Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 09 (1906-1926)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting May 14, 1908.

ing to further consider the plans, specifications and details of said two archi- tects in conjunction with the plans, specifications and details this day sub- mitted by Frank L. Packard.

A motion by Wood, seconded by Coultrap, that further consideration of said motion offered by Welch be postponed until the afternoon session of the Board was unanimously carried.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Wood, who moved its adop- tion, seconded by Mr. Welch:

"WHEREAS, By the term of a lease, made July 15, 1895, between "The College Place Improvement Company" and "The President and Trustees of the Ohio University", an option to purchase the property,—"Being a part of in-lot No. 12 in the Village of Athens, County of Athens, and State of Ohio, begin- ning at a point in the west line of said lot 70 feet north from the northwest corner thereof; thence south along said west line to the said southwest corner thereof; thence east along the south line thereof 47 feet; thence north 70 feet; thence west 47 feet to the place of beginning, and being known as a part of the old Brown House property"--by the party of the second part, for $21,000 was secured; and

WHEREAS, The right to purchase the 99-year leasehold on the same pro- perty, at any time, for $4,000, was secured by the terms of said lease; and

WHEREAS, The absolute need of this property for the uses of the University is most urgent and the cost of the same is recognized as most rea- sonable; and

WHEREAS, There is present opportunity to purchase a lot of 70 feet frontage next adjoining the property, hereinbefore described, on the east, for the sum of $5,000; therefore

RESOLVED, That the Finance Committee of this Board be instructed to secure a clear title to all the property hereinbefore referred to, either in the name of "The President and Trustees of the Ohio University" or that of "The State of Ohio," as may be suggested by the Attorney-General of Ohio, said title to be approved by the officer last named.

RESOLVED, That said Finance Committee is instructed and empowered to make full payment for the property herein described, after the approval of title by the Attorney-General of Ohio, as follows: $25,000 from funds to the credit of the University arising from rents and fees collected, and $5,000 from the maintenance fund now to the credit of the University in the State Treasury."

Roll-call upon said resolution resulted as follows: AYES: Biddle, Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, O'Blenness, Welch, Wood. NAYES: Lowry.

Whereupon, the said resolution was declared adopted.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Duff, who moved its adop- tion, which was seconded by Jones and unanimously adopted:

"RESOLVED, That the sum of Eighty Dollars ($80.00) be appropriated for the use of the Y. M. C. A., and the Y. W. C. A, of the University, to be

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Ohio University Record, Meeting May 14, 1908.

divided equally between these two associations, said appropriations being made in consideration of services rendered by the members of these organiza- tions in looking up quarters for, and in extending other help to, new students entering the University".

Upon motion of Duff, seconded by Fenton, the Board recessed until one o'clock P.M.



The Board met pursuant to recess motion.

Roll-call showed the following members present: Biddle, Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Hamblin, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Wood.

Pursuant to motion adopted at the forenoon session of said Board, a vote was taken on the motion made by Welch and seconded by Jones regarding the securing of additional plans, specifications and details for the gymnasium, the vote on said motion being as follows:

AYES: Tompkins, Welch. NAYS: Biddle, Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Hamblin, Kinnison, Lowry, O'Bleness, Wood.

Whereupon, the said motion was declared lost.

The Building Committee submitted the following report:

Athens, Ohio, May 14, 1908

To the Board of Trustees of Ohio University. Gentlemen:-

We, the undersigned, members of your Committee on Buildings, recommend the adoption of the plans for a new gymnasium prepared and presented by Architect Frank L. Packard, Columbus, Ohio, and in connection with the same we recommend the adoption of the resolutions herewith presented as a part of this report.

Respectfully submitted,

Members of Building Committee. ( Alston Ellis ( Henry O'Bleness ( J. M. Welch

The following resolution was offered by Hamblin, who moved its adop- tion, seconded by Coultrap:

"RESOLVED, That the Gymnasium building, for which the General Assemb- ly of Ohio recently made an appropriation of $35,000, be located on that part of the University Campus lying between Boyd Hall and the Carnegie Library and fronting on Park Place - the exact location of the building to be determined by the Building Committee (Messrs. Ellis, Welch, and O'Bleness) in connection with the Architect.

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Ohio University Record, Meeting May 14, 1908.

RESOLVED, That the preliminary sketch and plans of such building, as this day presented to the Board of Trustees by Architect Frank L. Packard, Columbus, Ohio, be approved and accepted, and that Mr. Packard be and is here- by employed as Architect for drawing the completed plans and specifications for the said gymnasium building and for the supervision of the construction of the same, under the direction of said Building Committee, at a compensation of five per cent. (5%) on the contract price or cost of the completed building.

RESOLVED, That the Building Committee of the Board, as aforesaid, is hereby given full power to approve, or modify and approve, the completed plans and specifications as prepared by Architect Packard and thereafter to secure their acceptance by the constituted State authority.

