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Ohio University Record, Meeting June 17, 1908. 39 Birdine Stanley. Dean of Women and Instructor in Physical Culture,►(12Months) Free Quarters in Bayd Hall and • Clement L. Martzolff, B. Ped., Alumni Secretary and Field Agent (12 Months). Margaret Edith Jones, Instructor on the Piano and in Voice Culture and Harmony Nellie H. Van Vgrhes, Instructor on the Piano and in Virgil"Clavier..~i ___^ , Instructor in Voice Culture, not to exceed....•"•.......•••...••. Minnie L. Cuckler, Instructor on the Piano and Organ.. .*...'.. John N.. Hizey, Instructor on the Violin, .all * fees and • • ••••••.•••...•••.••• MaryLociise Stahl, Instructor in Drawing and Painting Louise King Walls, B. 0., Instructor in Elocution and Physical Culture «.. • Mabel K. Brown, Ph. B., Instructor in Stenography Minnie Foster Dean, Instructor in Typewriting... Mabel B. Sweet, Instructor in Public-School Music Eugene F. Thompson, Stenographer, President's Office (12 Months) Charles E. Hayden, Instructor in Biology........ Jacob A. Badertscher, Instructor in Biology George E. McLaughlin, Instructor in Electricity and work-shop (12 months) George C. Parks, Instructor in Penmanship • Rhys D. Evans, Instructor in Physics... Frank Porter, Instructor in Chemistry Charles G. Matthews, Ph. M., Librarian (12 Months) Lenora Belle Bishop, Ph. B., Assistant Librarian (12 months).•••...••••..........•••..•.• Lillie A. Faris, Critic Teacher, First-Year Grade Amy H. Weihr, Ph. M., B. Ped., Critic Teacher, Second-Year Grade Olive A. Wilson, Critic Teacher, Third-Year Grade Winifred L. Williams, Critic Teacher, Fourth-Year Grad e • • Margaret A. Davis, Critic Teacher, Fif#h-Year and Sixth-Year Grades. , Critic Teacher, Seventh-Year Grade.. not to exceed Arthur McFarland, Field Athletics, (3 months)... BOARD OFFICERS. Alston Ellis, President Israel M. Foster, Auditor and Secretary (12 months) H. H. Haning, Treasurer (12 months)....♦ ENGINEERS AND JANITORS. William A. Miller, Supervisor (12 months) L. F. Krapps, Engineer Central Heating Plant, (12 months) • Charles R. Bean, Assistant Janitor (12 months) John L. Roach, Assistant ^anitor (12 months).... George W. Mansfield, Engineer (12 months) John Kale, Janitor, Treasurer's Office (12 months) RECAPITULATION OF SALARIES. Ohio University and the State ilormal School.* ♦•• Board Officers Engineers and Janitors Salary 1907-8 900 800 700 800 900 300 800 650 900 600 1140 275 275 800 720 Salary 1908-9 1200 1500 900 850 900 750 800 900 300 850 700 850 720 300 300 1200 600 350 400 900 600 800 700 850 700 650 750 700 600 650 600 650 500 800 500 800 850 800 850 780 78© 552 552 552 552 552 552 60 60 #66,790 $ 72,880 1,650 1,650 2,436 3,276 Grand Total #70,876 |77,746. To make provision for filling vacancies in the Corps of Instructors and securing the appointment of such additions to the teaching force as may be made necessary by the condition of the several departments of instruction we recommend the following: That the Committee on Teachers and Salaries be empowered to appoint two new teachers for service in the College of Music, one to take the place of Miss Clara Bancroft, resigned , and one to fill the new position made necessary by the increase of students in the College of Music; provided that the salary in each case does not exceed |900 per annum. That the same Committee be authorized to select an Assistant Instrudtor of French and Spanish at an annual salary not to exceed #1000; said assist« ,^-r-- *•:
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HiHH 40 tec KHfisr pSf3 Ksec Mi Ohio University Record, Meeting.