Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 10 (1927-1954)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

Frank Brown Dilley, A.M., Registrar............................................................ $5,000 Irene Lucile Devlin, A.B., Executive Secretary............................................. 2,700 Clark Emerson Williams, A.B., Alumini Secretary.................................................3,200 Emma Raybould Battin, Cashier and Auditor...............................................2,100 Mary Antorietta, A.B., Recorder.....................................................................2,200 Margret Naomi Lax, Secretary to Dean of Women...................................... 1,800 Helen Corneil Roush, Assistant Registrar..................................................... 1,800 Geraldine Coe Hope, Alumni Stenographer.....................................................1,400 Bertha Vickers, Clerk in Registar's Office............................................ (1,400) (On leave of absense without pay) Alpha Baird, Clerk in Registrar's Office.......................................... 900 Lillian M. Barbour, A.B., Secretary to the Dean of the Collefe of Education and Director of the Bureau of Appointments.............. 2,700 Velma Steanart, A.B. in Commerce, Stenographer in Registrar's Ofice................... 1,200 Mary Vickers Erskine, B.S. in Ed., Clerk in Registrar's Office.............................. 1,400 Lucile A. Friedrich, Secretary in Correspondence Study Division................ 2,000 Grace Marie Johnson, A.B., Secretary to the Director of Teacher Training........... 2,400 John Alonzo Palmer, Assistant Buisness Manager............... 3,000 Lena Tope Allen, Secretary in Office of Dean of College of Education....... 1,500 Amy Herrold Morgan, Secretary to the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts....1, 200 Mary Gertrude Pritchard, Bookkeeper...............................................1,380 Helen Laura McCune, Clerk in office of the Dean of College of Education... 700 ($200 1st sewmester; $500 second semester) Carroll C. Baker, Clerk in President's Office..................................... (Paid at rate of .35 per hr. -3 hrs. daily during school year) Dorothy Herietta Krohmer, Clerk in Serce Bureau................................... (Paid at rate of .50 per hr. -Average 24 hr. wk.) Anna Lois Saum, B.S. in Ed., Director of Service Bureau...................................... 1, 500 Kathleen Thomas, Clerk in Setvice Bureau....................................... (Paid at rate of .30 per hr.) Rachel Faigun, Student Assistant in Service Bureau.......................... (Paid at rate of .30 per hr.)


Anne Claire Keating, Librarian..................................................... 3,600 Candus M. Martzolff, A.B., Assistant Reference Librarian.................... 2,000 Anna Elise White, General Assistant Librarian................................1, 400

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399 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927.

Amy Allen, B.A., B.L.S., Reference Librarian.........$ 2,200

Dora Moore, Ph.B., Catalouger........................ 2,200

Mildred Carolyn Chutter, B.A., B.L.S., Assistant Cataloguer....................... 2,000

Margaret Morrison Hanna, A.B, Assistant Cataloger....................................... 1,800 (Substitute during 1927-1928)

Janette Woolsey, Childrens Librarian..................................... 2,000

Robert Bobenmyer, Student Assistant in Library..................................................................... (Paid only part time)

Madge Coleman, Student Assistant in Library....................................................................... (Paid only part time)

Ralph Fleck, Student Assistant in Library...................................................................... (Paid only part time)

Donald Foster, Student Assistant in Library................................................................. (Paid only part time)

Robert Leake, Student Assistant in Library.............................................................. (Paid only part time)

Ruth Richey, Student Assistant in library........................................................ (Paid only part time)

Kumah Smith, Student Assistant in Library.............................................................. (Paid only Part time)

Ann Smithberger, Student Assistant in Library....................................................... (Paid only part time)

Evelyn Underwood, Student Assistant in Library.......................................................... (Paid only part time)

Ruth Zimmerman, Student Assistant in Library........................................... (Paid only part time)

Albert A. Atkinson, M.S., Prof. of Physics & Electrical Engineering....................................... 4,000

Charles M. Copeland, B. Ped., Director of School of Commerce............................. 4,000

William Fairfield Mercer, Ph. D., Professor of Biology............................... 4,000

