A.M., Professor of Spanish.............(4,000) (On leave of absence for one year) Isaac Emery Ash, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology........4,000 Robert Lee Morton, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics........4,000 Victor Dwight Hill, A.B., Professor of Classical Languages......4,000 Gerald Thomas Wilkinson, Ph.D., Professor of French & Spanish........4,000 Walter Sylvester Gamertsfelder, Ph.S., Professor of Philosophy & Ethics.........4,000 Harry Fletcher Scott, A.M., Professor of Classical Languages......4,000 James Pertice Porter, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor of Psychology..........4,000 Clarence Cramer Robinson, Mus.M., Director of the School of Music.........4,000 Ossian Clinton Bird, A.H., Professor od Physical Education and Director of AThletics.... 4,800 Wilmer C. Harris, Ph.D., Professor of History.......4,000 Clyde Edwards Cooper, Ph.D., Professor of Geography & Geology............4,000 Edwin Bert Smith, Ph.D., Professor History & Political Science.....4,000 Homer Virgil Cherringron, A.M., Professor of Economics......4,000 Clinton Nichols Mackinnon, A.M., Professor of English.........4,000 George Starr Lasher, A.M., Professor of English & Journalism.........4,000 Albert Carl Gubitz, A.M., Professor of Economics............4,000 Leonard Bliss Job, Ph.D. Professor of Education...........4,000 Azaeaih Body Sias, Ph.D., Professor of Education..........4,000 John Ambrose Hess, Ph.D., Professor of German..........4,000

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