^^-^ 4^^ -utr Prof. Edwin Tausch. ant to fill the position heretofore occupied hy Prof, m a +« an additional Critic That the same Committee he empowered to select an -. ~e fh. qtnte Hormal College at an teacher for service in the Training School of the State aorm annual salary not to exceed $800. Alston Ellis C. C. Davidson. ..... -_ fnpof>hprs and Salaries as I agree with the report of the Committee on Teachers above set forth, except in the case of the dropping of Dr. Edwin Taushh from the Faculty; and will submit for action of the Board a resolution on his case» j. M. Welch". Motion hy Tompkins, seconded hy Lowry, that the Bdard adopt the major! ty report of the Committee on Teachers and Salaries. Mr. Jones moved as an amendment, which was seconded by Welch, that the salary of James Pryor McVay he changed from $2100 to $2500. which amendment was lost. Roll call upon the motion of Tompkins resulted as follows: AYES: Biddle, Blackstone, Coultrap, Davidson, Ellis Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Bleness, Wood. NAYS: Boyd, Duff, Welch. Whereupon, the chair declared said report adopted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted the Board recessed until 1 o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY, ATHENS, OHIO, June 17, 1908, 1 o'clock P.M. The B$ard met pursuant to recess. Roll call showed the following members present: Biddle, Blackstone, Boyd, Coultrap, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Whiley, Wood,--16, being a legal quorum. Motion by Lowry, seconded by Davidson, was unanimously adopted, that all old committees now in existence be continued for the ensuing year with the addition of Tompkins to the Legislative Committee, said committees being as follows: Committee on grounds; O'Bleness, Jones, Buddie. Committee on Finance: Ellis, Welch, Buddie. Committee on Legislation: Ellis, Whiley, Lowry, Hamblin, Duff, Boyd, Welch, Tompkins. Committee on Dormitories: President Ellis. Committee on Teachers and Salaries: Ellis, Welch, Davidson. Committee on Athletic Grounds: Welch, Wood. Committee on New Buildings: lllis, O'Blenes?, Welch. It was moved by Whiley, seconded by Tompkins, and unanimously adopted that Jones, Boyd and Welch be and they are hereby appointed a committee to prepare a code of By-Laws for the government of the Board of Trustees and report at the next meeting of said Board.
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41 Ohio University Record, Meeting, jane 17, 1908^ an Upon motion of Whiley, seconded by Jones, and unanimously adopted the matter of revising the legal history of the Ohio University was referred to the By-Law Committee with authority to employ a person to revise the same. Upon motion of Davidson, seconded by Blackstone, and unanimously adopted the absence of Douglas, Fenton and Benson from this meeting was excused. Mr. Hamblin introduced the following motion, which was seconded by Biddle: "That Alston Ellis be and he hereby is elected President of the Ohio University for three years from and after July 1, 1909, at a salary of |5000 per year, and t|jat the vote on this motion be by ballot"* Dr. Ellis called E. J. Jones, Vice ^resident of the Bgard of Trustees, to the chair and retired from the room. The vote, being taken by secret ballot, resulted as follows: AYES: 8. NAYS: 7. Whereupon the chair declared Alston Ellis duly elected as President of the Ohio University for three years from and after July 1, 1909, at a salary of #5000 per year. On motion of Biddle, seconded by Hamblin, the Board recessed until 1 o'clock P.M., Thursday, June 18, 1908. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO UNIVERSITY, JUNE 18, 1908, 1 o'clock P. M. The Board met pursuant to recess. Roll call showed the following members present: Biddle, Blackstone, Boyd, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Blen ess, Welch, Wood—14, being a legal quorum of said Board. Mr. Wood moved that $100 be placed to the credit of the Treasurer of the Athletic Association of the Ohio University to be used in paying the indebtedness of said association. Motion seconded by Jones. Roll call showed the following vote: AYES: Blackstone, Boyd, Duff, Ellis, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, Welch, Wood. NAYS: Biddle, Davidson, Hamblin, Lowry, O'Bleness AYES, 9; NAYS, 5. Whereupon, the chair declared said motion carried. Welch moved that the salary of James C. Jones as Athletic Director for the ensuing year be #100 per month, subject to the right of the President of the University to suspend him in the event his work is not satisfactory, and make report thereof to the Board. Motion seconded by Biddle. Roll call resulted as follows: AYES: Biddle, Blackstone, Davidson, Duff, Ellis, Hamblin, Jones, Kinnison, Tompkins, Lowry, O'Bleness, Welch, Wood.