William Burdelle Bentley, Ph. D., Professor of Chemistry................................... 4,000

Hiram Roy Wilson, Litt.D., Professor of English......................................... 4,000

Lewis James Addicott, B.S., C.E., Prof. of Civil Engineering & Super. Architect..................... 4,600

William Franklin Copeland, Ph.D., Professor of Agriculture..................... 4,000

Thomas Nathaneal Hoover, M.Ph., A.M, Professor of History.................................... 4,000

Willis L. Gard, Ph.D., Professor of Education.......................................... 4,000

William Alderman Matheny, Ph.D., Professor of Civic Biology & Botany............................. 4,000

Mary Theodora Noss, M.A., Professor of French............................................. 4,000

Robert Lacey Borger, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics................. 4,000

Joshua R. Morton, M.S., Professor of Chemistry................................ 4,000

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400 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

George Everet McLaughlin, B.S. in Ed., Professor of Industrial Education............ $4,000 Isaac Emery Ash, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology.............. 4,00 Robert Lee Morton, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics............. 4,000 Victory Dwight Hill, A.B., Professor of Classical Languages.......... 4,000 Walter Sylvester Gamertsfelder, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy & Ethics.......4,000 Harry Fletcher Scott, A.M., Professor of Classical Languages........ 4,000 James Pertice Porter, Ph.D., Sc.D., Professor of Psychology ................4,000 Clarence Cramer Robinson, Mus.B., Direotor of the College of Music....... 4,000 Ossian Clinton Bird, A.B., Professor of Physical Education.................. 4,000 and Director of Athletics ($ extra from A.L.E.) Wilmer C. Harris, Ph.D., Professor of History....................... 4,000 Clyde Edwards Cooper, M.S., Professor of Geography & Geology..........4,000 Edwin Bert Smith, Ph.D., Professor of History & Political Science..........4,ooo Homer Virgil Cherrington, A.M., Professor of Economics............ 4,000 Clinton Nichols Mackinnon, A.M., Professor of English..............4,000 George Starr Lasher, M.A., Professor of English & Journalism............... 4,000 Albert Carl Gubitz, A.M., Professor of Ecmomics................................... 4,000 Leonard Bliss Job, Ph.D., Professor of Education................................... 4,000 Azariah Boody Sias, Ph.D., Professor of Education.................................. 4,000 John A. Hess, Professor of German.............................3,200 George H, Crow,A.M., Professor of Education and Director of Group Extension..................................... 4 000 Alvin E. Wagner, Ph.D., Professor of Education..........3, 200 Simeon H. Bing, A.M., Professor of Education and Director of Correspondence Study......... 4, 000 Marie Louise Stahl, Head of Art Dept., College of Liberal Arts............... 2,800 Mary J Brison, A.M., Professor of Education and Correspondence Study........... 4,000 Susan Louise Eekel,B.S., Head of Dept. of Home Economics.................. 3,200 Melvia L.Danielson, Head of Dept.of School Music................. 2,800 Evan J.Jones,Jr., A.M., Associate Prof, of History and Civics.................. 3,600 Oscar Ellsworth Dunlap, M.S. in Ed., Associate Professor of Agriculture....................... 3,600 Frank Hernhart Gullum, M.S., Associate Professor of Chemistry............... 3,600 William Henry Fenzel, B.C.S., A.D., Associate Professor of Accounting and Commercial Geography.....................3,600

