Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134





77 June 78 Madliger-Schwab Zmich $20.73 40F Jacobus de Voragine (1230-1298). Leben der Heiligen [German] Sommerteil and Winterteil (Sweden) Augsburg: Johann Bamla "St. Brigida" CLV I) 4 Oct. 1480 II) 26 June 1480 folio (30-31 lines 254x178mm) 380ff. Ref: Goff J158 H. 9973 Not in BMC, Schreiber W.L. Cop: HEHL(I) Schranm III p.20826 4303 Munchen HSB (I. eativ.) Bamlers earliest book to a precise date-22 April 1472; lis latest-13 April 1495. His output during the last 12 years of this period was less than 1/5 of that of his first 11. [inserted] German Fairfax [end inserted] Das register- Von sent Amrosio [inserted] Died on April 4, 397 [end inserted] Dec. 7 the last being S. Wendel. Oct 21 [inserted] Murray #432 [end inserted] Bamlers 2nd edition - Summerteil - seldom found together to the Winter part [inserted] Advent to Easter [end inserted] Besides the large frontis piece there are 97 to repeats to a total 127 outline cuts in text from 65 to 80x75mm - first used in the 1475 edition. (used the same woodcut which G. Zainer had used (1471-2) The patron siants of Augsburd (Ulrich + Afra) + Nuremberg (Sebald) have long chapter devoted to them. -the 5th edition of Leben der Heiligen - used the same woodcuts which Zainer had used. J. Bamler printed almost exclusively in the German language + as a consequence, he used rather big heavy typer (archtypes which he designed himself from manuscript models) -printed the earliest illustrated book of the Crusades (1482) Lives of British Saints BX 4657G7B3V. (feast - Feb. 1) -St. Brigid of Ireland (c 469-528) the Lige of St. Brigid written in the 9th C represents her as a new type of Irish woman, the Christian Saint. St. Brigid, St. Patrick + St. Colmcille are the 3 patron saints of Ireland. -The cult of St. Brigid in Wales, Cornwall, Devon + Brittany belonged originally to these portions of land that were colonized by the Irish in the 5 + 6th C.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


Bamler - earliest book to precise date 1472-latest 1495, (Brigid) But his out put during the last 12 years of this (Bridget) period was less than 1/5 of that of his 1st 11. St. Brigitta (1303-1373), a Swedish nobelwoman, was married + was the mother of St. Catherine of Sweden. As a young girl + a widow she had visions of Christ, who commanded her to publish what was revealed to her. Her Revalationes was one of the most widely circulated religious texts of the late Middle Ages. (feast Oct. 8) (died July 23) [inserted] P.180 Pantiun [end inserted] St. Brigit the Swedish mystic who had cied to St. Catherine of Siena in her denunciation of abuses + her appeals to the Papacy for reform. St. Brigit was apparently the 1st woman to found a religious order. (defended by Adam Easton b. 1323) (the Brigittines) - along to the Carthusians + the Friars Observant represented the most fervent + deroic element in English monesticism in the 15+16th C. Schism - Str Catherine of Siena + Brigid of Sweden upheld teh cause of Urban at Rome. [inserted] #100980 HEHL [end inserted] Semmertiel [inserted] 380 leaves without signatures or numbering [end inserted] begins - St Ambrosio ./. ends - St Wendel ccclxxx. Von saint Brigida [inserted] s7-s14 [end inserted] clv (#259 Saint Brigitta - schwednlande) see Saint Brigida - Schottenland begins Saint Brigida w3 geporen von Schwabenland.... 16 pages my leaf 11+12 (s12) of 14 (i,e,s) in) emor) before - Saint Braxedis (Praxedes, July 21) cliiij after - Von der heyligen neweris maria Magdelena (July 22) (vos maria Magdelea) clxij (wrongly numbered) woodcut similar to my cut L. von Renchen #65 GoffJ171. Schr. 4303 hiemale 130 woodcuts (winter) 125 woodcuts 2nd part (summer) Von sant Ruiniace lxxxxi Clara - ccl Type 138 - a talk, rather Helena - cccliiij narrow + pointed German text type, notably for the length of its f+f. The paragraphs mark is fall to thin, but the nends of the curved line project unusually far beyond the upright 119 smaller text type. Three forms of A, 2 of D, + c.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