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42 mmc ssEsZ XEB< -His JlSfc c;cc sore ■PIE" 'IIP mm ■ESS tax tec life 11 Ohio University Record, Meeting_^jLa_Laoa NAY: Boyd. AYES, 13; NAYS, 1. Whereupon, the chair declared said motion adopted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted Mr. Blackstone was excused from farther attendance at this meeting* The Board proceeded to open the bids for the erection of the South Pavillion of the Normal College Building, Gymnasium building, and the repairs and ettention to the Central Heating Plant. Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted all bids were referred to a committee consisting of Hamblin, O'Bleness and Architect Frank L. Packard, who, in conjunction with the Secretary, were directed to canvas all of the bids and report to the Bgard. The report of said Committee was as follows: "The B$ard of Trustees of Ohio University. Your Committee begs to report that it has canvassed all bids for the completion of the Heating Plant arri find that there were three bids submitted. The lowest bid being that of Fitzpatrick & Hoepfner, $6,337. This bid appears) to be made out in regular form but the bond is deficient in that it is made payable to the State of Ohio and does not fill out the line left blank for the "Board of Trustees of Ohio University"• The next lowest bid is that of Samuel A. Esswein Heating and Plumbing Company for the sum of $6,500, which appears to be regular in every particular. The Architect's estimate approved by this Baard and filed with the Auditor of State is $6,600. The law reads that no bid can be awarded that is in excess of the estimate on file at the Auditor of State's office. Therefore, the first and second bids are within the amount of the estimate on file. Your Committee ordered to canvass the bids for the pavilion for the Normal College begs to report as follows: We find that there was five total bids and three partial bids on the same. T^e lowest bid offered is that of George L. Fenzel in the sum of $24,695.94. Upon examination of the bond attached to this bid we find that the sum stated in the bond which should be fifty per cent, of the bid, or $12,348.00, is not stated in the bond., The word thousand is u&ed and no numeral preceded the same and when said amount is reduced to figures it reads $2,000. The second lowest bid is that of Charles P. Kircher & Company in the sum of $27,709.35. This bid together with its bond appears to be regular in every particular. The third lowest bid is that of George A. Aberanethy in the sum of $29,225. Upon examination of the bond attached to this bid we find it irregular in that it makes the "Board of Trustees" sureties and in fixing the sum of the bond there is a descrepancy between the figures and words, one reading $15000 the other $1500. The Architect's estimate of the cost of the building, as approved by this Board, and placed on file with the Auditor of state, is $33,273.58. The three lowest bids are within the Architect's estimate. Your Committee ordered to convnqq +b& K*a« * uu convass the bids for the gymnasium building
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Ohio University Record, Meeting j°« ia. i9«*. 43 begs to report as follows* We find six total bids and three partial bids. After canvassing these bids carefully, we found that the bid of Charles P. Kircher & Company at $36,029.81 is the lowest regular bid. Your Committee begs to suggest that the contract be awarded on the substituting of slate for tile on the roof at $1,250 and the deductions of the excavation, cement work, brick and stone work of the airing course at $2,500 and the omission of the swimming pool and accessaries at $700 making his bid $31,579. The Architect's estimate on this portion of the work, which has been approved by this Board and filed at the Auditor of State's office, is $33,319.14. Henry O'Bleness R. E. Hamblin Frank L. Packard." Mr. Davidson offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Wood: WHEREAS, the firm of F^tzpatrick and Hoephner, of Columbus, Ohio, bid in the sum of $6500.oo for the "material and labor necessary to erect complete the branch and branches of the work specified for the completion of the heating plant at the Ohio University"; and WHEREAS, The Samuel A. Esswein Heating & Plumbing Company, of Columbus, Ohio, bid in the sum of $6640.oo for the same material and labot; and WHEREAS, These two bids were the two-lowest bids received for said material and labor aforesaid; and WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Ohio University after a thorough canvass and consideration of said bids believes the Samuel A. Esswein Heating and Plumbing C0mpany to be the lowest and best bidder; and ":>f WHEREAS, in the opinion of said Board of Trustees of the Ohio University the acceptance of the bid of Fitzpatrick and Hoephner is not for the best interest of the State of Ohio nor the Ohio University; therefore BE, AND IT HEREBY IS, RESOLVED by the Bflard of Trustees of the Ohio University that the contract for the material and labor for the completion of said heating plant for the Ohio University be and the same is hereby awarded to The Samuel A. Esswein Heating & Plumbing Company, subject to the written advice and consent of the Governor, Auditor of State and Secretary of State, as provided in Section 785 of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. Roll call on said motion resulted as follows: AYES: Biddle, Boyd, Davidson, Ellis, Kinnison, O'Bleness, Welch, Wood. NAYS: Lowry. AYES, 8; NAYS, 1. Whereupon, the chair declared said motion adopted. Moved by Biddle, seconded by Davidson, that the contract for the erection of the South Pavilion of the Normal College building be awarded to Charles P. Kircher 8c C$mpany as the lowest and best bidder for the sum of $27,709.35, and the President and Secretary of the B$ard be authorized and directed to proceed to enter into a contract on behalf of said Board with the said Charles P. Kircher & Company therefor. Roll call resulted in the following vote: