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28 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11,1928.
Alonzo Franklin Myers, Ph.D. Professor of Education and Director of Teacher Training and Principal of Rufus Putnam Hall......$ 4,000 (Resigned October 1928)
Mabel Beryl Olson, A.M., Supervising Critic, First Grade...... 2,500
Amy M. Weihr, Ph.M., Supervising Critic, Second Grade...... 2,500
Adelaide Isabel Johnson, A.M., Supervising Critic, Third Grade...... 2,600
Mary Lothrop, A.M., Supervising Critic, Fourth Grade...... 2,600
Mary Ward, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Fifth Grade...... 2,400
Esther Mae Dunham, A.M., Supervising Critic, Sixth Grade...... 2,600
Sarena Eleanor Dunton, A.B., Supervising Critic, Music......... 2,000
Marzuela Richards, B.S. in Ed., Cooperating Teacher in the First & Second Grades...... 1,800
Pearl Lee, Teaching Fellow, Fourth Grade............... 900
Frances Eliza Everhart, Teaching Fellow, Third Grade...... 900
Eunice Loa Taylor, B.S. in Ed., Cooperating Teacher in Third and Fourth Grades.......(1,805) (On leave of absence)
Hellene Elaine Jones, Teaching Fellow, Fifth Grade...... 800
Ollie LaVina Kile, Teaching Fellow, Sixth Grade...... 900
Constance Trueman MacLeod, A.M., Associate Professor of Education and Supervisor of Kindergarten Instruction...... 3,600
Marie Harriet Acomb, B.S., Supervising Critic in Kindergarten...... 2,600
Helen Lou Mason, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic in Kindergarten...... 2,400
Cassie Sidders, B.S, in Ed., Supervising Critic,Special Education......... 1,800
Helen Stokes Watson, Cooperating Teacher in Special Education...... 600
East Side School
Bertha Bridgman, Principal...... 400 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Gladys M. Williams, A.M., Supervising Critic, Kindergarten...... 2,200
Doris Virginia Wilhite, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Music........ 2,000
West Side School
Eva Anna Richardson, M.A., Supervising Critic, First Grade...... 1,300
Rosabella Marie Reimers,B.S., Supervising Critic, Second Grade...... 900 ($1200 paid by City of Athens)
Bessie Ottoson, B.S., Supervising Critic, Second Grade......... (900) ($1200 paid by City of Athens) (On leave of absence for one year)
Cora M. Dennis, A.B., Supervising Critic, Third Grade...... 900 ($1200 paid by City of Athens)
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29 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11,1928.
Ruth Frances McMeen, M.A., Supervising Critic, Fourth Grade and Principal.....$ 1,400 ($1300 paid by City of Athens)
Ruhumah L. Blue, Teaching Fellow, First Grade....... 800
Irma Adelle Johnson, Teaching Fellow, Second Grade...... 800
Florence Lucile Byrd, Teaching Fellow, Third Grade..... 900
Bernice Pearl Ellswick, Teaching Fellow, Fourth Grade..... 800
Helen Florence Hook, Mus.B., Assistant in Music....................... 900
Central School
Helen Marie Evans, M.A., Supervising Critic, First Grade........................ 1,400 ($1200 paid by City of Athens)
Cleo F. Higgins, M.A., Supervising Critic, Third Grade..... 1,400 ($1200 Paid by City of Athens)
Dorothy Todd Hughes, BS. in Mus.Ed., Supervising Critic, Music....... 500 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Mary M. Williams, B. Ped., Principal..... 300
Thyra May Wells, Teaching Fellow, First Grade...... 800
Marjorie Elizabeth Hoyt, Teaching Fellow, Third Grade............................. 900
The Plains School
Alice Magdalene Shannon, Supervising Critic, First Grade.......................... 300 ($1000 paid by The Plains)
Alta Cooper, A.B., Supervising Critic, Fourth Grade...... 1,000 ($1000 paid by The Plains)
Ruth May Benchm A.B., Supervising Critic, Sixth Grade, and Principal.......... (1,000) ($1000 paid by The Plains) (On leave of absence for one year)
Elva Cooper, A.B., Supervising Critic, Sixth Grade, and Principal........... 1,000 ($1000 Paid by The Plains)
Martha Marie Hooper, B.S. in Ed., Cooperating Teacher in Third Grade..... 50 ($1000 Paid by The Plains)