78 June 78 Madliger-Schwab Zurich $23.32 =45F Bibla Germanica (9th) Nuremberg: Anton Koberger. 17 Feb 1483 01d Testament Furgis II - CLXXXIIII Ref: Goff B632 GW 4303, BMC II 424, Hain 3137 Cop: NYPL, UNCalL, HEHL Darlow + Moule 4184. See #401 Folio, Part I 296 leaves 1-295 so mumbered. Part II 290 " 2-289 so numbered. 2 col. 50 lines + headline, 301 (315)x188mm. Types: 162 headlines (names of books) + headings; 120 text Capital apeares to woodcuts (109) The woodcuts are those of Quantell's Low German Bible. (1478-79) See #107 (the first) [inserted] Fairfax Murray #63 [end inserted] The 2nd German Bible printed at Nuremberg. There are 109 cuts each occupying e 1/3 of the page. Spaces have been provided for initials which have been supplied in red + blue. The translation is said to have been Nicolas Syber. [inserted] produced 16 editions of the Bible all but one in Latin. [end inserted] Kobergers only German cersion derived its text form Zainers 1st German Bible + it is clear that the subsegment 5 High 10th-14th [inserted] see #71 woodcuts like these in the Koberger Bible but reproduced in simpler size. [end inserted] German editors published thereafter, + before Luther followed Koberger textually. Koberger produced no less than 15 editions of the Bible in Latin.

Paralipomemon 1+2 - alternative name of 1+2 Chronicles. Koberger, Anton - printed 1471-1504

The woodcuts have been attributed to a ministurist in Cologne. They 1st appeared in Quentell's Low German Bible, Cologne c. 1479 * The Type is of especial interest as being transitional between pointed + round black letter + there "schwabacher". Updibe draws one's attention particularly to the looped d, b, h + l and the tailed f + s. *They were leased or bought by Koberger for this printing.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


All these high German Bibles translated from the Vulgate insert the Epistle to the Lasdicears after Galatians, + place the Acts next after Hebrews; + all from the 3rd onwards give the prayer of Manases after 2 Chronicles 1483 - the year Luther was born In this ed. Joseph's adventure is described as having taken place with Pharaoh's wife instead of Potiphar's wife (Genesis :39) HEHL rubicated in red + blue - my large O in red - differs slightly (84597) Die voved der bucher Paralippomemon CCLXXXV CXXXiiii -on the other side of this leaf Type 120 - German text type, cut for the German Bible of 1483 In use in 1483, 84, 88 + 91

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


78 Madliger-Schwab Zurich June 78 $28.50 = 55F The New Begining Rudimentum Nouitorum (First Lessons for Novice Lubeck: Lucas Brandis. 5 Aug 1475. (2nd press) Ref: Goff R345, Hain 4996 BMC II 550 Polain 3404 COp: Am BML (Brown Univ.) LC (R) [inserted] nubricated red + blue [end inserted] (397x296mm) Folio. 471 leaves, 11 blank, 12-446 numbered in red by hand i-ccccxxxiiij 2 col. 47 lines 286x189mm. Types 120 text (large Gothic) Large woodcut capitals to 2 maps + numerous woodcuts many repcated. Capital spaces to some guide letters. general tables 41.3cm Roschwald Collection #47 Lucas Brandis - Rudimentum - 1st dated book at Lubeck. Brandis was printinf at Lubeck as late as 1499, but his activities between 1478+1497 are obscene Mattheus - brother of Lucas Brandis. -from Delitzsch near Leipzig; was the 1st printer (1473) at Merseburg, where he issued St. Augustine, De questionibus Orosii, dated 3 Aug, and Aristotle, Lapidarius (20 Oct). In the following year he went to Lubeck

Origen (Origines Adamentius) AD 185-254 Christian scholar + teacher The earliest printed map is a traditional T-0 map in the Etymologiae of St. Isidore, printed at Augsberg in 1472 by G. Zainer The Rudimentum Noritiorum contains a description of the world which is based on Isidore + accompanied by a world map of smallest - Type + by a map of Palestine, the earliest printed regional map. - 1st is pages provide genealogical tablets. The book itself begins to a large illustrated initial B. The woodcuts vary in size but are ordinarily 80x70mm.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318
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