Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134





"second part" indicated. German Bibles 1) J Mentel in Strasburg 1466 2) H Eggestein '' 1475 not illustrated 3) J. Pflazmann Augsburg 1475 #444 4) G Zainer '' 1475/6 #107 * 5) J. Sensenschmidt Nuremberg 1476-/8 #162 * 6) G Zainer Augusburg 1477 #163 * 7) A. Sorg '' 1479 [inserted] Kolner Bible 1478 (Ruentell) (see #149) [end inserted] #135 * 8) A. Sorg '' 1480 #78 *9) A. Koburger Nuremberg 1483 #104 1494 Lubecker Bible 1522 Halberstadt Bible then Luther See #176 + #423 Muther- 1490 Schonsperger Bible 108 woodcuts are reproduced copies of those found in the cologne ed. HEHL- my leaf from Vol. I (#84879) woodcuts colored. No subrication. 8 + 10 line intiials colored not 41 initials yellow red beginning of Ruth ands gg iii (ccvii) ccv (only 3 leaves) gg.j. (of 8) Followed by De Kunig (ccviii) same woodcuts as 1487, 1507 + 1518 editions.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


72 Oct. 77 $10 UCLABookFair -Dawsons Biblia Latina (1491-1527) (156x112mm) Basel: Johann Froben , 27 Oct. 1495. 8o Chanceny GW 4275 Ref: Goff B598 BMC III 791 HC 3118 IGI 1678 Cop: HEHL, BMawnCL, DuUl Tabula alphabetica 2nd - Poor Man's Bible (150x103mm) historianum 551. See Haebla Plate 3b a-y, A-Z, An- Mm8, A-EV AA8BB4 (AA1-BB1) 508 leaves, 2 col. the Interpretalions in 3 col. 54 lines + headline + marginalia, 121(126)x75(100)mm 1986 copy $2500 Type: 86 ( med. Gothic text type), title, headlines + headings;;; 121(126)x75(100)mm. 2nd quine; 44, text (very small Gothic type in use 1491-3 + in 1498.) Nonpareil Italian not under type Capital spaces to guide letters. The headlines give the names of the books. With a woodcut on 126 (St Jerome) in his library translatign the Bible. Frebum acquired the citizenship of Basel in 13 Nov 1490 + produced his 1st registered book to date + signature, a Latin Bible, on 27 June 1491. He died previously worked for Amubach. He printed on into the 16C, beaming the chiefBasel printer. He died in 1527.

Froben - 27 June 1491 Bible - octure - H 3107 56 lines Types:44 text 125(131-2)x76-7(90)mm

Froben had for many years as associates the famous O. Egc scholar Erasmus + the noted artist Holbeim. His Bibles were highly esteemed for their accuracy. They were the 1st editions in which references to parallel passages were given throughout the volume. Froben's Latin Bibles were based on the Fontibus ex Graccis deitions. Since J Amenbach had started printing in Basel, that town had always been stronglyunder Italian influence. J Froben had worked in Amenbach's press, therefore it was only natural that he should continue the work

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


his master had begun. With the text Type of the Bible he actually set up a necnd. It is the smallest type that had ever been used in Germany in the 15th C. As a text typo, and even the Italian presses came handly boast of sucha a small size. As to its form, it is a simple Italianate type similar to those in use in Basle; it is germanized through the tendancy to ornament the letters to tooth hooks whcih are not found in the Italian models. The 2nd of Froben's 2 oculated of the Vulgate. First 1491 Froben's 1st dated book + probably his first. 27 June (See #330) A reprint of Forben's 1491 ed adding the Tabula alphabetica historium, compiled by Gabriele Bruno, Franciscan of Venice 1st printed in the 7th Sept. 1492 Venice de of H. de Paganis (Goff B 594). The Medi intellifendi seripturom of the 1491 ed were replaced by a new advertisment for the ed in 6 Latin couplets. The woodcut of St. Jerome on BB4 is original to this ed, as are the 4 Latin couplets beneath it. A table of the Principal things that are contained in the Bible, after the order of the Aphabet. "1560 Geneva Bible (metrical list summarizing the contents of the whole Bible) HEHL (84865) Rubricated in red. Table Alphabetica begins the volume (not in 1491 edition)

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


73 Oct. 77 $10 UCLABookFair -Dawsons Hemicus de Herpf (=Hem. Herphius) c.1405-d.1477-8) [inserted] the only works by Hemicus de Herpf printed during his lifetime.[end inserted] Speculum ameaorm decem praeceptorium Dei [inserted] also printed by: P Schoeffer 1474 1 A. Koberger 1481 2 [end inserted] Basel: Johann Froben 1496. 4 Ref: Goff H41 BMC III 791 HC 8526 Polaim (B) 1865 Cop: HEHL, LC 3rd edition York Cathedral L. 380 leaves, 2 col. 54 lines + headline 167(173)x111mm Types 180, title (in use 1494-5); 120 headlines + 1st line of sermons (rounded Gothic heading type); 86, headings (med. Gothic Type); 62b text (in use from 1492) Capital spaces, to guide letters. The headline give the number of commandment + of the sermon. with marginal section letters Septimo- Sermo XIX De decalogi- Precepto Forben's press reached the summit of its craftmanship in the 16th C. when Erasomus of Rottendam was working in it. At that time Froben distinguished himself especially as a printer of litergical books. printed wmore than 250 works mainly in Latin + Greek - died 1527. Basel: not more than 15000 population in the middle of the 15th C [margin] Z176 B2J6 A. F. Johnson [end margin] - a free city of the Holy Roman Empire - on the much used road from Italy through S. Germany to the Netherlands - founding of the University in 1460. - 1501 became a member of the Swiss - federation - printing introduced by Berthold Ruppel of Hanan, a pupil of Gutenberg. - Amenbach introduced Roman founts in Basel - Amenbach's death (1513) left as the 2 leading Basel printers Adam Petri of Lungendorff, a nephew of Johann Petri, Amenbach's {?} + J. Froben, also a {?} - H. Holbeim came to Basel form his native city of Augsburg at teh end of 1514 on early 1515. He was

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318


soon employed by Froben. 1517-9 Holbem waw in Lugen He returned to Basek ub 1519-26 (went to England The author, a 15th C Dutch Franciscan + a distinguished writer on mysticism, was born either at Enp,near Durem, or at Enp-Querbs, near Louvain. Henpfappears as sector of the Bretheren of Common Life, first (in 1455) in Delft in Holland, then at Gouda. In 1450 he joined the Franciscan Orfer + 20 yrs later we find him Probincial in the Probince of Cologne (1470-3), then Guardian of the Convend of Mechlin in Belgium, where he died in 1478. Herp's mystical writings (Eden, id est Paradism contemplatiuorum, Scala Amoris were composed between 1450 + 1470. Henp was especially influential in the 16+17 C, not only in the Low Counties, but also in Spain, France + Italy. He is one of the most important representatives of Dutch spirituality (New Cath, Encycl. 6 1038-9) HEHL 88178 not rubricated. Septimo 7; Sermo I - LXVII Sermo XIX (total of 2 leaves) non furtum facies: exo XX 9 Nono 7 decimo: Sermo I-V ends 2$ my leaf, I7 (of 8) Hemnicus de Herp- a sector of the Brothers of the Common Life, first at Delf as of 1455 + then at Gouda. his seconship he set up +encouraged the work most characteristic of the Brothers: book production. "Speculum amm ..." is the only one of Herp's writings to have been printed during his lifetime. Not explicitly mystical in themselves, these sermons do form the basis of Herp's mystical theology. Obedience to the 10 commandments is fundamental to progressing towards spiritual perfection

Last edit almost 4 years ago by cw057318
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