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Ohio University Record, Meeting November 20th, 1906.
OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY. Athens, Ohio, November 20th, 1906, 1 o'clock P. M.
The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met pursuant to recess taken October 18, 1906.
Roll call showed the following members present: Benson, Biddle, Black- stone, Davidson, Douglas, Ellis, Foster, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, O'Bleness, Welch and Whiley, in all thirteen members, being a legal quorum of said Board.
Pursuant to a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the Chairman appointed as a committee to draft ersolutions on the death of Major L. M. Jewett, J. M. Welch, Chairman, E. J. Jones and J. P. Wood.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted the Board took a recess pending the report of said Committee: The Committee on Resolution reported as follows:
"In the death of Major Leonidas M. Jewett the Board of Trustees suf- fers the loss of one who has been associated with us for twenty years, as Trustee, Secretary and Auditor.
"Always prompt and faithful in the discharge of his official duties, it will be no easy task to fill his place.
"Major Jewett has endeared himself to us all by his uniform courtesy, his unfailing good nature and this generous hospitality.
"No member of our Board will be missed more than he will be. His death is a personal loss to each of us.
"We shall cherish his memory as that of an upright and useful offi- cial, as a kind friend, and a persistent worker for the advancement of our University.
"The Secretary is directed to cause these resolutions to be published in the Athens papers.
"J. M. Welch "J. P. Wood "E. J. Jones Committee".
Upon motion by Whiley, duly seconded, the resolutions on the death of Major L. M. Jewett were unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted the absence of the fol- lowing members was excused: Boyce, Lowry, Foraker, Leue, Wood.
Mr. Davidson moved that Israel M. Foster be and he is hereby elect- ed to fill the unexpired term as Auditor and Secretary of the Ohio University occasioned by the death of Major L. M. Jewett, said term to begin November 25, 1906, and the salary to be the same as heretofore fixed at the time of the last election of Major L. M. Jewett to said position. There being no other nomina- tions for this position, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopt- ed the President was authorized to cast the vote of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University for Israel M. Foster as such Auditor and Secretary of the Ohio University, which eh then and there did.
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Ohio University Record, Meeting November 20th, 1906.
A motion was made by Douglas, seconded by Hamblin, and regularly adopted fixing the bond of the Auditor and Secretary at $10,000.00, the surety to meet the approval of the Finance Committee.
I. M. Foster tendered his resignation as a member of the Finance Committee. Upon motion by Davidson, duly seconded and adopted, said resigna- tion was accepted.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted J. M. Welch was elected to the vacancy on the Finance Committee created by the resignation of Foster.
The committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board to confer with the Emergency Board reported that it had met the emergency Board, laid before it the needs of the Ohio University for an additional sum in order to be able to contract for a central heating plant; that the Emergency Board had unanimously granted the University $ 000.00 in addition to the appropria- tion of $22,500.00 for said heating plant.
Upon motion by Douglas, duly seconded and adopted, as Committee was dishcarged with the thanks of the Board.
J. M. Welch, as Chairman of the Memorial Monument Committee, made the following report:
"Your Committee, appointed to invite proposals for a Memorial Monu- ment to be placed on the site of the first building erected on the University grounds by the Board of Trustees in 1807, with a bronze tablet containing appropriate inscription commemorating that event, and also the graduation of Hon. Thomas Ewing from this building, in 1815, beg leave to report:
"That a design for such monument and tablet has been submitted to the Committee by Mr. Charles H. Neihaus, a well known and competent sculptor of the City of New York.
"The price of this monument and bronze tablet, with the inscription, and also a bronze sun-dial, to be attached to the monument, deliver in Athens, but not erected, will be five hundred dollars.
"The material will be either Tennessee Marble or Barre Granite.
"The tablet and sun-dial to be bronze.
"Your committee recommends that Mr. Niehaus' proposition be accepted, and the committee be authorized to contract with him for this monument, tablet and sun-dial, for the price named, and that the committee be directed to have the monument erected on the site mentioned. Respectfully submitted,
"J. P. Wood "I. M. Foster "T. R. Biddle "E. J. Jones "J. M. Welch "Henry O'Bleness Committee."
Upon motion by Welch, seconded by Jones, the following resolution was adopted: "RESOLVED,
"That the offer of Chas. H. Niehaus, of New York, to make and deliv- er, in Athens, for the sum of $500.00, a Memorial Monument, to be made of Barre Granite, with a bronze tablet, with appropriate inscription and bronze sun- dial, to commemorate the erection of the first building placed on the University grounds by the Board of Trustees, in 1807, be accepted, and that the Committee heretofore appointed to procure offers to furnish such monument be, and they
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Ohio University Record, Meeting November 20th, 1906.
hereby are, directed to contract with Mr. Niehaus for the same, according to the plans submitted to the Committee by him.
"RESOLVED, further,
"That the Committee cause said monument to be erected on the site named, and the Auditor is directed to draw his warrant for payment of said $500.00 and, in addition, the cost of erection, upon the bills for same being approved by said Committee."
Upon motion by Douglas, duly seconded and adopted, Ellis, O'Bleness and Welch were appointed as a further Committee on plans, specifications and location of the heating plant.
On motion by Whiley, seconded by Benson and regularly adopted, the Auditor was directed to draw a warrant payable to the Administrator of the Estate of L. M. Jewett, deceased, for his salary as Auditor and Secretary of the Ohio for the period ending November 7, 1906, that being the date of his death.
The following resolution was introduced by Welch, seconded by Whiley, and unanimously adopted;
"RESOLVED, That a Committee of three be appointed by the President, of which the President shall be a member, to correspond with "Ohio Company of Associates" of New York City with a view of inducing said Ohio Company of Associates to erect on the ground of the Ohio University a memorial tablet, with suitable inscription, commemorating the establishment of the Ohio Univer- sity as one of the important events connected with the history of the original "Ohio Company of Associates".
