68 Oct 77 $10. UCLA Book Fair -Dawsons Johannes Nidu (! 1380 c. 1395-1438) Summones de Tempore et de santis cum quadeayesimali Esslingen: Connad Fyner 1476-78? fo ( [?] Ulm) Ref: Goff N215 BMC II 517 Ham 11799 Pn 2481 Cop: HEHL, UNCL
372 lewes, 34 lines 197x 130 mm Type 120(115) capital spaus
the earliest book connected to Connad Fyner is that of 1472 in the weighed Secunda secundae of Thomas Aquinas in his 96 type. After 1481 his name does not occur in any book. (thoelogian, writer, diplomat and reformer) J. Nidu - celebrated Dominican preacher of Isny im Suebia. Trim of the Dominican convent in Nuremburg. He participated in the deliberations of the Councils of Comstana and Basle and was interested in the attempts to achieve a reconciliation to the Hussites in the 30's of the 15c. -entered the order of preachers at Colman c. 1400. 1423 became professor of theology at the Univ. of Vienna. Pain of Nuremburg (1423-9) principal work the Formicaius (5v. 1517) -was written in 1437.
The uprising of national and contemporary authorship in Germany from under the heavy weight of medieval work, mostly foreign which at first occupied the attention of the early printers to the exclusion of everything else.
During the Time to was in Esslingen, C. Fyner produced almost all his books in one type only.
(near Blaubewen) Haebla Conrad Fyner was born in the little place Geahaven in Wuettenberg and was printing in Esslingen from 1472. Of his life, little is known, except that towards the end of the 90's he left Esslingen - printed for sometime in Urach and perhaps Stuttgaut. During the time he was in Esslingen, Fyner produced almost all his books in one Type only. Conrad Fyner how attributed to H. Eggestein -printer of J. Gaulen de Gerson Collectmium super Magnificat continuing the earliest brown attempt of music printing. -served his apprenticeship at Strasburg and probably in the office of H. Eggestein. -Produced about 40 books Type 120 (115) large text Type In its earliest form this measures fully 120mm and has an M surriler to that of the 96 type but sligltly flattered on the at in later books a more elabrate and very wide M (to the middle stroke crossed was substituted and ultimately the body of the type was (at down to 115. HEHL my leaf (162, T 7) from the middle of the book -subsicated in and - from Dominican Terciadecima - Sermo l IX (4 leaves) It is thought that Fyner served his apprentice-ship at Strussburg in the printing office of H. Eggesteing and his 1st type in undoubtedly modelded on Eggestein's Type 3.
Oct. 77 69 $12.50 UCLABookfair -Dawsons (Albrecht von Eyb) Albertus de Eyb (1420-1475) - Franconian humanist. "Poetic Pearls" Marganita poetica a work completed in 1459 Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt 2 Dec. 1472 Ref: Goff E-170 BMC II 405 Ham 6818 GW 9529 Cop: HEHL, Conn UL, PML 1st book in which Sensenschmidt identifies himself by name. Folio 478 leaves 35 lines 200 x 180 mm. Capital spaces Type 114 (large Test Type - used 1470-2) The sequence of water marks seems to show that this book was printed simultaneously in 3 sections a-q, n-I, K-Z, the table being printed seperately after the rest of the book.
4 stages may be distingushed in the history of this press 2 a period of a few months about Dec. 1472 when Sensenschmidt was the sole owner, producing the Marganita Poetica which bears him name. the lot printer at Nuremberg. (1470-78) Haebler J. Sensenschmidt was a native of Egen. If he had not himself learned the art of printing in Fust and Schoeffus press in Mainz- which seems very probable - his cose connection to Heinnish Kefer who had already worked as an assistant in J. Gatemberg's press would lead us to expect the influence of Mainz in his work. But in the design of his Type he is remarkably independent. Later Sensenschmidt printed in Nuremberg in see #107 partnership to Andreas Frisner. In autumn 1498 he mored to Bumberg where his press continued into the 16th C. see #137
Eyb canon a Bumberg, Eichstaedt and Wutzbourg, anchdeacon (Berman, anthon) in this last city , dector of civil and canon law, lastly Chamberlain to Pope Pious II.
A. Hiller, ALBrecht von Eyb. Amediaud Moralist, Washington, 1939,
J. Sensenschmidt - 1st printer of Nuremberg 1st book 1470 Retza, Comestorium Marganita poetica, could be disrcibed as medieval in plan, if humanist in content. The 1st part is a very full guide to the art of rheroric, which in typically late medieval fashion is taken to be largely the art of composing letters. The second part is an anthology from the classical authors, while the third consists of a series of socalled Orations, some of the Eyb himself composed. - a textbook of humanistic rhetoric constisting of a collection of passages in press + verses from Latin authors, to which are added specimens of humanistic eloquence.
-contains verse+ prose extracts both of classical + Renaissance writers The author was on of the earliest German writers, who studied at Paris + Bologna; he formed a notable library which became the basis for this anthology. The work is also a sounce book of humanistic poetry + rhetoric + begins to a treatise on the art.
Sensenschmidt was the 1st printer in Nuremberg + was associated to 2 other working printer there, Heinnich Kefer + Andreas Frisner. Kefer has been identified to one of Gutenberg's servants.
(boxed and crossed out) my leaf from the middle of the book (Leaf 162) subsicated in red T7 from Dominica atenciadocima Seamol IX (4 leaves) HEHL (31135) subricated in red + blue red (?) blue (paragraph marks) my leaf D 10 (of 10) - cclxv of texg -tabula before
Sections are arranged alphabetically Section O- nomina propais Orosius- folio cclxiiii
heading on cclxiiii Nanqz habitus sic est: vt manibs extensis celum precemum. Et hec de habitudine mundi sive de cosmographia Lutn Apulen Incipiunt nunc Orosii. Pauli Orosii de ormesta autoritates Lucio Apuleio
The Margarita poetica was one of the most popular literary cribs of the Renaissance. It consists of selected passages from classical + post classical writers systematically arranged as models of both form + content. The book opens with a subject index + an index of proper names for easy reference. Entitled Margarita Poetica in honor of the author's mother, Margarete von Wolmershausen. It comprises instruction in the writing of elegant letters + in eloquence generally. The text was of selected passages from classical + contemporary poets + authors - Cicero, Virgil, Petrarch etc.