Herman William Humphrey, A.B., Cooperating Teacher in Maunal Arts........... 50 ($1360 Paid by The Plains)
Anna Beryl Cone, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Home Economics in High School....... 450 ($800 Paid by The Plains and $750 paid by "Smith Hughes')
Alexander Root, M.A., Principal, High School............ 1,000 ($2000 Paid by The Plains)
Junior High School
Cora Ethlyn Bailey, B. Ped., Supervising Critic, History......... 800 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
William Monroe Bryant, A.M., Supervising Critic, English........ 700 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Lois Rebecca Keller, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Geography............ 500 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Nelle M. Pickering, A.B., Supervising Critic, Latin and English..... 500 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Hale Clifford Pickett, A.M., Supervising critic,Mathematics.................. 700 ($2000 paid by City of Athens)
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30 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11,1928.
Grace Gertrude Stockberger, A.M., Supervising Critic, English.....$ 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Oliver L. Wood, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Mathematics..... 400 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Mary Connett, M.A., Supervising Critic, English........ 700 ($1600 Paid by City of Athens)
Edward Samuel Dowell, A.M., Supervising Critic, Social Science..... 600 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Irene Hand, A.M., Supervising Critic, English........ 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Alfred L. Hughes, A.M., Supervising Critic, Mathematics..... 600 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Mayme V. Johnston, A.B., Supervising Critic, Stenography & Typewriting..... 500 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Eva Virginia Lamon, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Bookkeeping........ 500 (1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Laura Helen Leach, A.M. Supervising Critic, Latin......... 500 $1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Anna Katherine Pickering, A.M., Supervising Critic, English..... 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Walter Parker Porter, A.M., Supervising Critic, Biology & General Science...... 700 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Anna Klostermeyer Price, A.M., Supervising Critic, Social Science...... 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
John Clark Glover, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Manual Training...... 300 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Alda Rae Smith, A.M., Supervising Critic, French & Spanish....... 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
John F. Newcomb, A.B., Supervising Critic, Science...... 300 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Carl H. Roberts, B.S., Supervising Critic, History..... 300 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Junior and Senior High Schools
Floyd E. Harshamn, A.M., Principal, Junior & Senior High Schools..... 900 ($3100 Paid by City of Athens)
Ruth Joanna Giesen, B.S., Supervising Critic, Home Economics..... 700 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
Ethel M. McEwen, B.S., Supervising Critic, Physical Education..... 500 ($1500 Paid By City of Athens)
Mary Mildred Rice, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Art..... 1,400 ($600 Paid By City of Athens)
Harold Elwood Wise, B.S. in Ed., Supervising Critic, Physical Education..... 400 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Allen Alexander Nellis, B.S. Supervising Critic, Mechanical Drawing..... 300 ($2000 Paid by City of Athens)
Jettie J. Denmark, B.S. in Mus. Ed., Supervising Critic, Music..... 1,200 ($1500 Paid by City of Athens)
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31 Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11,1928.
