Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 09 (1906-1926)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting October 18th, 1906.


Athens, Ohio, October 18th, 1906. 1 P. M.

The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met in called session at its office in Ewing Hall this day and at the time above named after due notice given to all the members of the Board by the Secretary.

President Ellis called the Board to order, and a call of the roll showed the following members of the Board to be present: President Ellis, V. C. Lowry, R. E. Hamblin, C. C. Davidson, L. J. Fenton, J. E. Benson, E. J. Jones, J. M. Welch, J. P. Wood, F. C. Whiley, H. W. Coultrap, I. M. Foster, Henry O'Bleness and James E. Kinnison. Mr. Kinnison was duly sworn to per- form and discharge the duties of a Trustee of the Ohio University.

Mr. C. C. Davidson moved that L. M. Jewett be elected as Auditor and Secretary of this Board from the first day of November, 1906, until the June session of this Board, 1908, at a salary of $800.00 per year, and until his seccessor has been duly elected and qualified, which motion was duly se- conded, and a yea and nay vote being demanded, a call of the roll was had re- sulting in the following vote, to-wit: Yeas - Ellis, Lowry, Hamblin, Davidson, Fenton, Benson, Jones, Welch, Wood, Whiley, Coultrap, Foster, Biddle, O'Bleness and Kinnison. Yeas - 15. Nays - none, and being the unanimous vote of all the members of the Board present at this meeting, and thereupon the Chair declared that L. M. Jewett had been duly elected as Auditor and Secretary of the Ohio University from November 1st, 1906, until the June session of this Board, 1908, and until his successor has been duly elected and qualified.

Mr. Davidson moved that L. M. Jewett as Auditor and Secretary of this Board be required to give bond in the sum of $10,000.00, with sufficient surety conditioned according to law to the approval of the Finance Committee of the Ohio University, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

Mr. Foster moved that the Secretary be instructed to serve each mem- ber of the faculty with a copy of the resolution adopted at a former meeting of this Board held the 19th of June, 1906, as to requiring members of the fac- ulty to attend Chapel exercises, and that the President report at the June meeting of this Board, 1907, the names, if any there be, of the members of the faculty not complying with the terms of said former resolution, and that a copy of this resolution be served upon each member of the faculty, which motion was duly seconded and adopted.

President Ellis stated to the Board that a teacher of vocal music in the Normal College was necessary for the best interests of that department, and thereupon Mr. Whiley moved that the Committee on Teachers be authorized, empowered and directed to employ a teacher of vocal music in the Normal Col- lege at a salary of not exceeding $900.00 per year, which motion was duly se- conded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

Mr. Foster moved that the Committee on Teachers and Salaries have full power and authority to regulate the compensation of every employee who is proved to be rendering partial services where his services in full are ex- pected and paid for, which motion was duly seconded and adopted.

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Ohio University Record, Meeting October 18th, 1906.

Mr. Packard appeared before the Board at its invitation and explained of the central heating plant and boiler house.

Mr. Foster moved that hereafter all bids for work to be let by the University be opened in public and not in executive session, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

Mr. Davidson moved that we now proceed to open bids for the Girls' Dormitory and central heating plant, which motion was duly seconded and un- animously adopted by the Board. And thereupon the bids for the Girls' Dormi- tory were open and canvassed by the Board, George L. Fenzel making a total bid of $39,904.19 and Charles P. Kircher & Co., a total bid of $37,743.82, and the Board having carefully canvassed said bids, Mr. O'Bleness moves that the Board accept the bid of Messrs. Charles P. Kircher & Co., as the lowest and best bid for said Girls' Dormitory, which motion was duly seconded, and a yea and nay vote being demanded a call of the roll showed the following vote: Yeas -Ellis, Lowry, Hamblin, Davidson, Fenton, Benson, Jones, Welch, Wood, Whiley, Coultrap, Foster, Biddle, O'Bleness and Kinnison. Yeas - 15. Nays - none, and being the unanimous vote of all the members of the Board present at this meeting, and thereupon the Chairman declared that said bid of the said Charles P. Kircher& Co., had been duly accepted by the Board.

On motion of Mr. O'Bleness, duly seconded and adopted, the President and Secretary of "The President and Trustees of the Ohio University" were authorized and directed in the name of and in behalf of the Ohio University, to enter into a written contract with the said Charles P. Kircher & Co., for the erection and construction of the Girls' Dormitory, the bid for which by said Charles P. Kircher & Co., has this day been duly accepted by the Board attaching the corporate seal of "The President and Trustees of the Ohio Uni- versity" thereto upon the bond of said Charles P. Kircher & Co., being first approved and accepted by the Finance Committee of the Ohio University.

Mr. Foster moved that the Board postpone action and consideration of the bids now before the Board for the central heating plant and power house until the 20th day of November, A. D., 1906, at one o'clock P.M., and that the Board, when the business of this session is finished,take a recess until the 20th day of November, 1906, at 1 o'clock P.M., which motion was duly se- conded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

Mr. O'Bleness offered the following resolution: "Whereas as to the $22,500.00 heretofore appropriated by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio for the erection and construction of a central heating plant, it is found after due and careful investigation that said fund is insufficient to erect and construct a central heating plant that will meet the needs, wants and necessities of the Ohio University by the fact that the side therefor originally contemplated cannot be secured, and for the further reason that the officials of The Baltimore & Ohio South Western Rail Road Company positive- ly refuse to place a switch within a distance of said heating plant that will render the costs of maintaining said heating plant impracticable, and whereas the cost price of the labor and material has recently advanced so highly that it is clearly demonstrated that the appropriation of $22,500.00 will not be in any wise sufficient so as to meet the practical wants and necessities of said Ohio University, and that said heating plant cannot be erected for the sum of $22,500.00.

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Ohio University Record, Meeting October 18th, 1906,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby earnestly re- quest the State Emergency Board, having such matters in charge to make an emergency appropriation in connection with the appropriation of $22,500.00 made as aforesaid by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio for the erec- tion and equipment of said central heating plant, and moved its adoption, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board."

Mr. Davidson offered the following resolution: "RESOLVED that a special committee of this Board, consisting of the President, J. M. Welch and Henry O'Bleness be appointed in behalf of the Board to endeavor to secure an emergency appropriation from the officials of the State of Ohio, having such matters in charge, and to present to said officials the resolution adopted by the Board this day upon that subject", and moved its adoption, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

On motion of Mr. Coultrap, duly seconded and adopted, A. Leue, Thomas Blackstone and G. W. Boyce were excused for non-attendance.

Mr. Foster moved that the new Dormitory be called "Boyd Hall" in honor of Margaret Boyd, the first lady graduate of the Ohio University, and that the Building Committee be authorized to procure and place upon the build- ing a tablet with the name, "Boyd Hall" inscribed thereon, which motion was duly seconded and unanimously adopted by the Board.

On motion of Mr. Lowry, duly seconded and adopted, the Board took a recess until November 20th, 1906, at one o'clock P. M.

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