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927 Mary Engle Kahler, A.M., Associate Professor of English................ $3,600 Harry Houston Peckham, A.M., Associate Professor of English.............. 3,600 Raymond Mahlon Slutz, A.M., Associate Professor of English...............3,600 Raymer McQuiston, A.M., Associate Professor of English Frank Walter Reed, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathamatics............3,600 Brandon Tad Grover, B.S. in Ed. Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Basket-Ball Coach..............................3,600 ($ extra from A.L.E. Fund) Don. C. Penden, B.S. Associate Professor of Physical Education, and Head Coach of Foot-Ball and Base-Ball........ 3,600 ($ extra from A.LE. Fund) Maude Ethel Cryder Matthews, A.M., Associate Professor of German..............3,600 Genevieve Apgar, A.M. Associate Professor of English...............3,600 Henry J. Jeddeloh, A.M., Associate Professor of Sociology............3,600 Cornelius Winfeild Fink, MA./ Associate Professor of Economics............3,600 Milo Kimballl, B.S., B.B.A., Associate Professor of Finance and Banking.......3,600 Norman Fenton, Ph.D., Asspciate Professor of Psychology.........3,600 DeForest W. Ingerham, Associate Professor of Violin.......... 3,500 Jane Kellogg Atwood, S.M., Associate Professor of Geography.............2,800 Einer August Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education...........3,200 Enrique Blanco, M.A., Associate Professor of Spanish..........3,000 Edith Armstrong Wray, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English......2,800 Richard Allen Foster, A.M., Associate Professor of English.......3,200 J.B. Heidler, Associate Professor of English..........3,000 Sarah Hatcher, Associate Professor of Physical Education........3,000 Olin D. Morrison, Associate Professor of History...........2,800 Harvey C. Lehman, Associate Professor of Psychology...........3,200 Stuart M. Stoke, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology......... 3,400 Emmett Rowles, A.M., Assistant Professor of Biology..........3,000 Oscar Earle McCluro, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Physics........ 2,800 Albert Wesley Boetticher, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Civiv Biology & Botany......2,800 Dow Siegel Grones, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Industriall Educatuion..... 2,700 Neil Duncan Thomas, B.S., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering.....2,800 Wesley Henry Maurer, L.B.. BJ..B.S., Assistant Professor of Jounalism (12 months).... 3,300 (1600 extra paid by Athens Messanger)

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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 6, 1927

Helen Reynolds, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor fo Secretartarial Studies......2,400 Rush Elliott, A.M., Assistant Professor of Biology...........2,400 Darrek Bennnet Green, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physics........2,250 Constance Grovenor Leete, M.A., Assistant Professor of Modern Languages.....2,400 Edna Martha Way, A.M., Assistant Professor of Art.........3,000 Mabel King Brown, Ph.B Assistant Professorof Secretarial Studies......2,000 Thorwald Olson, B.S. in Ed., Instructor in Physical Education..........2,800 ($600 extra from A.L.E. Fund) Prudence Stevens, B.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics......2,400 Ida Mae Patterson, B.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics.........2,400 M. Elsie Druggan, R.N., Nurse, and Assistant Professor of Hygiene, (12 months) ....2,800 Ethel Elizabeth Borton, A.M., Assistant Professor of Design and Industrial Art.....2,500 Harriet Nelle Rogers, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education.........2,000 Carl A. Frey, A.B., Assistant Professor of Biology......2,400 Ann Avery Smith, B.S., Instructor in Physival Education........2,000 William Henry Herbert, A.B. in Commerce Assistant Professor of Physical Education..........2,800 Ernest Randolph Wallace, B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Agriculture................2,200 Roger Enoch Bennett, A.M., Assistant Professor of English........2,000 Howard Porter Longstaff, A.B., B.S. in Ed., Assistant Professor of Psychology........2,400 Faye Farmer, B.S., Assistant Professor of Psychology........2,400 Dorthy Beise, B.S., Assistant Professor of Physical Education.......1,800 Roy H. Paynter, Assistant Professor of Commerce.........2,800 Germany Klemm, Assistant Professor of Art..........2,500 Helen C. Barr, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages........2,100 Russell Dick, A.M., Assistant Professor of French........3,000 H.E. Benz, Assistant Professor of Mathamatocs.........2,700 Ralph F Beckert, Assistant Professor of Commerce......2,800 Harold Evans, B.L., Assistant Professor of Public Speaking.......3,000 Victor Lekberg, Mus. B., Instructor in Piano............3,000 Donald R. Clippinger, Associate Professor in Chemistry...........2,400 Allen Raymond Kresge, Instructor in Organ and Harmony........2,200 Augusta Maria Goddard, Instructor in School Music.....1,600

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