Wilma Compton, B.S., Relief Teacher, Commerce......... $ 1,500
Robert William Emmert, B.S., Relief Teacher, Mathematics............... 1,900
Mary Louise Hartnell, A.B., Relief Teacher, English and History.................. 1,400
Holgar Harold Van Aller, A.B., Relief Teacher, Science and Printing...... 1,800
University Hospital (12 months basis)
Blaine R. Goldsberry, M.D., Physician.............. 1,200
J. Lucile Mossman, R.N., Nurse, Assistant................... (1,500) (Salary paid from Health Fund)
Engineers (12 months basis)
James E. Smith, Supervising Engineer.......... 2,400
Addison Edgar, Assistant Supervising Engineer........................ 1,860
Hewitt A. Reeder,........ 1,680
Clarence C. Sams.................................. 1,680
Clinton Frost......... 1,440
William E. Haning..... 1,260
O.C. Chapman..... 1,260
Edward L. Church...... 1,200
Edison R. Heaton....... 1,200
W.L. Hottel........ (1,200)
Augustus Howett..... 1,200
R.L. Sanders.......... 1,200
A.A. Shafer..... 1,200
V.W. Clendenin..... 1,200
Lewis Graham..................... 1,260
Clinton Graham...... 1,200
Dale Whaley..... 1,080
S.S. Shaw......... 1,200
William J. Mansfield..... 1,080
Lester Sickels............ 1,080
Other Workmen
James H. Burt, Carpenter........ 2,000
Peter G. Hibbard, Plumber...... 1,800
Ernest Hart, Mechanician......... 1,500
C.B. Chandler, Nightwatchman & Policeman..... 1,200
Hugh Meighen, Teamster & Truck-Driver..................... 1,140
Salaries to be paid from Local Fund (12 months)
Willanna M. Riggs, Matron at Boyd Hall.......... ( 900)
Mary Louise Field, A.M., Head of Lindley Hall......... (2,500)
Mrs. Elizabeth Hastings, Matron at Howard Hall....... ( 900)
Estella Pendergrass, Housekeeper at Boyd Hall......... ( 720)
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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 11, 1928 Ella J. Kenney Housekeeper at Howard Hall...........$ (720) Margaret Patterson Housekeeper at Lindley Hall and Cottage Proctor..... (720) Arizona Kyle, Housekeeper at Cottages.......(720) Mrs. Marcia Wilkinson, Housekeeper at Cottages....... (720) Alta Nichols, Assistant Housekeeper at Lindley Hall..... (360) Charles O. Moore, Buyer for Dining Halls.........(3,600) M. Elise Druggan, R.N., Dietitian Service for Dining Halls.........(500) Pearl Henderson, Stenographer in Tresurer's Office.......... (1,440) Edgar Burt, Painter............(1,620) Asa Riggle, Oiler at Heating Plant..........(1,380) Leo V Frost, Plumer and Electrician........(1,500) James E. Smith, Laundry Inspector and Janitor Supervisor.......(240) Roy Gold, Laundryman..........(1,320) Mrs. William Drake Laundry @ 2.50 per day......... Mrs. Lenora Rood, Janitress at Women's Gymnasium @ $.00 per day..... E.E. Van Dyke Janitor...........(780) Lewis Graham, Janitor...............(190) Faculty Dining Hall (12 months) Elizabeth Woodworth, Manager......... (2,000) It was moved by Leete, Seconded by Wood and the motion was duly passed that the report be approved. The report containing the names of the canididates for degrees and diplomas was presesented. T OHIO UNIVERSITY Degrees and Diplomas Granted Kindergarten-Primary (Two Year) Nellie May Andrews....... Norwalk Mabel Marie Carr....... Athens Ellen Elizabeth Carr........Conneaut Inez Rita Cole........Logan Marguerite Mabel Cook........Nelsonville Imogene Ellen Downey.....Columbus Annette Dunn......Ravenswood, W. Va. Wyona Lorraine Gardner....... Chauncey Irene Mae Golding....... Glousteer Lucy Marjorie Johnston...... Jacksonville Ruth Ellen Kelch...... Jacksonville Ruth Ellen Kelch.......Nelsonville Beryl Elizabeth Lehew.......Urivhsville Elizabeth Love........Youngstown Ida May Metzger........Canton Julian C. Reisz........ Lorain Helen Mae Round...... Wellsville Hilda Lola Katherine Strock..... LeRoy Mary Alice Virtue........Mt. Gilead Thelma Marie West.......Blanchester Etnestine Weyersmiller.....Newark