Ohio University Board of Trustees minutes, v. 09 (1906-1926)



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Ohio University Record, Meeting ^e^er 12» 1908 19 A motion by Boyd was seconded by Jones and unanimously adopted approving the adoption of said report of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries The Finance Committee submitted the following report covering depart mental appropriations for the ensuing fiscal year, which, on motion duly made and seconded, was unanimously adopted: Athens, Ohio, November 12< 1908. To the B0ard of Trustees of Ohio University. Gentlemen:Your Finance Committee recommends the following appropriations for the year beginning November 15, 1908, and ending November 14, 1909. Biological Department $ 650.00 Physics and Electrical Engineering....... l,100.oo Mathematics and Civil Engineering.. 350.oo Chemical Department 375 .00 Commercial College 650.oo College of Music................ 650.oo Art Department—Ohio University 200.oo Art Department—State formal College... 250.oo Gymnasium and Athletic Field 400.oo Library l,500.oo Psychology and Paidology 350.oo Training School 225.00 Kind ergar ten School • 125.00 General Expense, 0. U., Departmental.. 200.oo General Expense, N. C., Departmental 200.oo President's Office 350.oo Registrar' s Office 150.oo Dean's Office, O.U 100.oo Dean's Office, N. C 100.oo Advertising. 400.00 Printing 2,600.00 Summer School. 3,000.oo Special Lectures. •••..••••••.•••.. • 250.oo Elementary Science, N. C.•••••• •••••••••• 600.oo School Garden, N. C 225.00 Total $15,000.00 Finance Committee. Alston Ellis J. M. Welch T. R. Biddle. The following motion was made by Whiley, seconded by Boyd, and unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, T^at the Finance Committee be requested to at once investigate the matter of the Bonds paid during the past five years and produce the same to this Boafd if possible at next meeting. The Building Committee submitted the following report:

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2^S pre rEc jfe'ft] PC <Q &** Ohio University Record, Meeting—jo*«*cr ^ Ohio University, Athens, Oh To the Board of Trustees of Ohio University. Gentlemen:Your Building Committee has had two or three meetings with Architect Frank L. Packard to consider the best means of enlarging the present Power House of the Central Heating Plant and installing therein an electric-light^ system for the University. The President's report will show the Architect's estimate of the cost of the improvements referred to. The needed addition to I the Po^er House can be pat on the present lot, but a much better and more serviceable building can be had if more ground is secured. Mr. D. A. Rardin owns the lot just east of the one upon i*ich our Power House is ballt.v. Your Committee, recognizing the need of the additional ground, has made Mr. Rardin an offer of $900 for his lot and has secured a deed, approved by the AttorneyGeneral of Ohio, from Mr. Rardin to the State of Ohio for the same--all subject to Board approval. We recommend the purchase of the property upon the conditions herein named. Respectfully submitted, ( Alston Ellis Building Committee. (Henry O'Bleness ) ( J. M. Welch. Mr. Douglas moved that the foregoing report be adopted, which molon was seconded by Boyd and which, upon roll-call, received the following vote; AYES: Benson, Buddie, Blackstone, Boyd, Coultrap, Davidson, Douglas, Ellis, Fenton, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley. HAYS: Hone. Whereupon, the Chair declared said motion unanimously adopted. Mr. Jones introduced the following resolution, which was seconded by Douglas and unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, Prof, D. J. Evans has been connected with the University as an instructor for many years, rendering efficient service in that capacity; and WHEREAS, Prof. Evans has been in poor health for several weeks last past; therefore, be and it herey is RESOLVED, It,at Prof. Evans be given a leave of absence covering the period from December 1, 1908, and ending with the opening of the Winter Ter* of said University next ensuing". President Ellis submitted the following recommendations to the Board: Athens, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1908. To the Members of the Btfard of Trustees of Ohio University. Gentlemen:I recommend as follows: 1. The collection of an additional term fee of One Dollar (fl.oo) fron each student registered in any regular term cf the college-year. I, The mcey thus collected shall * „nder the direct control of a

