Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134



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woodcuts- nearly 2200 here including repeats, or against 1809 in the original. But the number of different blocks is probably fewer rather than greater. - For this ed all the woodcuts were recut with considerable skill. Schreyer planned a reprint to be edited by Conrad Celtis but he procrastinated + in 1497 Schoensperger issued this Latin ed. in the reduced size which was sold at a reduced price. Schoensperger even added a true title page, rare at this time.

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Last edit over 4 years ago by cw057318
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67 Oct. 77 $10. UCLA BookFair -Dawsons Johannas Friburgensis (d. 1314) (-a German author) Summa Confession [German] Trans. into German by Buchtold, O.B. -a Dominican When: Conrad Dinckmut 12 Nov. 1484 fo Ret: Goff J321 BMC II 534 Havn 7371 Pn2564 Cap: Lafayette COllege, Van Wickle Lib, Easton, Pa. Univ. of N. Carolia Lib. -literature of the confessional - for the use of priests 200 leaves 15-199 Lumbead Das J - clxxxvi blat 35 leaves of foliation, 192 (201) x 119 mm Type 109 (German text type) Capitals (2,4,5) in use from 1484-88 Dinckmut -regular actualy as a printer seems to have begun about 1482, in which year he printed at least 4 books. Dinckmut's out put become s smaller at the and of the 80's, but he was still printing in 1496 He left Ulm in 1499 same work printed by J. Schonopuger - 1489 Hain. 7374

Haebler Ulm- owing doubtless to a commiercial crisis in the 70's + continued plague in the following decade its typographical history is a rather gloomy one as Zainer, Dinckmut, Holle + Reger all of whom started doing very good press work seem in every case to have lost their capital + been obligated to give up their presses, so that by the beginning of the 16th C printing in Ulm had almost entirely ceased. Dinckmut- it may be supposed that at first he was an assistant of J. Zainer. His independence as a printer began in 1482 + till 1496 we find him carrying on his business; we know that he was a book binder also. His types show the unmistakable influence of the Augsburg presses.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Maria the Elder
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Johennes Friburgersis Summa Confessorum in vulgare translate. BMC II, 347 Augsburg, Anton Song 22 April 1480 H-C 7369 Goff J 319 1979 - 5000 S.T.

Conrad Dinckmut is responsible for 40 books, many of which are illustrated with cuts, while they get a look of profusion through the conscienceless practice of reprinting the same block many times over. -printed the German translation of the Eunuchus of Terence in 1486 An edition of the main work by the Dominican Johannes Rumsik of Freieburg. It was translated form the Latin into high German + arranged alphabetically by Berthold Huenler, established in 1304 as a member of the Dominican order, also in Freiburg. This German translation was lot printed in 1472, 4 yrs before the original Latin text "Summa" - a manual for confessors. A wide range of everyday problems are covered in the text, including medical + legal advice. John of Fribourg - Summa confessonum, "modernized" Pennyfort's classic by bringing to it the fashionable new theological distinctions of the famous Dominican doctors at Paris, especially those of T. Aquinas.

Franciscan Literature of the Middle Ages PN 682 F7F5 Huntington

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