RESOLVED, That should the lowest and best bid for the construction and completion of the gymnasium building, planned as herein provided, as ac- cepted by this Board at a subsequent meeting, be in excess of the appropria- tion of $35,000 heretofore referred to, then such excess cost shall be met from the general revenue fund of the Ohio University, unless the same is met by special appropriation hereafter made by the General Assembly of Ohio."

Roll-call upon the adoption of said resolution resulted as follows:

AYES: Biddle, Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Hamblin, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Blen- ess, Welch, Wood. NAYS: None.

Whereupon said resolution was declared unanimously adopted.

The report of the Auditing Committee on the reports of the AuditorSecretary and the Treasurer for the fiscal year ending November 14, 1907, was presented and read.

Whereupon, motion was made, seconded and unanimously adopted that said report be received and placed on file.

Said report of said Auditing Committee is as follows, to-wit:

Athens, Ohio, January 30th, 1908.

To the Honorable Board of Trustees, Ohio University.


We, your Committee, appointed to Audit the Books and accounts of the Auditor and Treasurer of the Ohio University, beg leave to report as follows:

The full committee met at Athens January 30, 1908, and spent the entire day in the examination, going over every voucher and comparing it with the entries made in books of both the Auditor and Treasurer. The examina- tion was made as of November 15, 1907,- the end of the fiscal year.

BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS. We found the accounts kept in a careful and business-like manner. That the method of book-keeping as suggested by the State Bureau of Account- ing has been faithfully followed, for which we most heartily commend both the Auditor and the Treasurer.

AUDITOR'S BOOKS. The Auditor's books show receipts aggregating $120,137.29, while the books of the Treasurer show $123,200.14 as the amount coming into his

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Ohio University Record, Meeting May 14, 1908.

hands. The difference as shown is the amount received from rents which came direct to the Treasurer. This amount is $3062.85, which if added to the Auditor's account will show the same amount; viz: $123,200.14 recieved.

TREASURER'S BOOKS. The Treasurer's report shows total expenditures $114,189.93, leaving a balance due in treasury, November 14, 1907, of $9010.21. This balance is certified to by the Cashier of The First National Bank, Athens, Ohio.

COMPETITIVE BIDDING. The Committee would recommend that all supplies be purchased on com- petitive bidding. This is in the line of both economy and correct business methods.

EXTRA SERVICE. We find under expenditures $1547.46 was paid out under the caption-- Extra Services. We do not regard this as good business. The salaries, as fixed by the Board of Trustees for the year, should be made to cover the ser- vice rendered by all employes.

VOUCHERS. The Committee finds that in several cases vouchers were honored which were incomplete and indefinite. We would recommend that all bills rendered show in full for what the money was paid out.

FIELD AGENT. The books show that $979.01 was paid out for traveling expenses in addition to salary of $1200.00. We have no means of passing judgment as to the value of the returns from field work; but unless a favorable showing can be made this expenditure should be discontinued.

SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS. At the June meeting in 1906, the Board of Trustees appropriated, upon recommedation of President Ellis, the sum of $9500.00. At the end of the college year it was found that $10615.39 had been drawn. Or in other words the Special Appropriation Fund was overdrawn $1115.39. We believe good busi- ness practice would bring the expenditures within the Special Appropriation.

The Committee further finds that for the five months period from June 15, 1907, to November 15, 1907, there was an additional expenditure of nearly $3000.00 under said head.

In conclusion, the Committee would respectfully recommend, in all transactions touching the interest of our Cherished Institution, that the most rigid business principles and practices be applied, to the end that those who have accepted the trust with its responsibilities, may merit the just appro- bation of the State of Ohio.

An Abstract of Receipts and Disbursements furnished by Auditor Foster and Treasurer Hanning are appended hereto.

Respectfully submitted,

Auditing Committee ) C. C. Davidson ) F. C. Whiley ) Lucien J. Fenton

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Ohio University Record, Meeting May 14, 1908

The following resolution was introduced by Welch: "WHEREAS, That part of Section 2 of the Act of the General Assembly of Ohio, passed February 18th, 1804, whereby the President of the Ohio Univer sity is made an ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees of the University, is inconsistent with, and repugnant to, the provisions of Section 2, Article VII of the Constitution of the State, which provided that the Trustees of all the State Institutions shall be appointed by the Governor; and WHEREAS, Our Supreme Court has, by repeated decisions, held that all laws or parts of laws in force on the first day of September, 1851, that are inconsistent with and repugnant to the Constitution of 1851,are, by implication, repealed;. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the office of president of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University be, and the same is, hereby established, and that such office shall be filled by a member of said Board, who shall preside at the meetings of said Board". Whereupon, motion was made by Welch that further consideration of said resolution be postponed until the annual June session of the Board and, in the meantime, that the legal questions therein involved be submitted to the Attorney-General, which motion was adopted. Upon motion of Duff, seconded by Lowry, the Board adjourned to meet at eight o'clock A. M., June Seventeenth, 1908. Attest: President, Ohio University. Secretary Board of Trustees, Ohio University.

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