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51 Power ehiteot«8 more 8eN °^ Com. ^rt in an torney. 311 subjectj fche condi, Douglas, ?ne88, jonded Iff rersityas )scity; an| »ks iast ■ing tbe ;er TerCI he l.oo of8 Ohio University Record, Meeting November 12, 19^ Faculty Committee of which the President of the University shall "be Chairman. 3a Said Committee shall use the money thus collected to meet approved expenses connected with the athletic games, the giving of concerts and lectures, and the promotion of such other exercises and entertainments as, in the judgment of the Committee,will promote the welfare of the students generally. 4a The Committee shall keep an accurate account of receipts and expenditures and shall make annual report to the Board of Trustees of what has [been done under its direction. Alston Ellis President Ohio University. which, upon motion of Jones, seconded hy Douglas, were unanimously adopted. President Ellis submitted a communication from H. G. Creamer regarding a tract of land on Cemetery Street, which was submitted to the Committee on Grounds with power to act, upon motion of Whiley, seconded by Douglas and unanimously adopted. A motion by Fenton, seconded by Hamblin, was unanimously adopted postponing further consideration of salaries of employees until the June, 1909, meeting of the Board. President Ellis submitted his annual report to the Board. A motion by Douglas was seconded by Kinnison and unanimously adopted approving the recommendations regarding legislative appropriations contained in the President'^ report, a copy of which recommendations follows: "1909. 1. Ewing Hall bonds -----f 5,000 2. One ye arf s int-*rest on f 25,000 Ewing Hall bonds - 1,250 3. Completion of the Central Heating Plant, with facilities for electric lighting and power 36,000 4. Completing gymnasium building and its equipment--- --- 12,000 5. Remodeling and equipping Women's Hall, dormitory for young women 30,750 6. Additional equipment of Ohio University and the State formal College 10,000 Total-- $95,000" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. "1910. Ewing Hall bonds f 5,000 One year's interest on |20,000Ewing Hall bonds— 1,000 Purchase of lot and the erection thereon of a Science Hall for the State Normal College- - 60,000 Purchase of what is known as "Athletic Field" and its improvement • 7,000 Additional equipment of the State Normal College and the University Library 15,000 Total-- -|88,000". Upon motion of Wei oh, seconded by Davidson, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, this Bgard in the year 1857 leased inlot No. 202 in the Village of Athens, Ohio, to Joseph Herrold and by error in drawing said lease of said lot it appeared 222;

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52 Ohio University Record, Meeting_J«Mii^<& NOW, THEREFORE, for the purpose of correcting said error and the ^ of said lot, be it resolved that the proper officers of this Board be, and the] are hereby, instructed to execute a lease for said lot No. 202 to Daniel L Rardin, the present owner of said lot". Upon motion of Boyd, seconded by Douglas, and unanimously adopted the question of the authority of the B§ard to condemn property adjoining the Uni, versity grounds was referred to a special committee consisting of Welch and Jones, with instructions to confer with the Attorney General and report at the next meeting of the Bdard. Upon motion of Fenton, seconded by Doaglas, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "WHEREAS, The present condition of Ohio University is highly credit* |able to those immediately concerned in the administration of its affairs, whether educational or financial; and WHEREAS, It is recognized by all having to do with or interested in the welfare of the institution that its present prosperous condition is largely due to the untiring and well-directed efforts of President Alston Ellis; there be it RESOLVED, That the thanks of this B^ard are hereby tendered to Dr. Ellis for his able and successful executive work. RESOLVED, T^at tn the further prosecution of his work in upbuilding the University, President Ellis shall have our hearty support in every legitimate wqy in which it can be given. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the Board adjourned irithout day. Attest: U. Secretary, Ohio University. fresiaem;, uhio University

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Ohio University Record, Meetings May eth, 1909, )er OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY, ATHENS, OHIO, MAY 6, 1909, 1 o'clock P. M. The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University met in special session, a notice of which meeting was mailed to each member of the Board under date of May 1, 1909, of which notice the following is a copy: "The President directs me to notify you that there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University at Ewing Hall, Athens, Ohio, at one o'clock P. M. , Thursday, May 6, 1909, to consider plans for the proposed remodeling of Woman's Hall". Roll call showed the following members present: Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Jones, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley, Wood, twelve members being present, the same constituting a legal quorum of said Board. The minutes of the annual November meeting of the B0ard, which was held on November 12, 1908, were read, and upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted said minutes were approved. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted the absence of Hamblin, Tompkins, Fgraker, Benson, Bjgjyd, Douglas, Biddle and Kinnison was excused• Plans aaft specifications submitted by Architect Frank L. Packard for the proposed remodeling of Woman's Hall were considered at length. Motion was made by Jones, seconded by Coultrap, that the Board adopt said plans and specifications for the remodeling of said Woman's Hall. The vote upon said motion resulted as follows: AYE: Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Jones, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley, Wood; nays: none; being the unanimous vote of all members present. Whereupon, the chair declared said motion unanimously adopted. Motion was made by Coultrap, seconded by Davidson, that said plans and specifications be submitted at once to the proper state officials for the4r approval, and as soon as the same shall have been approved that advertisements for bids be placed according to law, said bids to be opened at the meeting of said Board on Wednesday, June 23, 1909. Roll call on said motion resulted as follows: AYES: Blackstone, Coultrap, DavidsoJa, Duff, Ellis, Fenton, Jones, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley, Wood; nays: none. Whereupon, the chair delcared said motion unanimously adopted. Major Welch submitted an opinion from the Attorney General of Ohio, of which the following is a copy: V. G. Denman, Attorney-General OPINION. STATE OF OHIO OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL COLUMBUS, OHIO, APRIL 13th, 1909. Hon. J. M. Welch, Trustee, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of April 2nd, I beg to state that

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