Thereupon, the President appointed as such Committee J. M. Welch, Chairman, Albert Douglas, Dr. Alston Ellis.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, it was decided that all athletic contracts of an intercollegiate nature shall hereafter be drawn in the name of the Ohio University and approved and signed by the Athletic Direc- tor of said Ohio University.
Upon motion by Douglas, duly seconded and adopted, the Committee on Teachers was authorized to employ a football coach for the fall of 1907 at a salary not to exceed $500.00.
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board adjourned sine die. [*I. M. Foster.*] Secretary, Ohio Universlty.
Attest: [*Alston Ellis*] President.
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Ohio University Record, Meeting April 26th, 1907.
OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY. Athens, Ohio, April 26th, 1907, 1 o'clock P.M.
The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met pursuant to a notice mailed by the Secretary to each member of the Board under date of April 13, 1907, a copy of which notice is as follows:
"The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University will meet at its office in Ewing Hall, Athens, Ohio, on Friday, April 26, 1907, at one o'clock P.M., for the consideration of the purchase of a site for the central heating plant, and such other business as may come before the Board".
William Fletcher Boyd appeared before the Board with a Commission showing his appointment as a Trustee of the Ohio University to succeed George W. Boyce, resigned. Whereupon Mr. Boyd duly qualified as a member of said Board.
Roll call showed the following members present: Boyd, Coultrap, David- son, Ellis, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Leue, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley and Wood, being thirteen, the same being a legal quorum of said Board.
The minutes of the sessions of the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, said sessions being held on June 18, 1906, at one o'clock P.M., and on June 19, 1906, at nine o'clock A.M., were read and approved by the Board.
A motion by Coultrap, seconded by Leue, was adopted appropriating an additional $400.00 for the Summer School of 1907.
A motion by Jones, seconded by Davidson, was adopted cancelling the verbal lease heretofore existing between the President and Board of Trustees of the Ohio University as one party and William S. Bower, of Athens, as the other party, said cancellation to be of date of April 26, 1907.
A motion by Davidson, seconded by Lowry, was unanimously adopted which provided "that the Auditor is hereby directed to issue orders for the monthly pay-roll on the last day of each calendar month, except in the months of June and December, in which months he shall issue said orders on the last teaching days thereof".
A motion by Coultrap, seconded by Lowry, was unanimously adopted which provided "That not to exceed $150.00 is hereby appropriated for the expenses of the Ohio University Alumni Banquet and other Commencement ex- penses in connection with the June (1907) Commencement, to be paid on the approval of the Finance Committee."
A motion by Wood, seconded by Jones, was unanimously adopted which provided "That I. M. Foster, the present Secretary of this Board, be, and he is hereby, empowered, authorized and directed to sign the minutes of such meetings of this Board as are now unsigned & were held prior to the election of said Foster as such Secretary, said minutes to be signed as follows; "L.M. Jewett, Secretary, by I. M. Foster".
A resolution by Welch, seconded by Whiley, was unanimously adopted, said resolution being as follows:
"Whereas, heretofore the annual reports of the Auditor and Treasurer of the Ohio University have been submitted and audited at the June meetings of this Board, and
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Ohio University Record, Meeting April 26th, 1907.
"Whereas, the fiscal year of said University as recognized by the State of Ohio ends with November 14, and
"Whereas, a special Committee of this Board, with assistance of ex- pert accountants from the Auditor of State's office, audited and reported on said office, which said report covered all receipts and expenditures to November 15, 1906, therefore be it hereby
"RESOLVED, That the Auditor and Treasurer be hereby directed to make their annual reports hereafter treating the fiscal year as commencing on November 15, and ending with November 14 following".
A motion by Whiley, seconded by Jones, was unanimously passed which authorized the Auditor to draw an order on the Treasurer payable to J. F. Robbins for the sum of $83.00, being a balance due him on the erection of the grand stand on the athletic field".
Mr. Welch, of the Committee on Central Heating Plant, submitted the following report:
"To the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University:
"Your Committee, appointed to select a site for a central heating plant, and receive proposals for the same of the same, beg leave to report:
"That they have viewed several sites for such plant, and after duly considering the advantages and disadvantages of the several sites, they re- commend the acceptance of the offer of Daniel A. Rardin, hereto attached. Respectfully submitted,
"Henry O'Bleness "J. M. Welch Committee.
"Messrs. Alston Ellis, Henry O'Bleness and J. M. Welch, Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University to select a site for the Central Heating Plant.
"I hereby make you the following offer to sell to you a site for your Central Heating Plant, this offer to remain open for your acceptance for twenty days from this 9th day of April, 1907, viz:-
"I offer to sell, and on payment of the purchase price, to convey, or cause to be conveyed, to your Board, by a good and sufficient deed, free and clear of all incumbrances, the following described real estate, situate in the village of Athens, Ohio, viz:- "Beginning at a point north 74 1/2 degrees west 100 feet from the south east corner of in-lot No. 180 in said village; thence north 52 1/2 degrees east 12 1/2 feet; thence north 25 3/4 degrees east 73.4 feet; thence north 39 1/2 degrees west 60.2 feet; thence to the north bound- ary of the right of way of The Baltimore & Ohio South Western Railroad Company at a point 80 feet from the place of beginning; thence south 42 degrees east along said right of way, 80 feet, to the place of beginning, provided that Rardin Brothers Company are to have a reasonable time, after acceptance of this offer, in which to remove the buildings thereon, and which I except and re- serve from this offer to sell. "The price for said real estate to be $2,600, cash in hand.
Mr Welch introduced the following motion, seconded by Jones: