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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

I RETIRING under State Teachers Retirement System, June 7, 1927.
Nellie Tan Vorhes, Instructer in Piano
Leaves of Absence: (one year)
Gerald Thomas Wilkinson, Professor of French & Spanish
M. LaVinia Warnerm, Head of Department of Special Education
Victor Whitehouse, Professor of Spanish
Ray Latham, Professor of Education
Mariam S. Morse, Instructor in Home Economics
Jeannette Smith, Supervising Critic, First Grade
Returning: from Leaves of Absence:
Homer V. Cherrington, Professor of Economics
Alonzo F. Myers, Professor of Education,and Director of Teacher Training
Edith E.Beechel,Associate Prof. of Education, and Asst.Director Teach.Training
New Appoinements:
Richard Allen Foster, Associate Professor of English
Sarah Hatcher, Associate Professor of Physical Education
Roy C. Paynter, Assistant Professor of Commerce
Mrs. Helen C. Barr, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages
Germany Klemm, Instructor in Art
Cleo Higgins, Supervising Critic, Third Grade
Pearl M. Casiday, Co-operating Teacher, Second Grade
Grace M. Johnson, Secretary to Director of Teacher Training
J. Alonzo Palmer, Treasurers Office Staff Member

It was moved by Eikenberry, seconded by Hamblin and the motion was
unanimously and duly passed that the report be accepted.
Dr. Bryan Spoke briefly concerning the membership recently given the
University to the American Association of University Women and the possibility
of securing a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.
The desirability of securing a Dean of Men was also emphasized.
It was moved by Johnson, seconded by Eikenberry, and the motion duly
passed that the recommendations of the president be taken up.
The report of the committee ofl Teachers and Salaries was read by te
secretary and discussed by Dr. Bryan. The report follows:
The undersigned, your Committee on Teachers and Salaries,
present the following report.
We present for your consideration and action a list of employees
to be selected, with salaries to be paid them, for the college year,1927-1928.
Present conditions are such that some changes in the list of
employees, submitted herewith, may be necessary in the near future.
It is suggested that your Committee be instructed and empowered to fill
all vacancies in the working force that now exist, or that may occur
hereafter, at its discretion.
Arthur C. Johnson
E.C. Eikenberry
E.B. Bryan

Committee on Teachers and Salaries

Athens, Ohio,
June 6, 1927.
E.B. Bryan

Elmer Burritt Bryan,LL.D.,L.H.D.
President (12 months) $ 9,000
Edwin Watts Chubb, Litt.D.,
Professor of English and Dean
of the College of Liberal Arts (12 months)...........7,200
Thomas C. McCracken, Ph.D.,
Professor of Education and Dean
of the College of Education.(12 months)............ 7,200
Irma Elizabeth Voigt,Ph.D.,
Associate Professor of Public Speaking
and Dean of Women (12 months). 5,000
George Crawford Parks, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor Income Tax; Secretary, Board
of Trustees, and Traasurer and Business Manager.... 4,800
(§1200 extra from Local Fund)

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